Part Truth

The water felt cold against her face as she rinsed it then wiped it off with a papertowel all the while staring at the mirror before her with only one question on her mind, "Is that guy even going to wait for me?"

She slowly walked out of the restrooms, all neat, typing something on her M.S. screen when her attention was suddenly grasped by nearby students rushing through the hallway where a big fight seemed to be occuring. She immediately lost interest and started the other way when suddenly, from the corner of her eye, she spotted towering over somebody who clearly had no will to fight. She immediately shoutted his name and started for him in a hurry forgetting to close her M.S. screen.

Akagi instantly lost interest on the prey before him and continued on his way earning a few disappointed remarks from the onlookers already recording hoping to see some action but he ignored them all and went on his way. 

Ikari on the other hand remained rooted to the ground almost traumatized by Akagi when a hand suddenly reached out and broke him free from his trance, "You've really been unlucky, haven't you dude?" Shinji said with a slight smile. Ikari let out a sigh of relief as he finally started recollevting his thoughts when suddenly a female student rushed by in the direction of the 'demon'.

Akagi walked on, his body almost on automatic as his head was clearly lost in the clouds, he seemed to be deep in thought until he took a corner and the sudden sound of shoes desperately trying to break on tiles brought him back to his senses. He reacted just in time to stop an already collapsing Ritsu. He finally looked around and realized he was just about to descend the staircase and Ritsu was going to fall headfirst. Still in shock, Ritsu took a look down the steps and could only but say, "Thank you." 

"Well I didn't have to carry you to the infirmary so I had to. I don't need your thanks." 

"But even so you still have my..."

She was quickly cut off by Akagi signaling her to keep quiet, slightly perking up perking up curiosity and a seed of fear in her. Akagi looked both ways desperately scanning for something past the storying students, far past the classes... something completely unknown to Ritsu as she could only stand next to himunsure of how to react until he suddenly said the word, "3". His mind immediately faded away to a time he couldn't remember as the sound of a bunch of children playing heartily as they sang a song slowly grew louder. His image was blurry but hthe sound was as clear as day. He couldn't make sense of the song the children sang and its rhythm but the lyrics were almost natural to him.

"Wolves stare at it, with envy they gnash their teeth,

And with adoration and jealousy, they howl at it,

High above the sky it hears their worship, but doesn't turn to them,

That is the pride, the pride clothed in white,

The pride of The Moon."


Ritsu couldn't make out what was happening as Akagi continued his 'ghost' search seeming to get more and more desperate. She tried to stop, tugging him, shaking him, calling his name... but no reply came as a few students started taking notice of this. Her heart rate slowly but steadily increased as she started panicking wondering what to do with her one and only friend until she suddenly took notice of something, right in his eye, though almost unnoticeable at first it was slowly growing, a red pigment, almost like blood. He slowly started muttering somethings inaudible at first but gradually she started hearing them clearly, "Park... Song... Kids... Moon... Moon... Moon...". He seemed to dwell more on that word as if it meant something to him. He then slowly turned almost as if in a trance and stared right at the school CCTV camerawhich just so happened to be staring right at them. Ritsu also took note of this but instantaneously brushed it off as the red pigment in his grew even bigger and bigger until she finally pulled out her last resort.

A loud sudden sound echoed across the hallway instantly silencing all the murmurs and laughs as everyone turned to its direction where Ritsu had just slapped Akagi. Akagi seemed frozen on the spot as if gradually taking in the shock of being slapped until, he slowly lost all balance and fell to the ground with a thud and a sharp ringing in his ear. He heard distant voices approaching as someone knelt next to him, his vision slowly getting blurry, as the person kept on shaking him, talking and asking him something he couldn't hear.

He finally caught sight of the translucent tube above him emitting warm white light, peaceful and serene, he simply said to himself, "It never ends, does it, cloak of white."

Date: 31 January 2066, ????

Location: ????

Specific Location: ????

