Chapter 6

"Even if you were to murder me," she said with a steady gaze. "No matter what actions you take, your identity as a creature of terror and fear remains unaltered." Those were the precise words that Emaline managed to articulate.

As the night wore on, it became increasingly clear that she was the most reviled individual in attendance. Her transgression? Inciting the wrath of a noble vampire who was merely carrying out the orders of their sovereign.

"Be quiet," the piercing cry of the vampire woman reverberated through the dense forest. The only activity that seemed to occupy the others was a boisterous bout of laughter.

"Release my daughter at once!" Had Victor not compelled himself to rise and come to his daughter's aid, the female vampire would have persisted in her actions.

Victor, wounded and desperate, swung the shotgun with all his might at the female vampire, who had a tight grip on Emaline. Despite the force of the blow, the vampire refused to release her prey. Evelyn assisted her husband in their endeavor, yet the female vampire remained out of reach, standing beyond their grasp.

The vampire shifted her attention to the couple. Her gaze fixated on the couple, her eyes a fiery shade of red. Evelyn recoiled as the vampire's hand made contact with her cheek, the force of the blow causing her head to snap to the side.

The vampire's jaw was clenched tight, her anger palpable. Emaline felt horror as her mother let out a piercing scream of agony before collapsing to the ground. Emaline overheard her mother's anguished screams. A piercing scream escaped from Emmaline's lips. "Mom! Papa!"

Thrown with great force, Victor collided with the rear wall of his home. Evelyn bore witness to the event and let out a piercing scream.

"Victor! Victor, my love!" Emaline fought against the unyielding grasp of the vampire, her heart heavy with the anguished wail of her beloved mother echoing in her ears.

"Release me!" she cried out, struggling to break free. "You!" she gasped, her emotions are in deep grave.

"You are a monster! Release me!" she cried out, struggling against her grip. "Release my parents!" she cried out with desperation, her voice echoing through the woods.

Emaline remained unfazed by the vampire's sharp claws, which were piercing her delicate skin, particularly her neck.

At the scent of Emaline's blood, the vampires' mouths watered. The expressions of the individuals underwent a transformation, shifting from those resembling humans to those of nocturnal creatures.

Their mouths watered, leaving a trail of saliva as they gazed hungrily at the delicious meal before them. The scent of the girl's blood was peculiar, drawing their noses towards her with an irresistible pull. The aroma was intoxicating, a rare olfactory delight that only graced their senses once every few centuries. The sweet, metallic tang of blood filled the air, a scent that was both alluring and repulsive.

"D*mn! Without delay, we must convey her to the presence of His Majesty! I'm sure every vampire in this area will go after her!” At the sound of a voice, Emaline instinctively flinched.

Emaline's life hung in the balance as the vampire clutching her threatened to drain her of her precious life force. In a swift and decisive move, his fellow bloodsuckers sprang into action, seizing her before she could do any harm.

"Pia Katharina, control your hunger! If we don't offer this woman, the King will behead you!" Emaline could feel the anger boiling inside of her, threatening to spill over. She was being treated as though she were a precious commodity.

"I shall not accompany you! Just kill me!" Emaline shouted, struggling to break free.

"You, my dear, are a fortunate woman." The words had been spat at Emaline by the vampire woman herself.

Emmaline let out a derisive scoff.

"Where is the good fortune in this?" Her father's perilous predicament was a direct result of her actions. Her father was distressed. Is this vampire insane?

"Be quiet," the vampire barked at her. Emaline could no longer discern who was speaking. All she understood was that their voices were different because of their presence.

"I have complete freedom to say whatever I want! This," she declared, sweeping her hand down the length of her torso, "is my body! I am a free spirit," she declared boldly.

"No one has the power to claim ownership over me." Emaline's parents lay in contentment as they listened to their daughter. Raising Emaline was a decision they never regretted.

Nevertheless, Emaline did not feel any fear on this particular night. The vampires appeared to take issue with her spirited demeanor. The group's leader approached Emaline and struck her in the abdomen hard.

Kneeling down, Emaline lowered herself to the ground. The unexpected blow caught her off guard. "You insane woman!" The vampire emitted a snort. Emaline dropped to her knees. He went so far as to grab hold of Emaline's hair.

"Drag the other female. Just leave the man alone; he appears to be dead, and being dead implies that his blood is not tasty," he explained.

Emaline was acutely aware of the pallor that had crept over her face as soon as the vampire began to speak, even though she couldn't see her own reflection. Emaline was rendered speechless.

The world around her came to a sudden halt, as if time itself had frozen in place. Tears streamed down her mother's face. The news of her father's passing hit her like a physical blow, leaving her reeling and disoriented. It was as if the same force that had struck her had also struck her mother, rendering her unconscious and helpless.

Emaline winced as another blow landed in her stomach. The pain was excruciating, and she struggled to catch her breath. Her attackers showed no mercy, striking her repeatedly with brutal force. She felt helpless and alone, wondering when the assault would finally end. Emaline stood frozen, gaping, as another sharp pain shot through her stomach.

Emaline writhed in agony as her captors continued to subject her to unspeakable torture. Their cruel methods were intended to hasten their journey to the castle, but the young woman was on the brink of losing consciousness.

She experienced a sensation of weightlessness, as if her body had been lifted up.

“F*ck! I can't tolerate the smell of her! Cromwell." Emaline heard some say firmly, "You should carry her!" Emaline stayed still; her ears perked up as she listened intently.

She experienced a peculiar sensation, as if her body were weightless and adrift. Her body was utterly crushed, as if a bulldozer had run over her. Yet the vampires hoisted her up with ease, as if she were a mere fly.

