Chapter 75: Naughty Boy (18+)

I woke up to a tapping sound coming from the window. I propped myself up on the bed. I could see the silhouette of… something through the curtain.

"Erm." Sterling groaned as I crawled over him to get off the bed.

I stretched as I walked to the window. I opened the curtain and saw a yellow Etamor pecking at the glass. "Oh." I thought and opened the window. It puked out a box and flew away. The yellow Etamors' mouth uses spatial magic, so you can't even tell that they're loaded. It was gross. I opened the sealed package, which protected the box from the bird's fluids, and took out the box. It was the same preservation box Garth had bought. I opened it and found the [Fear Eyes] skill book. "Dammit, I told him to send me a list." I had specified to the chubby fairy, Jarl Orangesnow, that he should send me a list of items he had and that I'd pick from them. Instead, he'd simply sent me [Fear Eyes]. Not that that's bad… There was also a letter inside with a simple message, 'send more.' "He wants more sweets… He didn't even specify what he'd give me in return." I sighed. And as I turned to the bed, I said, "Sterling, you might have to go shopping again." Sterling pulled the sheet over his head, refusing to get up. Otto got off the bed and moved droopily to the bathroom while scratching his butt. "Actually, never mind, I'll send him a letter by itself. Maybe that'll get him to read it. Because it looks like he just ate the sweets and didn't read the letter."

"What are you talking about?" Otto asked from the bathroom. "Are you talking to yourself again?"

"Ah… Yeah, I guess." I put the box down on the bedside table and flipped the bedsheets to find my clothes.

"Eeerm." Sterling groaned and pulled against me to hide under the sheets.

I found my shirt and pants, but, "Where's my underwear?" Otto strolled out of the bathroom, dropped to the floor, reached under the bed, and pulled out my panties. He held up my underwear, then disappeared into the bathroom with it. "Hey, give it back." I followed him into the bathroom.

"No, put on a new one." He said, throwing it into the pile of laundry. "I have to wash that one."

"You wash it? What's Garth doing?" I asked, putting my arms akimbo.

"Yeah, we wash our clothes."

"What about Garth?"

"He has a lot to do already."

"So he pushed it onto you guys?"

"No, we asked."


"Didn't we already tell you? I feel like we already had this conversation."

"I don't think so."

"Hmm… Déjà vu…" He said.

I slipped on a new pair of panties and thought I should work on the bracelet of eros today. There were 3 unworked bracelets in the safe. I thought about working on them in the upstairs office since the lab will be busy. Plus, I didn't want to show my assistants everything… There were quite a few things I didn't want my assistants seeing. I'll have to work on them after they leave. "Eeer." I quietly groaned as I thought about the long nights I'll be having for the next few weeks.

Otto heard the sound of the wall opening and came out of the bathroom to check. He looked at the safe, then at me, and commented, "Make sure you put on a shirt; not everyone wants to see your boobs."

"Shirt… You need to wear a shirt," I absentmindedly remarked as I went into the safe to get the bracelet.

"Of course, I will. Do I look like a thot?" He said.

"Thot? What's wrong with stud?" I mumbled as I came out of the safe with the bracelets. "Kids these days. The language keeps changing…" This world's common sense dictates that it's fine for everyone to wear no tops at the pool, but everywhere else, a man would be considered a thot, and a woman would be deemed uncivil. I looked him dead in the eyes and said, "Not everyone wants to see my boobs? That, coming from a man who was sucking on them like a thirsty pup last night."

"You- you-" He blushed and nervously fumbled for his words. "You were- You were sucking on this," he pointed at his peen, "like a- like a that!" He sounded like an idiot. He was flustered. It was a rare look for Otto.

I put away the bracelets, smirked, and proudly said, "Yeah, I was." As I slipped on my pants. "Guilty as charged."

His face grew red as a tomato. It looked incredible on his tanned skin. "Tha- that… Err," he grunted. "I didn't say I had a problem with them." He muttered as he marched back into the bathroom.

After putting on my shirt, I went back into the safe and got my inscription needle and everything else I needed to work.

Otto came out of the bathroom while I was closing the wall. He refused to make eye contact with me as he slipped on his underwear. But as I left the room, I said, "I'm going upstairs to work. Come get me when breakfast is ready."

"Okay." He answered.


