Cold & Death are friends

Eight police vehicles filled with men from the Nigerian police force had arrived on the scene blaring sirens as if there had been a fire accident. Three Military vehicles also arrived at the scene not too long after. 'Raheem' was livid with anger. He had been worried that something might go wrong.

He had been on this mission for about three years and two months. It was his first field mission since he joined the Nigerian Intelligence Agency 4 years ago. His mission had been to infiltrate an arms-dealing group in Port Harcourt. The government had been worried about how the Militants in the Niger Delta had been smuggling arms into the country without getting caught.

The agency had been trying to find a perfect person for the operation. His profile fitted well into the need. He had grown up in nearly all regions of the country. His father had served as a police officer and was constantly being transferred while he was growing up.

In all the places he had been to, he had lived a minimum of 3 years and he had been privileged to learn the language. He had learned to speak the Ikwere language and since the agency didn't want to use a local asset, he was brought in from Lagos to do the job.

Audu, who was initially meant to carry out the task had been very instrumental in helping him build his cover. It took a year to finally get the 'Vulganizer' to trust him. It had been three long years. He had previously moved to Eleme in porthacout a year before the operation, to build his cover.

He had been set up as a mechanical engineering firm owner and he had his office was situated in Garrison. His parents were from bonny Island and had died several years before, in a struggle against the government.

Vulganizer as he was fondly called among his men and associates was the head of the arms group he had been able to infiltrate.

Although there were several other arms groups that came to light once his operation began, the agency had been able to identify only two at the time of the start of his operation. One was led by a popular militant known as 'Tampiko' and the other was led by a budding smuggler known as 'Kabari' it was however the 'Cold & Death' arms group that he was able to easily infiltrate.

It was about a year after he had settled into his new identity when one day, there had been a bank robbery in Port Harcourt city.

The police had confronted the robbers in a bid to halt their operation. Offices and shops were closed as everyone ran to safety. Fierce gunfire exchange had taken place as the robbers had seemed to have superior fire power.

Just as the police were about to retreat, a military contingent had arrived from the army 5th battalion to give the police unit supports. The robbers, seeing that the military had arrived panicked and were going to abandone their mission. Four of them had already been killed by bullets from the firing policemen and soldiers and the remaining seven of them needed to run away alive.

Few minutes after, the fierce gunshots had subsided but intermittent gunshots had continued. The police and soldiers were careful to pursue the seemingly escaping robbers as they had approached carefully.

The robbers had withdrawn from the main road which led to the bank to quickly get into the streets and disappear into the neighborhood and find their way back to their base.

The robbers had however needed a place to conceal their weapons and hide. Raheeem who had been watching the scene from his office window had seen them approaching and had quickly opened his office door and offered to take them in.

The robbers had been skeptical at first but had little time to consider their skepticism. They quickly entered his office, seven of them and he quickly grabbed their weapons and concealed it inside mechanical equipment inside his office.

One of the robbers, 'Gunpowder' was really skeptical but 'Raheem' had managed to take the side firearm from him and kept it in his locker. The men had quickly cleaned themselves up and had changed to mechanical robes inside 'Ebiye's' office. They were ready for whatever comes.

The soldiers and the policemen had moved forward quickly and started a door to door search of the neighborhood. Soon the entire neighborhood was filled with men of the Nigerian Army and police.

Raheem had attempted to go outside to see what was happening. The robbers had disagreed between themselves about letting him out because of the fear of him running off to bring the police and soldiers to them.

However, 'Gunpowder' who seemed to be the leader of the gang agreed to go outside with him.

Raheem and 'Gunpowder' had gone outside together to witness the aftermath of the robbery. They walked up towards the road and they could see several stop and search points around. More police officers and soldiers were going from door to do searching.

Raheem had told gunpowder to allow them go through the stop and search point and see how the search would go. Gunpowder had first worried but agreed.

Raheem and Gunpowder made for the checkpoint. Gunpowder had been drenched in fear with sweat dripping all over his face like as if he had just come out from a swimming pool.

As they had reached the checkpoint, a police officer stopped them and asked them in pidgin:

"Who Una be and where Una dey come from?" (Who are you and where are you coming from?)

Raheem had quickly responded " My name na Ebiye and I be mechanical engineer". (My name is Ebiye and I'm a mechanical engineer)

He brought out his wallet to show them his business ID and complimentary card.

