Treasure Island

Roarke had been quite busy for days now, he had been extra observant of Ari, seeing how the other day after she experienced a little discomfort after being fed too much sugar by Reese, she was rubbing a specific part of her stomach.

He also noticed how she rubbed the same part last night when they were playing their usual Friday game, concerned that there might be something more to the stomach, he had asked her about it but since she's still a kid, her response wasn't too convincing which was why they're right here the next day at the hospital.

Even though her quarterly medical check up is few weeks before due, he needs to confirm that his girl is ok. He had to wait for few minutes to be attended to by their family doctor who had to cut short his vacation when Roarke called him the night before, an inconvenient which he will be highly compensated for.

He looked at his daughter who was busy drawing on her book, he brushed back her hair, bringing out the hair band he bought few days ago. Her daughter looked up at that time to see the band, "this is pretty, is it for me?"

"Yes, princess"

"Wow, I like it"

'of course, you do"

Roarke had bought the hair band out of impulse, it is similar to the ones he used to see on Vanessa's hair and wrist. Not wanting to dwell on why he had bought a similar type for his daughter, he parked her hair with it to prevent them from getting in her way of drawing.

"Ari, do you like drawing that much" he asked, seeing how she loved drawing and doodling on blank paper.

"Yes! I'll like to be a drawer when I grow up!" She announced excitedly, showing her tiny and spacious white teeth.

A smile tugged at the corner of his lips, "a drawer?"

"Yes, silly, since a teacher is someone who teaches, then a person who draws will be called a drawer?" Shaking her head, a disappointed look on her face because her daddy didn't know the logic.

Roarke laughed at his daughter, impressed that she made such logical conclusion, "you're the silly one, honey. A person who draws is called an artist" he dropped a quick kiss on her head.

"No way!" She objected, surprised that she got it wrong.

"Yes way, baby. Now let's continue the discussion later, Dr. Albert is here"

He helped his daughter off the chair, held her hand after packing her drawing materials and made way to the doctor's office.


Since school hour will be over soon and Roarke wants to closely watch his daughter himself, after the scan of her stomach which showed everything was normal, few tests were done and the result will be ready by the next day, he decided to drop by the office briefly before going home to spend some times with his daughter.

As both father and daughter stepped off the elevator, his eyes wondered around and he saw a purple pair of heels, he already knew whom it belongs to because most of his female employees prefers more comfortable footwear like sneakers. Seeing the conspicuous purple heels surrounded by other various foot wears, both male and female type, he knew that Vanessa was the one being surrounded.

He moved closer to the door to see what was going on, seeing that they were all bent over a large rectangular shaped paper, with the focused look on their faces, they were probably studying a plan, noting that she's yet to submit this week's report, he checked the time and realised that she will submit perhaps at the end of today.

"Would you like to stay here in daddy's office and wait for me to attend to some things while drawing or you'll go to the children's lounge at the end of the hall?"

Ari thought about it for while and decided, "I'll stay here to draw but firstly, I want to stretch my legs".

"Wow, kid. Where did you learn that?" Surprised that she used those words.

Showing her pearly white teeth, "grandpa used to say that when he wants to look around".

He ruffled her hair in show of affection and approval, "ok, little lady. But be careful out there, just look around quietly and don't disturb anybody " he warned.

Ari walked with purpose, knowing exactly where she wanted to go. She had seen a room painted with a different colour from others and had been curious to see how it looks.

Bearing in mind her father's warning, she stood at the door thinking about how to enter without disturbing whoever is at the other side of the door.

She knocked quietly but wasn't satisfied because it wasn't as hard as she wanted. She tried knocking harder but her little hand couldn't knock any harder, giving up on being polite and her curiousity is getting higher, she stood on her toes to grip the door handle. Happy that it was easy to grab, she pushed it in.

"Wow!" Like a kid who had stumbled upon a treasure chest, she looked around in awe at the beautiful setting of the room. Since there was no one in the room to ask permission from before touching the attractive objects, she went ahead to do just that.

Enticed by the paintings and drawings on the walls, drawn by the dancing objects which kept swinging and dancing when touched, Ari moved from one objects to another, the next object attracting her more than the previous.

"Hello there, little miss" she jumped when she heard the voice. Turning to see a pretty lady who seems to be the owner of the room, since she hung her coat on the hook behind the door.

Guilty for being caught, she felt shy and hung her head low while moving towards the lady who doesn't seem angry, her smile rather seem welcoming.

"I'm sorry for entering without your permission" she apologized.

Vanessa smiled at the little girl who looks familiar, "no problem, miss. I'm Vanessa Sloan, and you are?" She held her hand for a handshake, waiting for hermto say her name.

"I'm Ariana Stone but you can call me Ari"

Now she sees the resemblance between her and her dad, except the hair and the lack of cleft in her chin.

"Nice to meet you Ari" she smiled and ruffled her hair affectionately and Ari returned her smile.

"You office is beautiful" Ari spoke, turning in a 360 degree motion with her arms spread open.

"Thank you, you are welcome to stay and look as much as you want"

Ari's face lit up, "really?"

"Yes, really" Nessa nodded at the lovely girl.

"Ok, I will be right back" Ari announced before dashing out the door.

Her dad's warning about being quiet went out the window, she ran quickly into her dad's office to pick her drawing materials so she can go back to Vanessa office.

She decided that it will be more fun playing with those objects and drawing some, instead of being in her dad's office.

Ari barged into her dad's office, she quickly searched for where she dumped her things, startled by Ari's movements, Roarke looked up from his laptop screen, "is everything all right? What are you looking for?"

"My drawing book?" Still searching her things without giving him a glance, "it was right here"

Roarke sighed and went to her to help her look for it, he took the bag from her and brought out the book.

"If you had searched gently, you would have seen it. Besides, what do you need it for?"

It suddenly occurred to Ari that she hadn't ask him if she could stay in Vanessa's office.

"Huh, dad" he called, "can I stay with Vanessa in her office?"

Surprised that she knew Vannesa, "how did you know her and what if she is busy?"

Knowing that she might be scolded for entering her office without being told, she left out that part, " today and she said she doesn't mind"

"Oh, so you already asked her" not really bothered about an answered, "ok, I'll come pick you when it's time to go home."

"Yay!" She jumped in excitement before bolting out the door.