'Papa!' Emaline's throat was raw from screaming for her father, yet no sound escaped her lips. Her strength failed her when it came to reaching out to her father, whom they had declared deceased.

Emaline sobbed uncontrollably as she streamed tears down her face due to the gravity of their precarious situation. In the not-too-distant future, she would become a vital source of life-giving blood for those vampires.

However, her blindness would render her unable to personally witness the impact of her selfless contributions on the lives of others. Emaline held herself responsible. As the vampire lifted her, a wave of nausea washed over her, threatening to spill forth from her lips. The notion of being touched by such shameless individuals was utterly repulsive to her.

Her father had been killed. Both she and her mother suffered harm. The vampires possessed no discernible sense of morality. Their actions were nothing short of heinous. Their demeanor lacked positivity. Emaline's thoughts swirled around her mind like a tempestuous storm.

"We must hasten our pace! I detect the presence of vampires. The search was on for the blood of the woman in question." Emaline gritted her teeth. She was willing to do anything to seek revenge for their actions.

Despite the turmoil within her, she remained composed, for her heart ached with sorrow for her beloved parents.

Emaline yearned to sprint back and embrace her father, regardless of his state of being—whether he was among the living or had passed on. The only thing that held any significance to her was the act of embracing him. She will embrace her father with a tight grip. Her father, who protected her to the end,

"Look at that woman! She's chewing her lower lip! She must be stopped!" As Cromwell was lifting her, someone spoke, prompting him to prevent her from biting her lower lip.

The vampire swiftly covered Emaline's mouth and bound it with a delicate handkerchief. Despite Emaline's attempt to sink her teeth into his hand,

Emaline was lifted up once more, not by any ordinary being but by Cromwell, the vampire. It was not his intention to cause her any harm, for he was a creature of great strength and control. A low murmur emanated behind their backs: "This woman is making our job difficult."

Emaline found herself devoid of any power. She finds herself unable to escape. Emaline found herself trapped in Cromwell's unyielding hold, unable to break free from his iron grip. The vampire's hold on her was so tight that she could not even budge an inch, her struggles proving futile against his supernatural strength.

Emaline had resigned herself to the fact that there was no hope left for her or her parents. Tears welled up in her eyes. The gusts of wind relentlessly pummeled her delicate features, leaving her cheeks stinging and her hair whipping wildly around her face.

The damsel in distress found herself in the clutches of a vampire who was in the midst of a hasty retreat. Her senses were heightened as the presence of the other vampires made itself known. Despite their loyalty to the king, vampires are known for their insatiable thirst for blood.

For the vampires, blood was the ultimate prize, and they would stop at nothing to obtain it.

"I've already sent messages to the palace; the King is away, but we can imprison these people while we wait for the King's decision." Emaline yearned to listen to their conversation further, but she found herself entranced and in need of a moment to catch her breath this evening.

After the tumultuous events of the evening, Emaline's entire being appeared to surrender to exhaustion, allowing her to finally find some much-needed respite. The mere presence of it causes the vampires to flee in terror.

Emaline's mind gradually shut down, and she drifted off into a deep slumber. She found herself transported to the realm of her dreams, where the man who had always filled her nights awaited her. However, this particular night was unlike any other.

As the man drew nearer to Emaline, she instinctively retreated a step.

"Don't! Stay back!" she exclaimed, her voice trembling with fear. The words pierced through the air, heavy with accusation and pain. The young woman's eyes blazed with anger as she confronted the man before her.

"My father was killed because of your race!" she declared, her voice shaking with emotion. The woman was unable to catch a glimpse of the man's countenance.

Despite the ethereal nature of the experience, tears streamed down her face. "What do you mean, my beloved?" Emaline found herself in a dream where her physical limitations no longer held her back.

Despite her blindness in the waking world, she was able to see and experience the vivid imagery of her subconscious mind. With the exception of the gentleman's countenance, she was able to perceive every detail within her slumbering mind.

Emaline fixed a steely gaze upon the man with the crimson irises as he attempted to draw near. "I warned you to keep your distance! The impact of your race has been felt deeply by not only myself but also my parents. The mere presence of you or any of your kind is utterly intolerable to me!" In the depths of her slumber, Emaline's voice reverberated with a haunting quality.

Surprise overtook the man. The rejection left him feeling hollow, as if a vital part of him had been stripped away. Perplexed at first, he soon came to realize what was transpiring. The object of his affections had fallen prey to a vampire's vicious assault, and he was nowhere to be found to shield her from harm.

No matter the actions of the man, Emaline remains resolute in her determination not to succumb to his desires. She lingered in the recesses of her subconscious, weeping and mourning the loss of her beloved father.

Emaline couldn't help but flinch at the slightest movement from the man. The dissatisfied man in her dream left an indelible impression on her psyche.

He stood there, a helpless witness to the tears of his beloved. Despite his fervent desire to provide solace, he found himself unable to offer any comfort. Should he attempt to do so, she would be consumed by a potent mix of anger and fear toward him.

He was rendered powerless, unable to do anything but gaze upon her as she wept and murmured phrases that only served to intensify his yearning for her company.

The man gritted his teeth in a fierce scowl as he raged against the person who had harmed his beloved and her family.

He was powerless in this dream, forced to watch as the girl slipped away from him. Excitement coursed through his veins, yet he found himself unable to approach her. His jaw dropped in stunned silence. He was consumed with the desire to locate the woman and exact vengeance on those who had dared to harm his beloved queen.

Messing with his beloved was a mistake they would soon come to regret.