" Na my worker be this. Na my office they down there". (This is my fellow worker and my office is down the road), pointing to the direction where his office was.

Gunpowder had stuterred to even say his name. They had been searched by the police officers and soldiers before they were allowed to go through.

He had quickly suggested to gun powder that it was impossible for him and his gangs to escape together at the same time and that they had to go separately.

Gun powder had agreed and had asked him how he intend to get his boys out before the police reached his office and find them there. He had told Gunpowder not to worry and that he was going to get them to safety.

He had made sure gunpowder got on a bus leaving for the vicinity and had watched the bus leave before turning back to head for his office when his instincts had reminded him that this might be an opportunity for him to infiltrate a criminal organization. This was based on the calliber of weapons he had seen with Gunpowder and his men. They were military grade and foreign made riffles and Rocket grenade launchers.

He had decided to call his colleague and handler, Audu, to inform him of his plans to help the criminals escape and that he needed help from the agency so that the police and soldiers won't interfere.

The police were soon approaching his office and he hadn't gotten the go ahead call from Audu. Apparently, his superior had to check with theadquarters in Abuja to give go ahead for the mission.

Raheem had panicked as the police and soldiers were only one shop away from his office when the call came in.

" you have permission to carry on" Audio had said to him over the phone. He had quickly rushed to the commanding officer of the soldiers on ground and informed him of his real identity.

The captain soon got a call from the Commanding officer of his base and the issue was quickly clarified. The head of the police had been asked to withdraw his men from the scene immediately while the soldiers took over fully.

There had been a little bit of frenzy between the police and the soldiers before the piloce finally drove off.

Just as the soldiers reached Raheems office and started banging the office door, Raheem had gotten there and immediately informed the men that he was the owner of the office and that his workers were inside because he locked them inside.

" Oga open this door now before I blow off your brain " the soldier who had led the search to his office had yelled at him with several Alexander Kalashnikov 47 rifles pointed at him. Raheem had wondered if the soldiers were not already informed about his operation.

He had been worried that the robbers in his office might have picked up their guns from where he had hidden it to defend themselves.

He had been concerned that there was going to be a gun duel and he might die in the process. He had quickly opened the door in panick and dismay.

The soldiers, on getting into the office found 6 men lying down to the ground on their faces and screaming "Oga please don't shoot us o"

"Na Una be the robbers Abi? God Don catch Una today" one soldier had said. (You are the robbers right? God has apprehended you today)

Raheem had tried to intervene: "No ooooh!! Na my workers be this oga. I be mechanical engineer and this na my staffs. This one na…"

(No sir! This are my workers sir. I am a mechanical engineer and this are my staffs)

"Shut up your mouth! One soldier had screamed. "Kneel down there!! You born bastard " the soldier shouted before throwing a punch into Raheems face.

Just as this was happening, the captain had came in and asked what was going on. One soldier had quickly said " Na the robbers be this oga" (these are the robbers sir)

and raheem had quickly responded "No sir o. Na my workers o. My name na Ebiye and I be mechanical engineer. These na my staffs. This one na Friday, na my plumber.." as he pointed to each of them knew after the other. "This one na Eberechukwu, na my Electrician be this, this one na…." (No sir. These are my staffs. I am a mechanical engineer and these are my staffs. This is Friday, he's my plumber,….these is Eberechukwu, my electrician and this is..)

" Okay Mr man. Let me see your ID please " the captain had responded. Raheem had quickly brought out his cover ID and the captain had inspected it thoroughly before handing it back to him.

"The rest of you, where are your ID's?" the captain had asked. The robbers who had been lying on their faces, shivering on the floor didn't utter a word.

Raheem had been surprised as he looked at the captain in disbelief, wondering if it was the same man he had just had a brief with or someone else. He had quickly answered " Sir na my boys be this I tell you sir. We just Dey do meeting about how we go take do our company ID card before the robbery started oo" (I tell you sincerely sir, these are my boys. We were just having a meeting about how we were going to get them the company IDs before the robbery started)

"You sure say these ones no be robbers?" (Are you sure these ones are not robbers?) the captain had asked and he had responded "No oooo. God forbid Sir ".

