Gunning For You

Surrounded by silence just as he liked it whenever he needed to study a case, Rick looked at the white file which had been sitting on his table for some days. As much as was starting to get used to being around his family and staying in one place, something he thought would be difficult to adjust to, he had missed the thrill of teasing death by involving himself with Giovanni and his men. He had known someone dear to him must be involved to have called him desperately.

When Rick picked his call the first time, he had thought he wanted to persuade him to take up the part-time job of being one of his enforcers as he had suggested the last time, "before you ask again, I would like to honourably refuse that I'm not interested in being your enforcer"

The strain in his voice had told him otherwise, "I wish I was calling to ask you that, mio amico. At least, I wouldn't ask you what I was about to ask you now"

Rick paused, curious to know why he called then, "I'm listening then"