New goal.

She was right. Anna had plants in her inventory and carrier with an overview exceeding the value of 10,000 gold. Holly cow, she has never seen such a large sum. She would need well over ten years to earn this.

With this, she will be able to retire and make this her only income. Fuck finding a second job, fuck selling her stuff. Fuck her tiny sleeping unit in old rusty building infested with drug addicts and human trafficking scums. She just has to make it to the capital city and make a currency transfer at the bank. 

That's all it takes. She can then rent some apartment a bit higher, maybe even above the main railway! With stable power charge and fast internet connection, she giggled.

*Your world is so complicated.* Tameka said *It has bigger potential than this one, but humans are soooo greedy...* she wailed again, in that dark tone.

*What is human trafficking scums?* she then asked, completely clueless.

Anna felt anxious as she remembered that one time they nearly got her on her way back to her sleeping unit, but the power went on just in time, before they could drag her into the car. She had their blood behind her nails and thanks to her desperate effort to resist, she was beaten up pretty badly. But the Peace Keepers couldn't do shit, because the kidnappers dropped her as soon as the camera reconnected with servers.

*Why would they...* Tameka stopped with eyes glued to Anna and suddenly gagged, bent down and vomited. She curled on the bare ground, sobbing and whining.

*Babies! They do that to babieees too?* she wailed and gagged again, digging her fingers to wet dirt. *They are worse than I could even imagine! They deserve to suffer! They shall all die crawling in pain...*

"I know how angry you are... But not all humans are like..," Anna whispered and tried to calm her down, but Tameka snapped and looked at her all disgusted.

*Don't fucking touch me! You are no different! You are all powered by greed and lust and hatred and - and - love... and...* she cried again, completely broken down to pieces *I can't kill all of yoooou! There is fucking 17 billion of yoooou! I want to but I can't! I am sooo sorry, there is nothing I can dooo...* she wailed, shaking in sobs and anger.