"Good!! Let's go boys. These man is a businessman. Leave him alone. " The captain had said to Raheem's relief.

" Oga these men are dangerous looking men oooo" one soldier had uttered but the captain had quickly rebuffed him and ask them to leave.

As soon as the soldiers had gone, Raheem or Ebiye which was his cover identity then had immediately ordered the men to get ready to leave in batches. Raheem had quickly escorted two of them out of the office to the bus stop. As soon as the two had boarded a bus and took off, he had quickly gone back to get another set and then the final two.

He had given his phone number to Gunpowder to call him once the boys had arrived.

Once the situation was over. He had found out that three policemen had been killed in the shootout and one soldier injured. He had felt so sorry for the police officers who lost their lives just before Captain Christopher walked up to him and said

"I hope your operation succeed, otherwise, these men would have died in vain". He had been so sad but had been optimistic that his operation would lead to a better outcome. Both for the country and for the family of the slain ex policemen.

After that day, he had waited 4 weeks after before receiving a call from Gunpowder. He had began to wonder if the police officers had died in vain and his instincts were wrong. He had though about how things must have been going with Gunpowder and his men.

He was sure that they had escaped because he had personally made sure they got through the checks unto vehicles going away from the crime scene.

It was one evening, four weeks after when he was preparing to close from his office that he had received a call from a strange number:

"Hello my brother. How you Dey?" (Hello my brother! How are you?)

He was about to enquire who the caller was when he had heard,

" This is your brother Gunpowder".

He had screamed "Ehhhyyyyii!! My mannnnn! Why you con do me like this? Since one month now I no fit sleep, I no fit rest. I just Dey worry worry about you and my other brothers. " (Eh my man. Why did you do this to me? Since one month, I haven't been able to slee or rest. I've just been worried about you and my other brothers)

he had said to Gunpowder that evening. They had spoken at length and had decided to meet somewhere in Delta State where he would later meet the rest of Gunpowders men.

Gunpowder and his men had shown gratitude to him when they reunited. They had asked him why he had tried to save them during the robbery and he had told them he was happy that they were Stealing from the government and not the people.

That if they were stealing from the people, he wouldn't have helped them. He recognized they were men of the Niger Delta and they were his brothers. So he wanted to help. And besides, his entire family had been wiped out from the face of the earth by the government during the 'Udi massacre'. He was eager to have his revenge.

Apparently Gunpowder had delayed making contact with him all the while. They had engaged one of their members to be spying on him for a month just to ascertain his real identity. Having found him cleared, they had decided to make Contact.

Raheem had later found out that the crime family Gunpowder belonged to was larger than he thought and was more involved in arms dealing that he had earlier imagined.

He had kept in touch with gunpowder and his men for six months before he was being called up to help them carryout an operation.

There had been an expatriate kidnapping on an Island in the southern part of the country and the men needed to move weapons differently from the "cargo", a French National working for Totale oil.

He had to travel to Nembe to pick up a cachement of weapons and transport them to Yenegua in Bayelsa state. And since after that, everything changed for him.

He was later going to work for them for a period of one year and 8 months, smuggling arms through several states in the South-South and South Eastern part of the country for gunpowder until he met his boss, 'Vulganizer'.

Apparently, the name was popular among crime syndicates in the southern part of the country. Although he had been working with Gunpowder for over a year, he wouldn't get to know their operational tactics until very much close to 2 years.

He was never brought to the table. He had one time pressed Gunpowder to bring him on to the game. But gudpowder had told him he was better of being the transporter as he was beginning to be called.

How he had met vulganizer was a miracle. A new catchment of arms meant for a different client in the northern part of the country had just been shipped in and Vulganizer needed to deliver to his client in Damaturu Yobe state.

The mission was a risky one and no one close to Vulganizer could be engaged in the operation. Gunpowder had mentioned it in one of his conversation at their last meet.

He had called Gunpowder 3 weeks after, to inform him that he was ready to do it. Gunpowder bad refused but he had convinced Gunpowder with a fantastic plan.

826 pieces of AK 47 rifles had been smuggled in. But the risk of getting them out with military checkpoints everywhere was hindering the transportation. There had never been a large shipment like that before.

