Chapter 38

Emaline enveloped Alaric in a warm embrace. With a heavy heart, the rebels laid down their weapons and surrendered to them.

However, the fate of the vampires who had been subjected to cruel experimentation was far more bleak. They were mercilessly slain, their lives snuffed out without a second thought. The rebels could only watch in horror as their former allies were ruthlessly executed before their very eyes.

As a punishment for their alleged madness, the flames consumed their bodies. Alaric had no choice but to take action, for he feared the harm they might inflict upon the innocent. After much negotiation later, Alaric struck a deal with the human politicians. As a result, the rebels would soon be released from their captivity.

“Oh God!" Emaline embraced Alaric tightly, her heart still racing from the terror she had just experienced. "I thought I was going to die," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion.