Though she was human, they would prefer someone like Nehir who was dark-complected, brunette, with darkest-brown eyes. The Hakkan line prided themselves on their darker features since they had a darker nature. Perhaps that was a little trite, but it fit.
He caressed her cheek gently.
"Oh, your neck. We must bandage it," he said with urgency.
"I'll be easy to fix," she said with a cute grin.
He smiled at her, nodded, and then embraced her tightly for a moment. Moving back to look at her, he said, "You're too good to me. You'll always try, won't you?" He cupped her cheek.
"For you, I will."
After they found the obligatory first aid kit, they scrubbed her neck, and then took out the other healing products.
"I'm clumsy like this, so forgive me, my love," he said softly while pressing the petroleum-based antiseptic onto her. As he bandaged her, he was careful not to poke the holes with his long nails. "Does it hurt?" he asked, sounding regretful.