He had told Gunpowder that all he had to do was learn how to drive a petrol tanker. They would purchase a petrol tanker and fill the truck with sand and transport it as fuel to Damaturu from porthacourt . All they needed was a way bill from a fuel depot. In the fuel truck, they would load up the weapons after putting them in a trampoline bag so that the sand wouldn't enter the weapons. Then he would personally drive the truck to the destination.

He had called Audu, his handler, a week before, m to inform him of this proposition. His bosses had refused to agree at first stating that the number of weapons being transported was enough to form an "army". At the long run, it was agreed that he should proceed with his mission.

Gunpowder had told Vulganizer about the plan and it was agreed upon that 'The transporter' as he was fondly called or 'Ebiye' which was is cover name, should engage in the mission.

Two million naira cash had been given to him cash to execute his plan. Vulganizer had expected a slim margin of success but had agreed at the behest of Gunpowder who had risen in ranks through the successes of his many operations thanks to the transporter.

Raheem had successfully transported the merchandise from Porrharcourt to Damaturu, clearing all military check points with the help of Audu and the agency.

Words had gotten to vulganizer which made him so impressed and sent for Ebiye. As soon as Ebiye had met Vulganizer, he had become a member of the planning and execution team of the group which was called "Cold & death".

He and Vulganizer would later become good friends. Vulganizer himself, who had been educated in Europe had found him to be highly intellectual. They would enjoy each others company for about 8 months.

While planning operations, vulginazer would tease him that God created 'Raheem' for this life. He had once asked Vulganizer why the organization was called cold & death.

"Here my friend" Vulganizer had answered, handing him a bottle of beer. " We say that our hands are cold and our hearts are dead, to remind ourselves that we are already dead. No matter what we do. So that way, we will be as cold as death" Vulganizer had retorted.

"You must have no emotions for the government. And No fear for death, otherwise, you can't be here". Vulganizer had added.

Meanwhile, the agency had been pressuring him to complete his mission so that the vulganizer and his men could be arrested, which would lead to the arrest of other syndicates.

He had pleaded with Audu to help him delay a bit further. There was an upcoming operation and he was going to meet more players in the arms dealing business other than Vulganizer and he was looking forward to that.

He had promised that he would get more details of the operation and relay it back to Audu. They had agreed and Raheem soon found out about the upcoming Operation.

Vulganizer was trying to meet a new arms-dealer from Europe who will be bringing in some military grade heavy weapons through the waters from the gulf of Guinea. Vulganizer was planning expansion. He was aiming to beat Kabari and Tampiko to become the most feared and revered name in the arms dealing business in the region.

The meet was to take place in the creeks as usual but a different location. The location had been abruptly changed because of the Nigerian military operation 'Pullo shield' which was aimed at combatting oil theft, militancy and kidnapping which had begun in the region.

Seeing that moving about on the waters was not safe, they had changed the location for the meeting to somewhere in Brass area of Bayelsa state and he was yet certain about the final location.

He had informed the agency already about the plans and it had decided that it would be more befitting to arraign the foreign arms dealer alongside vulganizer.

A plan had been set in motion to arrest Vulganizer and his new business partner. Ebiye was to wear a tracking device which will lead the agency to their location.

The agency's Forward operating team in Bayelsa will be on standby and Raheem was to confirm once all parties are on sight and the meeting had commenced.

Ebiye was to call a number and say " i'll call you back oga Ebuka."

This was to serve as the secret code to ask the military force to engage. The forward operation was supposed to be led by Audu who was from the porthacourt office of the agency at the time. However, the Yenegua office insisted it had a capable agent who could execute the operation. And so Emeka was put forward for the task.

It was on a Thursday morning in a church building where the operation was going to take place. Vulcanizer and a handful of his men alongside Ebiye were to move in quietly into brass as Catholic priests.

As soon as they had reached the town, they had located Saint Anthony Catholic Church, and were soon to be joined by Mr Tobias Grift, an european who also happens to be captain of a ship used to illegally transport crude from the Niger Delta region to Europe.

Grift who was also an arms dealer had wanted to make a deal to supply more arms to Vulganizer on the conditions that Vulcanizer would move hard drugs for him in Nigeria.

After about 30 minutes of waiting, words had reached vulcanizer from some of his men who had been spying the roads that Mr Grift was coming towards the church.

