
"Can I have a cafe latte , please?" Vanessa asked the attendant, "with extra skimmed milk"

"All right," the attendant nodded, "kindly have your seat while you wait".

Vanessa took a seat near the window by the corner which gave her a clear view of almost all the customers in the cafe. She checked her watch to see that she still has more time before her appointment. She smiled when she thought about the adventures and benefits that await when relocating to a new city.

She looked forward to touring the city and going places, happy she was able to convince her best friend to relocate together. They would get to explore the city and meet new faces together.

Looking around the cafe, she checked out the people around her, majority are engineers just like her, which is not surprising because the cafe is close to the headquarters of her new place of work - Stone Construction Company.

She deliberately came early to explore the area, get a feel of the people who worked there and tour the area. When she got a call from her graduate school professor who later turned to a dear friend asking if she would be willing and interested to embark on an huge project, she agreed since that would give her the opportunity to explore new city, aside from working with one of the best companies in the world.

Vanessa loved traveling as much as she loved building structures, so when she thought about the opportunities the project would bring forth, she couldn't pass it up.

When her best friend and fellow adventurer was convinced enough to join her, that just added an extra thrill to everything.

Her line of work is mostly dominated by male, it wasn't surprising that the cafe was filled mostly by men in dark suits, shirts and ties. Of course there were females but not as many as the male.

The glances being thrown at her did nothing to her, it is nothing new and she can't wait to see the surprised look on their faces when they knew she is an engineer, believe me, they will.

Knowing full well that she will frequent this place every time and she bet most of the people here are from Stone Company. News have a way of traveling swiftly, especially gossips.

She still don't get why people think she could be anything but an engineer. A smile tugged on her lips when she remembered how the met her best friend in college.

"Hi, I'm Victoria, your new roommate" a petite brunette with a friendly smile stretched out her hand for a handshake.

"Hello, I'm Vanessa" she took her hand, smiling at her like an old friend, she just knew she was going to like her. Her instinct is never wrong...well, most of the time.

"You have a lovely name, can I call you Nessa?"

"Sure you can, if you would allow me to call you Tori"

"I wouldn't want it any other way" and we burst into laughter.

"I'm a writer, or better still, an upcoming writer which is why I'm taking English- creative writing as a major"

"I'm taking engineering, Civil engineering to be precise "

"What! I was about to guess that you would be taking Modelling or Fashion Design" she exclaimed, still finding it difficult to close her mouth.

She finally did and hugged her, "can't wait to see the look on people's faces when you tell them that you're an engineer with that sexy body of yours, girl" and that was the birth of the friendship between Nessa and Tori.

Vanessa had the habit of checking guys out, well, so did Tori. A trivial habit they formed to pass time during their college days when taking a stroll or laying around. It later became a full blown habit, they usually sit by the porch or wherever the mood sets in, especially the cafeteria on campus to rate men's look, a hobby they do discreetly.

Since she had enough time on her hand, with careful gaze like one studying for a test, she began scanning the people around her. It was going to be interesting since the place is packed with men of different kinds.

She moved her gaze to peruse the first person, a middle aged man in suit with a passable look in a heavy rimmed glades, engrossed with the morning paper and a cup of coffee, she moved her gazed quickly to the next person at her 3 O'clock. Being discreet and wanting to look like she was busy at the same time to avoid suspicion, she parked her long blond hair in a ponytail with the hair band she always had on her wrist, placed her MacBook on the table along with a pen and notepad beside it.

She threw the first glance at the man, a fine man at that in a navy blue checkard shirt and a light blue tie. His lips sipped the hot coffee gently, with his head bent slightly to read whatever it was on his phone, "7/10, not bad" she muttered.

Her eyes continued to tour the room till it finally settled on another man, some tables away from her. She wouldn't have noticed him if not for the large man who just vacated his seat, giving her a good view of the man.

"He's a 10!" Nessa couldn't help but said aloud, not enough to attract the attention of the woman occupying the seat behind her.

She looked at the most attractive man she has ever seen! Tour is over for today! She concluded because she will spend her time gazing at this man till kingdom come. She concentrated on discerning the fine piece of male specimen in front of her.

His short brown hair was neatly combed to the back with a stylish side parting, which ended just above his nape. She glanced further to his face, he was frowning at his phone so she couldn't get his eye colour, his chiseled jaw and stubble gave him a manly look, along with his barely visible eyebrows.

Vanessa guessed by his well tailored black suit that he's a high profile executive. Whatever he was looking at must be displeasing because his frown further deepened and muttered something like a curse. She wished she could caress his forehead to smoothen his creased forehead. She wondered how he would look with a smile.

"Common, raise your head" she urged, wanting to see his whole face, wanting to feed her eyes on his beautiful face properly. His broad shoulders gave the suit more beauty because it's the man wearing the suit that made it attractive, not the other way round.

The vibration from her phone jolted her from gawking at the gentleman, she shook her head to clear her mind off the thought clouding her mind.

She walked briskly to get her coffee, glancing at the man to check if he would raise his head but he was oblivious to what was going on around him.

She went back to my table to continue her naughty act, checking quickly to see if she still had enough time. She couldn't wait to tell Tori about the fine man blessing her view at that moment.

She sneaked a peek at the him just when he lifted the coffee cup to his mouth, "oh my" she sighed, seeing his pink lips touched the edge of the cup to sip his coffee, she licked her lips at the same time, wow!

Vanessa with a dreamy look stared at the man, he lifted his gaze at that moment and their eyes met. His narrowed eyes and clenched jaw showed his displeasure, he couldn't have know that I had been starring at him, could he?

Blown by the intense look directed at her, she quickly looked away but not without seeing his beautiful brown eyes. She schooled her features and took a large portion of the hot coffee, spilling it back and on her cloth when it scalded her tongue, "jeez" she looked around, feeling embarrassed for spilling the coffee.

She quickly dabbed her cloth with paper towel and looked at the man again but met an empty seat!

Oh God, my 10/10 is gone. She thought with a sad look.

With the little time she had before her meeting, she quickly got ready to meet the CEO. She had been exchanging correspondence with the H.R, however, she needed to meet the CEO to finalise the contract with him.


Guys, what do you think about Vanessa? *Smiles*