"It appears he has gotten aglimpse of us. We have to be more viligant and careful next time." came a voice female. Darkness reigned with an iron fist as silence ran rumpant through the room. The only oppsotion to the two tyrants were a holographic display and before it sat someone on a chair using her phone slightly giggling. The figure then typed something on her phone, placed it on the table, arose and walked out of the room. However it appeared she had forgotten to close up the hologram which clearly showed countless CCTV footages of the school and students, however only one had been maximised to occupy most of the screen and on it was a clear footage of Akagi on the floor surrounded by numerous students.

Date: 2 February 2066, 10:47 am

Location: Infirmary

Specific Location: Ward 1, Akagi's ward

The sun's rays gently penetrated through the windows and the sheers bringing life into the room despite the sombre mood. the silence was almost deafening though slightly opposed by the humming of electrical appliances and birds going on with their melodious rhythms. Akagi lay probably unconcious on a bed and next to him sat Ritsu in pure silence just staring at him only one thought towering her mind. "IT'S MY FAULT!"

"Don't worry miss, your boyfriend will be okay." came a voice drawing her back from her thoughts and she looked up to find a boy standing at the door wearing a pair of spectacles in school uniform with a tag that read, "Ilet."

"Oh we're nothing like that." Ritsu replied almost immediately with a lifeless expression on her face. She slowly turned back to Akagi and thought, "Actually, this is the first time I've ever seen him look at peace, as if a massive load has been taken off his back, but that doesn't matter..."

"I'm sorry," Ilet started shattering her train of thought, "It's my first day at the infirmary and I'm a little on edge, so I truly apologise for the assumption."

"It's alright, everyone makes mistakes." Ritsu replied, her voice gentle but void of all emotions. Ilet immediately saw something was up and decided to take his leave with the words, "I should probably get going then." signaling his exit but Ritsu seemed a bit too concerned about Akagi's condition to even reply. The silence that followed was all consuming as the wound in Ritsu's heart slowly worsened as she continued mercilessly battering herself up in her mind until her train of thought was suddenly shattered when someone hit her hard on her head. 

"It's not your fault so wipe off those tears." came the voice she'd come to miss, however something was different. She instantly raised her visage to meet face to face with Akagi, his expression... different. Maybe she was just imagining things but he seemed... relaxed and... normal. His voice seemed to amplify her thoughts as it was no longer cold but seemed almost welcoming.

Ritsu could only but stare and manage a smile too relieved to even speak. "A little idiots dreams can't make me collapse," Akagi said as though he knew what she was thinking, "and what did I say about prying into my life?"

"But I haven't even.."

"You worried about me and tried guessing the cause of my collapse, what is that?" Akagi interrupted, under his usual cold tone it would've almost seemed like a threat but now... Ritsu saw it as something completely different. She knew deep down that despite his act Akagi had something greatly weighing him down but for some reason he was hiding it... Suddenly a hard hit on her head disrupted her train of thoughts again and she looked up to find him staring at her as if to say, "I know what you're thinking." so this time she simply smiled.

Akagi, on the other hand, had his own demons devouring him from the inside, he didn't know why he felt such a strong presence behind the camera, but one thing was for sure, there was something up with this school. He looked at Ritsu as she started chatting away some things that he didn't bother to pay attention to and thought, "She isn't much of a bother." as she continued telling him about what he'd missed and her eager plans for her future 'wishes' almost like a child describing an exciting event until she suddenly bumped some buttons on the nearby appliances instantly making his head suddenly feel lighter and dizzy. 

"Nope, she's definitely still troublesome." he thought as an enormous head ache hit him, making him slowly start drifting in and out of conciousness as a panicking Ritsu ran for any authority she could find. "Definitely more than troublesome." he thought, summoning the last of his strength to reach for a button and thankfully, his headache slowly subsided and it was then that Ritsu and Ilet immediately rushed into the room panting their lungs out.

It was after Ritsu sinerely apologized and promised not to touch anything else that Ilet left again and Ritsu, sorry for her actions , could only stare at the ground avoiding his gaze. 

"If you're going to stand there the whole day then just go back to class." Akagi said making her her raise her head to find him smiling, probably at her clumsiness, his smile warm and welcoming... "Don't look at me like that." she looked away.

"She's definitely chaos itself."

Date: 2 February 2066, ????

Location: Boarding Section.

Specific location: ????

