Chapter 27

"It appears that you are in a favourable disposition, my liege," spoke the courtier. Alaric gazed at Horacio as he uttered his words. His faithful friend beamed at him, causing him to roll his eyes in


"And so," he asked, "what precisely is your point?" Alaric aid, noticing the anger in his king's voice as he was addressed.

Horacio furrowed his brow and absently scratched his head. He had been standing before Alaric in the grand office for what felt like an eternity, yet the king remained aloof and unresponsive. As Horacio managed to capture the attention of his king, Alaric's piercing gaze bore down upon him. Horacio instinctively raised his hands in surrender, despite his innocence.

"Pardon my impoliteness, Your Majesty, but I am absolutely thrilled for you and the Queen. Please do not harbour any anger towards me," he pleaded with a tremble in his voice. "The entire palace is aware of your completion of the beloved process with the Queen," Horacio stated.