A killer


It has being the craziest two days of my life, I was literally imprisoned in this house, there were security all over. I wasn't even allowed to meet Lucifer until the wedding which is today.


Grace came by yesterday with my dress, I can't lie it was beautiful. It looked very elegant and it was my size. She told me she can't wait to have me as a daughter in law. It breaks my heart I would be hurting her in this process.


I wasn't with my phone for two days because father thinks I will try and run away. Tess on the other hand didn't speak to me much, I think she is jealous of all the attention I'm getting. I didn't even care much about her drama right now, it was the least of my worries. 


I looked at her, she wore a fake smile on her face. She looked very beautiful but she wasn't happy only few could tell she was unhappy under her fake smile. She was me, the saddest bride. 


After the last time I went to their home, I was more scared of Andrea and what I saw confirmed those rumors I heard, he is a killer just like father. I can't stay in this marriage I can't even marry him.


"You look so beautiful." Mom says. "I know you didn't any this but I know he will make you happy."


"He will." I muttered under my breath. 


Tess walks into the room in her dress. 


"It's finally happening." She says. 


"Don't mind her, she is just jealous." Mom says and I smile.


It was so obvious everyone could tell, we all knew it was Tess that liked all these things, all this extravagant stuff but I didn't. To her I probably I'm lucky I'm getting married to a rich bastard but it's otherwise.


"I need sometime alone."


"Five minutes." Mom says and I smile.


I take out a bundle of money I had and put it in my dress pocket. I had also stolen some money from Lu room and I took his credit card. He is the only person I trust right now. I know I could use his credit card and he won't tell anyone about my location. 


I had prepared everything in mind. When we get to the church I will be back door when mom and Tess. I can distract mom and Tess easily. When the groom is walking in I can slip away. 


I won't be taking my phone or anything that belongs to me. 


I would be taking a cab to Lu safe house where I can get changed then I would be running some calls to get a fake passport so I can leave the state. I know Lu would be informed I'm in his house, he can only pretend not to know this information for three hours before it gets to father. I know I get everything done and be on the plane in three hours.


I just hope it's goes as fucking planned. 


"Here it's a family heirloom." Grace says giving me a necklace.


"It's beautiful grace." 


"I wore this on my wedding and so will you. Your children will do the same." She smiles 


I really hate I'm doing this to her. 


"I promise to keep it safe." I say and she smiles. 


We got to the church, father will be walking me down the aisle. I had a smile on my face. 


We got to the back room. 


"Andrea is here."


Tess walked out of the room so she could see him.


"Are you alright?."


"I'm fine mom, maybe you should check on Tess." I reply. 


"We won't want her to create a scene." I added. 


Once she got out, I got out of the room, I made sure to look around before hailing a cab. 


"Aurora." I heard Lu voice. 


I strolled him and gave him a hug. 


"I will always be there for you, if you ever need anything." He says and I smile. 


He has supported me more than anyone in the family. I love him more than anyone else. I know he will be in a lot of trouble because father will ask questions and he knows I'm closer to Lucifer, he will probably think Lucifer had something to do with this.


"Go now." He says. 


He took out a large amount of cash and gave the cab driver, we were buying his silence. 


"Don't worry about the cameras, I will take care of it." I made sure to give him a hug before leaving. 



After ten minutes I got to his house, I sneaked into the back, I went to his room and changed my clothes. I took out a phone form one of his drawers and made a call. 


This was to someone I trusted, someone I met in school that makes fake passport. 


"In an hour." I reply. 


I took out a black bag from the closet and put the rest of the money in it along side some things I could need. I also wore Lucifer hoodie so it would cover my face when I get to the airport. 


"What are you doing here?." One of the guards ask.


"Nothing." I reply, before he could say anything I snap his necks he should be out for about ten minutes. 


The cab I came with waited for me, he stayed far away from the house so the guard won't see him.


"The airport."


"Okay ma."


We got there in twenty minutes. 


I still had time before dad locks the whole city down. He was there waiting for me with my passport. 


"You are really doing this." He asks and I nod.


Frank was the only friend I made in school, someone that knew about my family and my messed up life. He was the only person I could trust back then in school. 


"Don't be a stranger." He says and I laugh.