The air was refreshing as a calming silence filled the apartment. It was rather small compared to others, probably among the least extravagant of all apartments in the school with the basic components and furniture. However, on the key holder next to the door hung a key chain of somebody with the massive inprint of the words, "CLASS - D" clearly indicating the obvious. Just as the president said, "The school not only grades you by academics but also..."

Date: 2 February 2066, 4:34 pm

Location: Boarding Section

Specific Location: Ikari's bedroom

Ikari sat on the bed while Shinji sat on the ground both staring at the massive screen before them as they engaged in a battle like no other. The silence that flooded the room was intense though threatened by the fast clicking of the buttons on the control pads firmly clutched in their arms. 

"By the way, I've always meant to ask you Ikari," Shinji started even tilting his body in an attempt to perfectly control his character against Ikari who sat calm and unshaken on the bed, "why do you have your T.V. mounted in your room instead of your living room?". He flinched as Ikari finally performed a finisher on him instantly clearing him out of the game. Ikari immediately shot up in celebration. "That's five times in a row." Ikari taunted as Shinji just watched him.

Suddenly remembers, "Oh right, you were saying something."

"Yeah, why is your T.V. in your bedroom and not your living room?"

"Well I never have anybody over and I'm mostly in my room so... plus I can always call some chick over to watch a movie until we fall asleep and that's when the real fun begins."

"Oh really, name one chick you called over.

"Oh... ermmm... what's her name?" Ikari pretended clearly scanning for a way to dodge the conversation when suddenly the door bell rings. "Let me go take this." Ikari said instantly grabbing the opportunity and rushes out. Shinji chuckles immediately realizing what Ikari had done and slowly follows, "You know I wonder how you tech geeks always..." 

He stopped as soon as he heard a voice he knew all too well greeting Ikari. He hurried to the living room and was met with a very familiar sweet scent. His eyes instinctively headed to the door where Ikari stood talking to someone, female and he shudered as soon as she noticed him.

"Oh, hi Shinji, didn't expect you to be here." Linne said smiling at him

Shinji cursed inwardly and forced a smile and a greeting as Ikari glared at him as if to say, "WHAT THE HELL HAVE I BEEN MISSING OUT ON?" but Shinji signaled him otherwise. Ikari finally turned to Linne. "So...ummm..." he started but he was already panicking wondering what to say or do because he clerly hadn't planned for this, he hadn't done his hair was one big mess, he hadn't properly cleaned his kitchen, he was in his creasy pyjamas because he had no more lessons until the next day and... SHITT!... what will she think after seeing me with another guy coming from my room....

"I came to return the jacket you gave me earlier." came her voice sweet accompanied by a warm smile as she stretched out a jacket at him. 

"Oh... your jacket... wait, my shirt... no my..." he stammered his thoughts yelling, "WHAT THE HELL AM I SAYING? I SHOULD'VE SAID SOMETHING COOL LIKE I PROBABLY FORGOT IT OR SOMETHING..." as he slowly reaches for it but she quickly retracts her arm. "Can I come in?" she asked peeking inside and immediately finds her way inside taking advantage of Ikari's hesitation. 

"Ummm sorry for the mess.... Shinji and I ermmm..." 

Shinji immediately shot him a stern look on hearing his name as he didn't want anything to do with Linne for one reason in particular, sure Linne was pretty cute, beautiful, neat, amazing personality.... but for some reason, he thought her too suspicious.

"Shinji and I were hosting a sick drinking party." Ikari finally finished trying to sound cool. Shinji facepalmed. 

"So you drink?" Linne asked intrigued

"Yeah... can't go a single day without a bottle." Ikari lied signaling Shinji for help but Shinji simply shook his head. 

"I thought all alcohols were illegal on school grounds."

Ikari stammers suddenly realizing the mistake he made, shoots a glimpse at Shinji only to find he has gone back to continue playing. "Yeah... of course they are... I knew that..."

"then how get your hands on one?"

"Errmm..." Shinki panicked eyes darting all over the place his heart racing wildly against his chest as he felt short of breath. 

"IKARI!" Shinji suddenly called from the bedroom, "please come show me how these controls work, after all you called me over to play a game didn't you?"

"Just give me a minute bro, I'll be right there." Ikari said and immediately Linne asked, "What games do you have?" slowly making her way towards the room.

