"I don't think I'm ready for that yet," Chloé answered. It was excruciating to admit, but she couldn't.
"You won't come with me?" he asked, nearly breathless, his mouth opened in dejected shock.
"Kemal, I need to graduate. I need my final credits. Remember what I said in your class?"
"I know," he said mournfully. Then, his face lit up when he continued, "Perhaps you can come and finish your courses at Columbia!"
"Do you really think I'd get into Columbia?" she asked with incredulity.
"You could try," he said softly.
"Kemal, I need this. Not just to have a job or to say I have a degree. I need to finish this so I can trust myself. I have to believe it when I say I'll do something that I'll follow through."
"I understand. I'm sorry to have pushed you," he said, sincerely. "But I meant what I said to you last night. I do love you, seni seviyorum."
Chloé smiled with tears in her eyes.