Aiire's Mansion
Melanie's POV
Hey, Mum, Lua.
Hey, baby sis. We're having lunch; come join us, Luabella offered.
Nah, I had a lot to eat already... I'll be up in my room, Melanie sighed as she made her way upstairs.
Lua, did something happen to Annie today? She looks unwell, Ophelia asked, concerned.
Uhmm, nothing I can think of, Mum, but I'll go check on her, Luabella volunteered.
Take some food on your way, Ophelia said as she left the dining.
Melanie's POV
Hey, Annie.
Lua? Do you need something? Melanie asked, annoyed. No, I just came to check on you and give you some food. Mum and I are worried about you; did something happen?
I'm just a little shaken, Lua, Melanie answered.
Hold on. Is that fear I see in the all-mighty Melanie Aiire's eyes?
Of course not, Melanie chuckled softly. I said shaken, not scared sis.
So, tell me, Annie.
I met an upper moon 6 today... our auras reacted violently, like we knew each other forever. Melanie answered.
Hmmm, Luabella said, laughing. Your first crush, huh?
Oh, please, Lua. He's so egotistical... typical wolf.
Wait, how do you know what rank he is, and how do you know he's a wolf? Luabella probed her sister for answers.
Who wouldn't know? He has their arrogance, their poor sense of style, and he flaunted his moons in a desperate attempt to scare me, Luabella retorted.
You just met him, and you already hate him? Is he good-looking?
Well... Melanie's pale skin blushed a vivid scarlet. Yes? Luabella laughed.
He's... a sight, a good sight. That's not why I was shaken, though, Melanie sighed.
Let me guess; you were surprised that you felt that way? Like you knew him before?
Yeah, exactly, Melanie replied. His aura felt strong and different... familiar. Like a kindred spirit.
Luabella laughed and asked, Well, miss kindred spirit, did you get his name?
Of course not; it wasn't a pleasant encounter. My demons could have fried him out of annoyance, Melanie replied, royally pissed.
Maybe next time, Annie.
Yeah, Lua, maybe next time I'll try not to give him a few loose teeth.
Melissa's POV
Hey, Luabella, wait up! Melissa called out. Hey, Lissa, what's up with you? Luabella replied. All's good. I haven't seen Annie around; didn't you come with her? No, her car wasn't in the garage when I was about to leave. She should have gotten here before me. Luabella answered with a frown on her face. I've got classes; I'm sure she's fine. I hope so, Melanie swore silently.
Aang's Hall
Melanie's POV
Annie, you're late... again, Melissa hissed as her best friend settled in next to her.
I was out looking for Aster, Melanie said, worry etched on her face. I can't find her.
Your owl? How is your owl missing, Annie?
I have no idea, but I'm so worried, Lissa. What if she dies?
Aster won't die; don't worry. She isn't your spirit animal for nothing, Melissa said reassuringly. In the meantime, grab a sword... time for practice.
Devon's POV
What's an owl doing here... it's so unsafe out here. Bro, wait up, Devon called out to Adryan.
Yea, Dev? Wait, is that an owl? Where did you get it? Adryan asked.
I found it on school grounds; it looked hungry and lost, bro, and I remembered what an animal expert you are, so...
So what, Adryan angrily cut him off. So what? This owl belongs to a witch with "M.A" initials... look, it's on the badge, and she's probably looking for it.
I know, I know, Ryan, but it's hungry and weak. Look, I just need you to take care of it for a while... I'm sure the owner will turn up soon. Devon said.
You're such a bonehead. Look, even if I was to agree, I have nowhere to keep it right now. Adryan responded.
We'll keep it with Harry till you get your bike. Please, bro, Devon begged.
Okay, okay. Stop bugging me. Adryan said as he strolled away.