Susie, Maura's daughter, came to get me; she was a maroon-haired girl with two ponytails. Red freckles covered her pretty face like polka dots.

"Otto told me to get you." She said.

"Okay." I put down the inscription needle and bracelet and followed her to the dining room.

Breakfast was uneventful. Garth, Susie, and Maura stood by the door while the rest of us ate.

"You got a plan for the stickers?" I asked Garth after I swallowed a piece of bread.

"Ah, I'll look through the address book today." He said.

"I don't know if you'll find anything."

"Maybe paper manufacturers, and then go from there."

"Yeah…" It was what I had suggested. "You could also go talk to the merchant guild. Someone might be able to help you." It'll cost more since the merchant's guild will charge you for their services, but it was an effective method.

"Oh, right. I think I'll do that, master." He thought that'd be much easier than looking through address books for paper companies. "We could've done that for the bottles."

"Yeah, we could've." I concurred.

"Why didn't we?"

"Ah… I kind of forgot. I only remembered when she mentioned the raccoon." I shrugged. "Well, we got a better deal out of it, didn't we?"

"Oh, yeah. Yes, master." He didn't call me out on my idiocy and let me eat.


Sterling followed me out of the dining room when we finished breakfast. We didn't speak a word to each other as we climbed the stairs. I looked up at him, smiled, and thought it was nice to have him beside me. Then in the middle of the hall, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck. That put a smile on my face. His arms felt lovely. I ran my fingers through his golden hair and asked, "What's up?"

"I want to spend the day with you. I want to spend the day cuddled up in bed." He whined into my ears.

"Honey… I'd love to, but… There's so much to do before the trip." I said.

"I don't want you to go."

I sighed. "You know I can't do that."

"I know…" Our soft lips met and parted for each other. Our tongues met and explored… He knew how to make me wet, but I had to stop him. "How long will you be gone?" He asked soon as I stopped kissing him.

"I don't know, a few months," I told him.

"Hmm." He whined.

"I'm going to work on the bracelet of eros. Do you want to watch me?"

"You better not let Otto hear that."

"Hear what? That I'm working on the bracelet?"

"Yeah." He followed me into the office. I - unfortunately - left the door open when I went into the room.

"Why? What's he going to do?" I asked defensively.

"Nothing, but it'll upset him."

"Hm. Okay, yeah." I frowned.

I took my seat behind the desk. Everything was already set up from before breakfast. I got back to inscribing the magic circuit onto the bracelet.

Sterling looked out the window and said, "You can see the pool from here."

"Yeah," I replied as I tried to focus on the task at hand.

"There's Halit, chilling." He said.

"Does he do anything else other than chill?"

"Hmm. I don't know; I'm not that close to him." He said.

"Okay." There was silence for a bit as he walked around the room. There wasn't much to see in the room except empty shelves with a few coffee books.

"We should buy more books." He said.

"Yeah." I agreed without looking up. There was silence again, but then he grabbed my shoulder and made me mess up, "Hey!" I called out. "Dammit, don't do that. Now, this… Hopefully, it's still good." I scrutinized the bracelet. "Fuck."

"I'm giving you a massage."

I exhaled and inhaled. "Babe, I love you, but maybe you should help Otto."

"But I want to spend the day with you." He complained.

"I know. But I have to work. How about you watch me from the couch." There were two couches and a chair he could pick from to sit and watch.

"Fine." He let go of my shoulder and crashed on the couch.

I sighed and got back to work. There was silence, and I was able to focus… At least I did for a few minutes… Before he crawled under the desk. I rolled my eyes and put the bracelet and needle down. "What are you- Oh." I felt his face on my crotch. He unzipped my pants using his mouth. I helped him with the button, and I lifted my bum when he yanked on my pants. Everything below the waist came off. And he ate my pussy… "Aw, fuc." I grabbed onto the arms of my chair, bit my lips, and let my eyes drift to the ceiling.

Unfortunately, I had left the door open. "Master Sherrie?" It was Maura.

I instantly put Sherrie-the-master mask back on and said, "Yes."

"Ah…" She looked at me suspiciously. She knew something was off.

Despite her presence, Sterling didn't stop. I put a hand under the desk and tried to push him off, but he refused to stop and viciously attacked my clit with his tongue. He was being a big pussy eating demon. I stopped trying to push him since that only made things worse for me. "Aw." A crack appeared on my mask, but I forced out the question, "Maura, how can I help you?"

