New Beginning

The next day at Tadashi and Ren's mansion, all the employees began their work very early, picking up what was left over from the previous day's "party", the members of the house still did not wake up since they had fallen asleep very late in the day. Previously the hours passed it seemed that no person was going to wake up until the afternoon but they were wrong, around ten in the morning.

In the main room of the mansion, a couple woke up, they were very happy to remember what happened the day before, their family began to unite again, not in the way they wanted but they felt very happy to have them by their side again.

The first to wake up was tadashi who, when he saw his partner burned, seemed very tender to him, he watched him for a long time until he began to wake up.

_ Good morning love- he said with love to Ren

_ Good morning Tasashi- ren hugging Tadashi they were burned for a few minutes they separated to kiss and start the day