Planning A Proposal

With just two days to plan a suitable surprise marriage proposal for Becca, everyone had been busy. First there was the challenge of how to go about it without Becca being too suspicious. As much as Ronald thought he could keep her busy, cutting her off totally from seeing the girls can't do the trick, rather, it will make it even more suspicious that something was off.

For it to seem as natural as it could and less suspicious, Nessa decided that the best way to go about it is to allow her think she was the one planning a surprise proposal since she already had it in mind to do that anyway.

All they needed to do was to go along with her plans while the boys do the major planning, in addition, Nessa told them about Tessa's latest stunt, engaging Becca fully in trying to come up with a way to get back at Tessa, doing that will make her quite busy to think of anything suspicious being done around her.