chapter 1

James played music all his life, and he can still remember the first time he picked up the guitar. James eyed the guitar longingly, his fingers itching to feel its strings. The old man, noticing James' fascination, smiled kindly.

Old Man: "You like that guitar, son?"

James: "Yeah, it's amazing. I've always wanted to play one."

Old Man: "Well, you're in luck. How about you take it? Consider it yours."

James, stunned by the unexpected generosity, couldn't believe his luck.

James: "Really? Are you sure?"

Old Man: "Absolutely. Every guitar has a story, and I think it's time this one creates some beautiful melodies in your hands."

Grateful, James accepted the gift, feeling the weight of both the instrument and the opportunity it presented.

Many years had passed, but James still cradled that same guitar. As he strummed, lost in memories, an intrigued audience member approached.

Audience Member: "Hey, why don't you play something that's here and now? No need to get lost in the past."

James, momentarily pulled from his reverie, looked at the person with a reflective smile.

James: "This guitar holds a lifetime of stories. Let me share a piece of my journey through its strings."

The audience member, now curious, settled back, allowing James to weave the present with the echoes of his past through the melodies of his cherished guitar.

The music abruptly ceased, leaving the bar in an eerie silence as mercenaries forcefully entered. Panic ensued as the air filled with terrified screams.

Person 1: "What's happening?!"

Person 2: "Mercenaries! Everyone, get down!"

In the midst of chaos, one man's face turned pale as he realized he was their target.

Terrified Man: "No, please! It's not me you want!"

The mercenaries, cold and determined, closed in. The leader, with a sinister grin, addressed the frightened man.

Mercenary Leader: "You can beg all you want, but you know why we're here."

As James tried to intervene, a gunshot echoed through the bar, and he crumpled to the floor.

James: *groaning*

The terrified man, now on his knees, pleaded for his life.

Terrified Man: "Please, spare me! I'll do anything!"

But the mercenaries, unmoved, carried out their grim task, leaving the bar in a haunting silence tainted by the echoes of tragedy.

Chapter 1.5: James, deep in despair, wondered how his life was about to end when a mysterious voice resonated in his mind. "Do you wish to have access to power?" James pondered whether it was divine, demonic, or a test of his character. Just as he contemplated, the voice spoke again, "Do you wish to have access to power?"

Taking a chance, James hesitated for a moment before responding with a tentative "Yes." A progress bar appeared, incrementing steadily from 1% to 10%. As it reached 10%, an overwhelming sensation enveloped James, and he began to black out.

Amidst the unfolding drama, the distant wailing of sirens grew louder, and an ambulance hurriedly entered the scene. The paramedics, alerted to the unfolding situation, rushed toward James, ready to intervene and bring him back from the brink.

As James woke up, he found himself beneath an unfamiliar ceiling. Glancing around, he realized he was in a hospital room. The sterile scent of antiseptic filled the air, and the rhythmic beeping of medical equipment served as a stark contrast to the chaotic events he had experienced moments before.

1. Your Stats: Monitor your health, experience, skills, and essential information for survival.

2. Inventory: Organize and manage your items and resources crucial for your journey.

3. Shop: Utilize earned points to acquire supplies and equipment vital to your survival.

4. Summoned Allies: Unlock and command troops to enhance your chances of survival.

5. Missions: Accept challenges and earn rewards upon successful completion.



- Handguns: 50CC - 150CC

- Submachine Guns: 100CC - 300CC

- Rifles: 150CC - 400CC

- Carbines: 120CC - 280CC

- Shotguns: 80CC - 220CC

- Machine Guns: 250CC - 600CC

- Rotary Guns: 350CC - 700CC

- Artillery: 1000CC - 5000CC

**Melee Weapons:**

- Blunt: 10CC - 60CC

- Edged: 20CC - 100CC

- Pointed: 16CC - 80CC

**Military Vehicles:**

- Armored Personnel Carrier: 5000CC - 20000CC

- Armored Vehicles and Supply Transports: 4000CC - 18000CC

- Main Battle Tanks: 10000CC - 50000CC

**Sea Vessels:**

- Patrol Boats: 10000CC - 50000CC

- Frigates: 500000CC - 2000000CC

- Destroyers: 2000000CC - 8000000CC

- Aircraft Carriers: 200000000CC - 1000000000CC

- Submarines: 50000000CC - 250000000CC

- Amphibious Assault Ships: 100000000CC - 500000000CC

- Naval Supply Ships: 10000000CC - 50000000CC

- Fast Attack Craft: 1000000CC - 5000000CC

**Military Aircraft:**

- Fixed-Wing Aircraft: 500000CC - 3000000CC

- Rotary-Wing Aircraft: 300000CC - 2000000CC

- Tiltrotor Aircraft: 400000CC - 2500000CC

- Drones: 50000CC - 500000CC


- Combat Troops: 5000CC - 20000CC

- Communication Troops: 10000CC - 25000CC

- Engineering Troops: 15000CC - 30000CC

- Medical Troops: 20000CC - 35000CC

- Logistics Troops: 10000CC - 25000CC

- Intelligence Troops: 25000CC - 40000CC

- Special Forces: 30000CC - 50000CC

- Reconnaissance Troops: 20000CC - 40000CC

- CBRN Troops: 25000CC - 45000CC


James, puzzled, perused the menu, surprised to find numbers associated with various items. The term "CC" seemed to be a unit of measure, but its meaning eluded him. As he scrolled down, an unexpected revelation surfaced—CC had a value in USA dollars, and it appeared to be linked to a wide range of firearms, melee weapons, military vehicles, sea vessels, military aircraft, and even troops. The intricacies of this system left James in a state of bewilderment.

Cc exchange rate 1cc to 100 USA Dallas