Chapter 22

"Are you kidding me? My parents would never do such a thing! All they yearned for was a life of tranquility and serenity!" Emaline and Alaric occupied the drawing room. The woman had been successfully treated, and the poison had been cleansed from her system.

She fixed a piercing gaze upon Alaric, despite her inability to discern his physical presence, as he emitted a deep, audible exhalation. They stayed alone in the room, the only two souls permitted within its walls. No other person was granted entry. Agitation coursed through Emaline's veins.

She persists in tugging at her locks. Relief washed over her as she beheld her father, alive and well. Alaric had imparted those words to her with the intention of alleviating any concerns she may have had about their well-being. However, she found the man's current argument to be nothing short of absurd.