"Ah, right." She seemed to realize something was off, but since I put on a good poker face, she couldn't have figured out that there was a man under my desk, eating my pussy. "Well, my second daughter just returned from a dungeon, and I wanted to let you know she'll be staying here."

"Do you aw need more rooms?" If you do, just ask Garth, why did you come to me!? It's hard to sit still with a boy eating you…

"Oh, no! She'll share a room with her sisters." She shook her head. Then why are you here! I screamed in my head. "No, I only wanted to let you know."

"Em. A, well, you let me know." I grit my teeth.

"Also…" Spit it out, you stupid bitch, I screamed internally. "She doesn't have a team. She's been working for various groups for the past 5 years, and I was wondering - since you only have 3 people in your group - if you're recruiting? My daughter's a hard worker, and she'd be an asset to any team. If you can meet her-"

"I'll think about it!" I shouted over her. "Sorry." I calmed down. "I'll look at her when I have the time. Right now, I'm a little busy."

"Oh, ah…" She looked at the desk and saw the bracelet and needle. "Okay. Yes, she'll be staying here for a while. You can meet her anytime."

"Ow. I mean, yes. Okay. I'll- I'll do that. Em. Please, close the door behind you." Cracks were forming all over the mask.

"Oh, okay." She backed away.

"Close the em door, please."

"Yes, master Sherrie." She stepped out of the room and closed the door.

I grabbed Sterling's head and put my head on the table. "Oow." I moaned as I had a toe-curling cum on his face.

I took a few deep breaths before sitting up and looking down at my good little pussy eater. He was still kissing my pussy. Goddess, he loves eating my pussy. "That's enough. Come up here." I pushed back my chair, grabbed his hair, and pulled him up to my lips. We made out while I used [telekinesis] to move the bracelet and needle off the desk. I noticed that his pants was already unbuttoned and unzipped; he had played with himself while eating me. I broke our kiss, and breathly told him, "Strip. Take off everything." And sat back. He stood between me and the desk and stripped. First, the pants came off, then the shirt. He leaned his bum against the desk and waited for me to take him. I ran a finger along his dick and kissed his pubes, abs… My lips climbed higher till I was standing and sucking on his nipple with my chest pressed against him. I released his nipple with a pop. "Lay down on the desk for me." He climbed on the desk, and I got on top of him. I reached under, grabbed his dick, and rubbed him on my pussy before sliding him in.

"Aw." He moaned as I took him deep inside me. I stared into his eyes as I fucked him. I thrust back and forth and rubbed his dick with my wet pussy… I swamped him hard and made him grunt and moan to my thrusts. Finally, he wrapped his arms around me, pulled me in, and said, "I'm aw cum." Our mouths opened for a deep kiss as his dick throbbed and squirted its cum. I, too, came when I felt his throbbing dick… He held me close, and we stayed peacefully together till he said, "I want to stay like this forever."

I immediately broke out of his embrace, sat up, and looked at the clock. "Okay, you're never allowed in my office again."

"What, why?"

His dick got hard again, and I moved my hips. "Goddess, I can't get enough of this." He smiled. "And that's why you're not allowed in my office… when I'm working."

"What? That's stupid." He said.

I bounced on his dick. "You're a naughty boy for distracting me from my work."

"I'm a good boy."

"No, you're a naughty boy." I started fucking him harder. "You should be helping Otto or doing work around the house, but here you are, dangling your carrot."

"I'm not, aw." He moaned.

"Yes, you are. You're a little stud."

"I'm not!" He sounded a little offended.

"Alright, you're my stud." I emphasized the word 'my.'

"Yours… okay. But I'm a good stud." He said.

"Does it work that way?" I smiled.

"Yeah, I'm a good one."

"You're a naughty one."

"I'm not." He moaned.

I leaned down and kissed him, and we went for round 2.


After my alchemists had gone home for the evening, I went into the lab with a metal brick and started up the furnace. I needed to make protective pendants for Terrie and Nikola. It was the temporary solution I'd come up with for the black dungeon. I still hoped to recruit a curse magician that could help with black monsters and the like… But I don't like leaving things to chance; even if we don't find a curse magician, I want them to be fairly protected.

It's going to be a long night, I thought as I felt the workshop warm-up.