
“Emaric Alline Bathory!” Emaline yelled at the child after Horacio picked him up in the human world.

With a furrowed brow, Emaline cast a disapproving gaze upon her son. The woman stood in the tunnel leading to the human world, her heart heavy with anticipation for the arrival of her only child.

The young lad, merely ten years old, nibbled on his lower lip, a sign of his inner turmoil. He knew that his mother would scold him and that his father would punish him.

Horacio picked up the child with the Blood Faction, who was guarding the mother and son. Alaric is at an important meeting with the nobles.

She exclaimed, exasperated. "I've warned you countless times that the tunnel is off-limits to minors. When will you finally understand?" Emaline's eyes narrowed as she chastised her son. The young lad lowered his gaze and remained silent, for he knew deep down that his mother's words held truth.