Oh oh!
Nessa thought as she watched Roarke approached his eyes darkened as he got nearer, moving stealthly like a predator. Her breath quickened, her heart thumbs with race, she held the door knob hard while her other hand itched to reach for his chest.
Roarke stood exactly in the same position as he did in his office, right in front of her, inhaling the sweet candy flavour of her perfume, does she bath with candies?
Wanting to let her hair down as he likes it, he moved closer to her, his chest tightened as he moved, wanting to see her reaction, he pulled the hair band off her hair and they tumbled down her shoulder.
Overpowered by the need to feel her locks, he gently brushed them with his finger, enjoying the smooth texture as he had imagined her hair to be.
Nessa sighed when she felt his fingers in her scalp, she leaned against the door and reached for his chest. Her hand trailed on his damp biceps.