Dressed in a priestly robe himself, Grift was with 4 others in a car. As soon as Grift alighted his car with his men, Ebiye had quickly made the call to Emeka. " i'll call you back Mr Ebuka. Please. Thank you".

Vulcanizer had taken his seat on the pulpit, right where the priest sits during Mass. While the meeting was taking place, Ebiye haf wondered why it took too long for Emeka to storm the church with the 'Calvary'.

He had taken out his phone again in an attempt to make a call when he started hearing sirens from afar. He had quickly informed Vulcanizer who immediately stood up from his seat as they began to make for the exits.

Gunshots were soon heard and a fierce gun battle had begun just outside the church.

Ebiye had grabbed vulcanizer by the shoulder and asked him to follow him while Grift and his men were to find there way out on their own.

Vulcanizer had brought out his side arm, a 16 millimiter Glock and was ready for whatever comes.

Just as they had stepped outside the building, a stray bullet had hit Ebiye on his right arm as the firing intensified.

Vulcanizer had quickly made for the run, leaving behind Ebiye who had fallen to the ground after being hit.

While on the ground holding is right shoulder in an attempt to stop the bleeding, he had seen eight police vehicles arriving the scene as well as three military vehicles.

He had seen Gunpowder lying lifeless on the ground. A body whose head had been blown off into unrecognizable pieces was lying next to Gunpowder's.

He could tell that it was Egudu's. Egudu was Gunpowder's younger brother. While in pain, he had looked around only to find Vulcanizer no where around.

His anger had became even fueled by the fact that he could have been killed in the shoot out. Just before he was able to sit himself up against a car packed outside as the gunshots subsided, six mobile police officers had walked towards him with their guns pointed at him.

He had wanted to inform the policemen of his identity but had thought it was better kept uncovered.

He had been arrested and just as he was being moved into the vehicle for transportation, Emeka had showed up and exclaimed a sigh of relief. "Oh Thank you, Jesus" Emeka had said. He didn't know what to say to Emeka. He only got angrier the more Emeka kept talking.

The vehicle soon started moving and he had been receiving medical care in the ambulance before dozing off.

He had woken up in an hospital ward to find Audu in the room. He had been surprised that Audu was there.

" Ahh!! My man is awake" Audu had said to him. He had smiled and asked, "Vulcanizer?"

"He was apprehended. Apparently, Emeka had men of the Nigerian Army everywhere in town dressed as civilians. As soon as Vulcanized and the foreign dealer was sighted thanks to the pictures of him you got , he was quickly apprehended. But not before shooting at two of the soldiers. You did well Ebiye. " Audu had responded.

Ebiye had breathed a sigh of relief. He had remembered seeing Gunpowder and his brother Egudu lying lifelessly on the ground.

He remembered his anger towards Emeka.

"I could have died there too you know? " he had said.

"Thank God that you didn't my friend. Emeka had thought you would have found a way to leave the scene before calling him which was protocol. He was surprised himself to find out that you got caught up in the fire. "

"I'll see you later in the day for your debrief my friend" Audu had said before walking out of the ward.

He had smiled and wondered what could have happened if he had died. He remembered what Vulcanized had once told him. "Cold and Death are friends".

He could here a bang on the door. The bang was so loud that he made an attempt to stand up from his sick bed only to find out that he was lying on a bed in an hotel room. He was in room 404 inside hotel 17th. He had been dreaming about his last operation all the while. It was not the first time he had dreamt about it. He got up from the bed and made for the door. Musa was standing there.

"I've been knocking for more than 5 minutes now. Are you alright?" Musa said to him as he walks into the room.

"I'm fine Musa. Thanks". Raheem responded.

"You're late Raheem" Musa said. He took a glance at the wrist watch on his left hand and found that the time was very much past 10:00am.

"I'll just freshen up and I'll be out. I promise you we won't be late for the briefing."

Raheem enters into the bathroom and soon he was out. He hurriedly dried himself up and got some new clothes from his backpack and was good to go.

They soon left the room and were at the reception. He was hoping to meet Aisha. He had thought about her before he sleeping off but instead, a young bald man, Haruna, was the reception on duty for the day.

Aisha would take over at night. Haruna offered to take the room key from Raheem so that room service could tidy up. He quickly handed him the key as they hurriedly left the reception and exited the lobby.