"SHINJI, YOU'RE AN ANGEL!! I DON'T DESERVE YOU!!!!" Ikari shouted inwardly at the massive save. 

"Wait... ermm... you can't go in there yet." Linne turns around.

"Why not?"

"Because... because...we still haven't cleaned up after our party."

"It's okay," Linne winks at him, "everyone has there bad days, I won't mind a thing." then she proceeds into the messy room just as Shinji manages to hide his expression clearly not wanting her around. He shoots a look at Ikari asking what was going on and he immediately shrugs his shoulders saying he doesn't know what to do next. 

"Oh my God, I love this game, can I try?" she asks pointing at the control pad as soon as she caught glimpse of the T.V. "Wait, why do you have your T.V. in your bedroom instead of your living room?" she asks making Shinji shoot another look at Ikari who shrugs it off secretly making a mental note to himself. 

"If both of you are such amazing fans of the game then why don't you two play while I clean up??" Shinji asks clearly still not interested.

"Wait, can't I play against you once?" she asks pouting in a cute way, Ikari almost gets a heart attack from her cuteness but maintains his composure.

"No, Ikari is more of a pro at this and besides one of us has to clean up and I'll feel bad for making him clean up while I'm sitted doing nothing..."

"Then let's all clean up and then we play together." Lin immediately interrupted.


"Come on Shinji, it'll be fun." Ikari begged signaling Shinji that he was hoping to use this opportunity to get closer to Lin.

"Come on Shinji, It'll be much easier." Lin pleads holding his hand.

With a final look at Ikari's pleading signals, Shinji gave up and went with the flow.

Date: 2 February 2066, 8:25 pm

Location: Boarding section

Specific Location: Ikari's living room

The trio had actually cleaned up and even managed to mount the T.V. onto the living room wall and sat there playing heartily though Shinji left most of the conversations to the two as he pretended to be busy doing something else, using his M.S., reading a book,.... until Lin finally took a glance at her watch and realized it was time to leave. 

Despite Ikari's requests to stay for the night, she slowly picked up her things, put on her shoes and was about to walk out of the door when suddenly Shinji asked, "Why are you leaving with the jacket you came to return?" slightly curious of her real intentions successfully managing to hide his true motives behind a smile. 

"Oh sorry, guess I got confused a bit..."

"It's okay, you can actually keep it." Ikari came in foiling all of Shinji's plans.

"Really? But I thought it was important to you?" 

"It is..." Ikari said actually not wanting to let his favorite Jacket go, designer and signed by his favorite celebrity crush but he swallowed it all, "But you can have it, I'll buy myself another." he added, at war with his inner thoughts as to whether or not he should let go.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I am."

"Thanks, I'll keep this safe." She said and with a final wave goodbye walks out the door, Ikari escorting her and closing the door behind her.

"You loved that jacket more than your life." Shinji said calmly

"I KNOW!!!" Shinji cried almost bursting into tears as he got to his knees, "but it was for a much greater cause." he consoled himself as he got up and walked back to have another game with Shinji who sat patiently waiting for him.

"And by the way," Ikari started while selecting his character stopping to face Shinji, "What's with you?"

"What do you mean?" 

"You were quiet and weird the whole time Lin was here... is there something wrong?"

"It's nothing don't worry bro, you should instead be focused on the game because I'm really gonna whoop your ass this time"

Ikari chuckles,"You've been saying that the whole day, bro, you couldn't even if I picked the worst character here."

"Try me." Shinji says confidently

Ikari smiles as if to taunt him, "In response to your foolish confidence, I shall grant you a swift death." Ikari said trying to sound like a fancy person but they both just laugh.


The hallways were quiet, deserted and perfect lit as a nerve racking silence dorminated supported by the sound of the night critters. Mounted on strategic points all over were CCTV cameras staring blankly at the monotonous environment as if staring right through the walls. 

Slowly the monotone was broken by the sound of school shoes on tiles slowly getting louder as she approached. Linne walked on through the hallways humming a rhythm to herself, a smile playing on her face. "Today was interesting," she said, "so much to add to the book." as she walked silently almost as though she were death slowly hunting her next target.