Bella is a young teen with mid looks, she belongs to a rich family and she is the only child.Her mum and dad do everything for her as long as its what she wants.

Bella....Mum, dad, i need a new car ASAP.

Dad.....But honey, we just got you that one.

Mum.....Youve only driven it for just two months.

Bella....But i want another one.

Dad.....Okay, we will get a new one soon.

Bella.....When is that?

Mum.....Next week.

Bella....What??? But i want it tomorrow.

Dad.....Honey, we are busy this week to get time to pick out a car for you.

Bella.....But i want it this week.

Mum.....Its okay, when do you want it?

Bella.....I want to wake up tomorrow morning and ride it to school.

Dad.....Our daughter is indeed an angel, okay, you will get you your new ride tomorrow morning.

Bella.....Your the best guys, i should go to school now.

Bella was spoilt since she was raised with much love, extravagance and care, she was arrogant and she never cared about anyone, expect for a guy she had a huge crush on at school.

She arrived at school and met up with her bestfriend Sofia.


Sofia....Hy queen.

Bella....Is he here yet?

Sofia....No, not yet.

Bella....Once he comes, am going to talk to him again.

Sofia.....I think its high time you gave up on him.

Bella....Why?? Since when did i start getting advise from you?

Sofia.....Calm down first, all am trying to say is that he is dating Hannah.

Bella....Whatttt??? Hannah? You gotta be kidding me.

Sofia....Am not kidding, she even posted photos of them together on her instagram.

Bella.....For real?? Let me see.


She showed the photos.

Bella.....This bitch is gonna get it hard from me, she is so done today.

Sofia.....So, what are you planning to do to her?

Bella....Am going to smack her face, she wont even want to look in the mirror ever again.


Bella was evil, so was her friend Sofia who always supported her evil actions.Tim was the guy she had a crush on, she confessed her feelings to him before and he rejected her.

After lessons, they followed Hannah and got to her before she reached at home.


Bella.....In the flesh!

Hannah.....Its not true, please spare meee..... know the drill girl.

Sofia.....Bella announced to everyone that Tim is hers and that his taken, but you seem to be deaf.

Hannah.....Am really sorry Bella, the one who came to me first.

Bella.....And you took the chance?

Hannah....I...i..didnt, he was persistant.

Sofia.....Lets get it over with, its obvious that she is lying.

Hannah.....Am not....

Bella.....I know how you shameless sluts are, all you do is to seduce taken men.Well, am going to teach you a life lesson you will never forget.


Hannah was beaten and got bruises, Bella went home and she was never blamed even at school because of her parents wealth.

Dad.....Honey, here are your car keys.

Bella....Finally, let me see which it is.

She went outside and saw it.

Mum....So, do you like it?

Bella....Seriously guys? That car is the ugliest because my nerdy classmate has it.

Dad.....But honey...

Bella....How could you??....I want to pick out a new car myself.

Mum.....What do we do with that one?

Bella....I dont care! Dont ask me such useless questions, lets go now because i need a new car.

Dad....But honey, we are going back to work.

Bella....Like i said, i dont give a damn about your work crap, i need a goddamn car NOW!!!

Mum....Okay, lets go now and get you what you want then go to work.

They always obeyed her and did what she alwaus asked them to do because they loved her very much.She chose a car she wanted and went for shopping with Sofia.

She went to school the next day, Tim approached her.

Bella.....Oh, hi hottie.

Tim.....Am warning you for the last time Bella, stop meddling in my life because you dont own me.

Bella.....So that bitch ran her dirty mouth already?

Tim.....Listen to me carefully, i dont love you and i've never did.You ruin every relationship i have and its making me less attractive, now girls fear me.

Bella.....Good! They should fear you because you belong to me, whats mine is mine.

Tim.....Stop playing your little games with me because trust me, if this keeps going on, i will make sure to beat you in your own game.

Bella.....Its so sexy when you get upset, i like that.

Tim.....You wont like it when you ruin my next relationship, i made a promise to you and i will fulfill it.

Tim walked away angrily.