Bella's pregnancy was now one month old, she tried looking for a job but Sofia didnt allow her to work since she was pregnant.

Bella.....I feel bad about this, your doing everything for me yet all i do is sit and eat then sleep.

Sofia....Dont worry, your my bestfriend and i must take care of you at such times.You were also always there for me when i needed someone, so, its my turn now.

Bella.....Thanks alot Sofia.

Sofia.....Anything for you and your cute baby, i cant wait to carry the baby first when you give birth.

Bella.....Hahaha...ofcourse you will carry it first because your its aunt.

Sofia.....Now rest well, let me make for you breakfast and then head to work.


Nikki's french boyfriend from university proposed to her, she was happy because she loved him.

Nikki.....I cant wait to tell dad and Lisa, they will be happy for me.

Guy.....Should i come with you?

Nikki....No need, i will have to talk to them first then after, you can meet them.


Nikki flew back home from France, Lisa was iting fir her at the airport.

Lisa.....Welcome back dear.

Nikki....Thanks, the only news i want to hear about are those of my enemy.

Lisa.....Very well, lets go and get some coffee as i tell you everything.

They went to a coffee shop.

Lisa.....Girl, your gonna be suprised by this.


Lisa.....These are photos of that Bella girl, she did plastic surgery and now she looks like you.

Nikki.....OMG!! Is she a psycho? How....why??? She really is crazy, i cant believe this.

Lisa.....She maybe admired you and was jelous of your pretty face.

Nikki....Now am much more raged than i've ever been.

Lisa.....And guess what? Her family ran bankrupt and she has no job either, i heard that is even pregnant.

Nikki.....For real?? Looks like she ran out of luck, now luck is no my side.

Lisa.....Indeed, i talked to the police officer and she is going to be thrown in jail, once you say so.

Nikki.....Are you serious? She should be in jail by now, lets go.

Bella was home and heard the door bell ringing, she went and opened the door, it was the police.

Bella.....How may i help you?

Policeman.....Your under arrest for theft and attempting murder.

Bella.....What? Me?? 

Policeman.....Cuff her.

She was taken to jail, Nikki went to her cell, Bella was shocked to see her.


Nikki.....In the flesh.I cant believe that we are the same.

Bella.....Am..sorry for....

Nikki.....For stealing my face??? You have no shame, your just as crazy as you claimed to be.

Bella.....So your the one who sent me here?

Nikki.....Ofcourse, tit for tat.You though that you can toture people and go away with it, just like that? 

Bella.....I came back to set you free, but i was told that someone bailed you out.

Nikki.....Liar! You can never change Bella, i know you very well.Am going to make sure that you rot behind bars, no one will save you.

Bella.....You cant do this to me, am pregnant.

Nikki.....I dont care, now go on and call your rich parents.Ooopps, they are not here."Mummy, daddy, come and save me", your on your own now crazy girl.

Bella....Please forgive me....

Nikki.....What about my mum? She died because she was suffering seeing me behind bars.

Bella.....What? She died?

Nikki.....Hahaha...are you serious? Dont play dumb with me you evil woman, am off.

Nikki walked away happily, Bella's inmates were paid to beat her.She was beaten mercilessly and started bleeding, she fainted and was rushed to the hospital.

Sofia got the news and rushed to the hospital to see her, but she had lost her baby, she was in tears.


Bella.....Sofia, i've lost my baby.

Sofia.....Tell me, who did this to you?

Bella.....It was Nikki, she said that i will never get out of prison.

Sofia.....What? Nikki? That slut has crossed the line, you did nothing wrong because you even went to jail to set her free.

Bella.....I dont know what to do, i have no money and i dont want to be in jail.She is blaming me for her mother's death.

Sofia.....Dont worry, i will find money and bail you out.All those crimes are fogged, looks like she is well off now to do that.

Bella....Am sure she is rich now.

Sofia stayed with her until she got better, she was taken back to jail.Nikki went home to her dad and she was welcomed warmly.They made for her a welcoming party since she spent years in France.

Nikki....Dad, this is really huge, you neednt do something this big.

Dad....Why not? I missed you honey and i had to do for you a grand welcoming party.

Nikki.....Thanks dad, i missed you too.

Dad....Anyway, i have some big news for you.

Nikki.....I have good news too.

Dad....Okay, i will go first.

Nikki.....Go on.

Dad.....I found for you a good guy to marry.


Dad.....This guy is handsome, his family is one of the wealthiest families in the country.

Nikki.....Dad, am not going to marry a stranger.

Dad.....Yes you will.