Girls' Night Out II

"WHAT!" the girls shouted in unison, shocked at Becca's declaration.

Becca sat back down, took a sip of her drink and nodded, "Ronald is mine" she winked at Tori.

"Holy Molly" Tori took a gulp of her drinks, wanting to hear more about the confession.

"Hold up" Serena held her hands high, "are you guys an item? Who knows about it? I'm not sure Reese does because I would have known"

"Of course Reese doesn't, if he had, the whole city would have known by now, y'all wouldn't have suspected too if not that I had to claim my territory just now"

"Interesting, wanna tell us how it started?" Asked Nessa

"It's nothing. As you all know I've been friends with the boys since childhood. I didn't see any of them as anything beyond friends until recently when things between Ronald and I took a new turn"

Becca looked at the concentrated look on their faces one after the other, they all gave her a questioned look, waiting for her to continue.

Being the least patient one among them, Tori spoke, "and?"

"That's all"

"No way! How did things go from being a friend to know? Not sure of the actual word to describe it.

"I ran into him in a pub around my office, we had a few drinks and one thing led to another and found ourselves naked the next day in my apartment"

"Dayum yum!" Serena tease.

"Keep going, baby" Nessa added.

"Well, we couldn't recollect what happened between us and we did it again to jog our memories "

"You've been a bad girl, Becca " Tori said in a sing song voice.

"I must say, it was beyond remarkable. I never knew I could be handled the way Ronald did me." Her eyes closed, like she was remembering the fateful day.


"Does that mean you are an item now?"

"That's where it gets complicated. Ronald being who he is, thinks we should take this slow and do it right. He said he doesn't want things to get too complicated between us in case it didn't work, so we should think things through before starting."

"What a gentleman!" Tori admired.

"Oh yes, he is. He's been so gentle and considerate but the slow pace is way too slow for my liking even though I understand why he suggested it"

"Awwnnnn, she's so into him"

"I am, which is why I'm going to give him a nudge to keep it moving at a faster pace"

The girls raised their glasses to cheer, "to Becca and Ronald!"

Reese entered in the middle of their gist, "hello girls" he announced, "enjoying your night?"

Tori gave Nessa a knowing look, "told you he'll come" and she nodded.

"It's girls night out Reese, scram!" Becca pointed to the door.

"Relax Becky, I'll be out of your hair pretty soon, ladies" smiling cunningly, "I just need to quickly borrow my favourite sister-in-law for a sec."

Serena rolled her eyes and dragged him out the door. Since Rena also had something to say to him as well. She had thought of a way to replace Becca with Nessa.

"I think I have a way of NOT making Becca go with Roarke but I'm still lookin for how to make Nessa attend instead."

"Excellent!" He clapped, "I'm curious, how would you talk Becca out of going?"

Serena patted his back, "don't worry about that" she didn't want him to know about Ronald and Becca, she doesn't want to be the one to tell him about them. "Think of how to talk Nessa into going, instead".

Since Becca is trying to convince Ronald to a relationship, Serena is sure she'll want to spend as much time with Ronald as possible.

The perfect solution to everything suddenly formed in her mind, she can actually kill three birds with one stone with this idea of hers. Glad that it will be the perfect idea with zero suspicion, a pleasing smile formed on her lips.

"Reese, I think I found the perfect way to make Nessa attend the event in the stead of Becca"

"Now, this is why you're my favourite." Elated by this, he gave her a thumb up, "tell me about it".

After explaining to him with a frequent nod to show he's getting along, he held up a hand for Rena to pause, "but why do we need to include Ronald in this?"

"Because Becca can't do it alone, they're both inexperienced but two heads are better than one" she explained.

With little consideration, he agreed, "uhmmm, you're right."

Serena stepped back in after ending her discussion with Reese. She looked at the girls having a good time and smile, glad I could enjoy and be myself in their midst she thought, thinking about her life before she met her husband, if she had been told she will become someone who medles in people's affair or spends quality time with friends who are genuine, she would have denied, but here she is, surrounded by beautiful people.

Becca looked at her and beckons, "come quick, Tori was just sharing tips on how to snag Ronald"

"Oh, nice", knowing she'll have to put her plans in action some other time where Becca will be clear headed and Nessa absent. She downed the rest of her glass and joined in contributing and sharing tips.


Becca looked up at the penthouse of the Stone hotel where Ronald resides, using the fact that she wasn't in a hundred percent clear headed state to think thoroughly, she decided to use one of Tori's tips tonight.

Not wanting to allow the cool breeze wipe the ridiculous stunt she was about to execute off her mind, she quickly quickened her pace and entered the building.

Tori has told her to seduce him, let him see what he was missing being without her.

All she needs to do was pretend to be wasted since Ronald is aware of the girls' outing. She would act like she was so wasted to go home and during the night when his guard is down, she should seduce him.

Tori, you're wild!

Being used to seeing her face, the workers paid her no mind, she took a deep breath as she pressed the button in the elevator to gain access to the penthouse.



