Nikki liked Tim at first sight, she went to class.

Nikki.....Gosh! That guy is so hot, no wonder why Bella fell for him.But he said that their is nothing between them and Bella is making the whole thing up.My heart cant stop racing, looks like he also liked me, luckily his not into Bella.

Bella.....Are you talking to yourself?

Nikki.....Huh? Oh, Bella, i wasnt talking to myself.

Bella.....I heard you, but anyway, it doesnt matter.

Nikki.....Bella, sorry because i wont be joining you at dinner.

Bella.....Why? Do you have plans?

Nikki.....Kind of, i want to go to and see my uncle, his in town.

Bella.....Well, that would be good if he joins us for dinner.

Nikki.....I know but he didnt want mum to know.


Nikki...They are not on good terms, so, he wants to meet just me.

Bella.....Okay, let me give you money so that you take him to a nic restaurant for dinner.

Nikki.....Thanks Bella, your the best.

Bella gave Nikki money and after lessons, she went home.Nikki lied to her, she met up with Tim at a restaurant.

Tim.....Thanks for agreeing to meet me.

Nikki.....No problem, lets order.

Tim.....Okay, my treat.

They ordered for food.

Tim.....Nikki, your so pretty and i like you.Hope we get to know eachother better, i want us to go an extra mile.

Nikki.....Well....i like you too but...Bella....

Tim.....Dont be afraid of her, she cant do anything to you.We are talking about our feelings here, its our life and we should live it the way we want.

Nikki.....Your right, this is our life and not hers.

Tim.....I love you Nikki and i want you to be my girlfriend.

Nikki.....I would love that too, but lets first see how it goes first.

Tim.....Okay, lets take it slow as you want.

Nikki.....Okay, shall we eat now?


After eating dinner, she went back home happily.Bella was in her room talking to Sofia on the phone.Nikki went in her room and Tim called her, they talked for hours and later slept.

Nikki and Tim started a relationship and it became stronger , they loved eachother harder though they kept it a secret.

Nikki.....Dont you think that your friend is acting distant from you?

Bella.....Tell me about it, i also find it strange.

Sofia.....Could it be that she is doing something behind your back?

Bella.....It crosses my mind too, could it be that she is dating Tim because i've heard rumors that Tim has a girlfriend but his keeping it a secret.

Sofia.....I heard that too, it might be her because she is always happy and texting, just like someone in a relationship.

Bella.....It better not be true, because if it is, am gonna give her hell she will never escape from.

Sofia.....Lets follow her today.

Bella.....Ofcourse we have to, she keeps saying that she goes out to meet her uncle, but i find it suspicious.

After lessons, they followed Nikki and she went to the park, Tim also arrived and they kissed, Bella and Sofia saw them.

Bella.....You gotta be shitting me.

Sofia.....You better smack that face before i do it for you.

They approached them, Bella was angry.


They both stopped kissing and looked her in shock.

Nikki.....Bella? I can...explain.

Bella.....Oh really?

Tim.....Its no ones fault, i dont love you, i love her.

Bella....Am not talking to you, Nikki, you made a promise.

Nikki.....But he doesnt love you, is it a crime to fall in love? Your not my parent to tell me what to do.


Bella.....What did you just say?

Nikki....I said what i said, you should get a man who truly loves and stop chasing a man who doesnt love you, grow up! You dont own us and you have no right to tell what to do and what not to do, get a life Bella!

Nikki was talking proudly because she didnt know what Bella was capable of nor has she ever seen her evil side.Bella got angrier, she ran to her and slapped her twice.

Tim....Stop it.

Tim tried to stop her, they started to fight and Sofia joined yhem, they beat Nikki while Tim was trying to save her, the police arrived and arrested all of them.Bella's mum bailed them all out and they went home.

Vicky.....Oh my godd....what happened to your face Nikki?

Bella....Listen to me you slut, this is just the begining of your misery, we are far from over.

Vicky...What are you saying?

Bella went to her room angrily, her parents didnt question her as always.Nikki told her mum everything.

Vicky.....Is she crazy? If she dies this again, i will report her to the police.

Nikki.....No need, this is my fight and i will win because i love Tim and he loves me too.If she cant get that straight in her head, i will make her get it.

Vicky.....What if i lose my job, you know that we have no and that will be the end of your good education because that is a prestige school.

Nikki.....Dont worry mum, i will make no mistakes.

The next day, Nikki went to school but everyone was laughing at her and mocking her.Tim went to her and took her outsude in his car.

Nikki.....Tim, whats going on? Why is everyone laughing at me?

Tim.....Bella posted a video of them beating you and it says "Hashtag, me putting some sense in my maid".

Nikki.....Whattt???? Let me see it.

He showed her the video.

Nikki.....Fuck! Now everyone knows that am a maid.She really is going too far, i must put an end to her insanity.

Tim.....Dont do anything, she wants you to become a pyscho just like her, ignore her.

Nikki....But i cant sit and do nothing.

Tim.....You dont know her, i know her very well and she is capable of doing, just please listen to me.


They went to class but she was still enraged, after lessons, she went to her car and found Sofia and Bella sttung on top of it.

Nikki.....Now what? 

Students were recodring them, they picked up stones and threw them at the car windows, they broke.

Nikki.....Stop it Bella, your insane.

Bella.....Yes iam, am the one who gave it you, i have every right to do ehatever the hell i want.

Students...She gave it to her??? She is so ungrateful, smack that car and then her face too.