Bella was shocked, she took a step back but everyone was looking at her.

Bella.....(Shit! This devil set me up with her fellow devil, am so done today.I cant go back, everyone is watching.I must do this for my freedom, if i dont, Nikki will send me back to jail.)

Nikki's dad went to her, she took a deep breath and held his hand, he walked her down the aisle to her groom.

Priest.....Do you take mrs.Nikki Sandy as your wife, for better and for worse?

Dylan.....Yes, i do.

Priest.....Do you take mr.Dylan Gomez as your husband, for better for worse?

Bella.....I...i do.

Priest.....Okay, you may kiss your bride.

They faced eachother after putting rings on eachothers fingers, Dylan took off Bella's net, he gasped in shock.

Bella.....(Wait....dont tell me that he is marrying a woman whose face he doesnt know.So this is an arranged marriage, he doesnt love Nikki.This is so messed up.)

Priest.....I said, you can kiss your bride.

Dylan got angry but faked his smile, he kissed her.The crowd gave them around of applause, Dylan held her hand and they went to the after party his grandmother had prepared for them.

Grandma.....Nikki, your the prettiest girl and am lucky to have you as my grandson's wife.May the lord bless your marriage.


Dylan.....Thanks grandma.

Grandma.....You guys should dance for us.

Dylan....No need.

Bella.....No grandma, i dont even know how to dance.

Grandma.....Dont worry, Dylan knows how to.Dylan, lead your wife to the dance flow.

Dylan.....But grandma....

Grandma.....Do as i say, dont embarass me.I should go and see your dad Nikki, later.

She left, Dylan and Bella went to the dance flow, he held her waist and they started dancing.

Dylan.....Do not step on me.

Bella.....Hey, dont think that your the only one who is unhappy about this marriage.

Dylan.....What now? You and your dad wanted help from us, now i was forced to marry you.

Bella.....Look here, i also dont want this because i didnt even know that you were the groom.

Dylan.....Me too, i didnt know that it was you, because if i knew, i never wouldve agreed to this.

Bella.....I also never wouldve agreed to this marriage because your the person i didnt want to see again in my life.

Dylan.....Well, i always wished that you disappear from this world because i also didnt want to see your face.

Nikki's dad approached them.

Dad.....May i have this dance with my daughter?

Dylan.....Thanks, she is all yours.

They started dancing, Dylan went and sat down angrily.

Dad.....Thanks honey for saving our company, i knew you would help someday somehow.

Bella.....Yes, dad, anything for you.

Dad.....Do you see how young and handsome your husband is? Am sure your going to give birth to cute babies.

Bella.....Hope so.

After the party, she was taken to Dylan's house.

Grandma.....Welcome home dear.

Bella....Thanks grandma.

Grandma...Tomorrow morning, you will go to your honeymoon in Paris.

Dylan.....Grandma, we discussed this before that we should first know eachother then go to the honeymoon.

Grandma...Okay, i almost forgot.

Dylan....We should go and rest for now.

Grandma.....Okay, if you need me Nikki, my room is right over there, the maid will assist you with everything.

Bella.....Thanks grandma, sleep well.

They went to their bedroom which was decorated with roses on the bed and candles in the room.

Dylan.....What a waste of time, your sleeping on the floor, not in my bed.

Bella.....Hahaha...thats not funny at all, am sleeping in the bed.

Dylan.....Its my bed not yours.

Bella....But your a man, you cant let me sleep on the floor.

Dylan....Well, your going to sleep on the floor, i dont care.

Bella....Looks like your sending me to sleep with your grandma in her bed, fine, am going there now.

Dylan.....Wait...dont go to her, you can take the bed and i will sleep on the floor.

Bella.....Good! Your such a gentleman, asshole!

She showered and threw the roses on the floor then went in bed.

Dylan.....Hey, why didnt you take them to the bin outside? How am i going to sleep here?

Bella.....Suit yourself, you take them to the bin yourself.

Dylan.....Oh really?

He collected them and threw them back to the bed.

Bella....Are you crazy?

Dylan.....Am not, but am with a crazy "wife" who is making my head spin.

Bella....You think i will back down, never!

She threw them to the floor again, Dylan collected yhem again and put them back on the bed, they did that for minutes.Grandma went and opened their room, she found them throwing roses at eachother, she slowly locked the door.

Grandma.....Why did he pretend not to like her yet his does, they are so cute.

She went back to her room not knowing what they were exactly doing.

Bella.....Stop it, am tired.

Dylan.....You should stop, am also tired.

Bella....Whatever, am sleeping.

Dylan.....Am also going to sleep.

They slowly fell asleep.In the morning, Bella woke up early before everyone and prepared breakfast, they later woke up.

Grandma.....Good morning dear, wait...did you prepare all this?

Bella....Yes, i did.Hope you guys like it.

Dylan.....Why did you do it?

Grandma.....Thanks dear, it smells so good and i cant wait to eat it.

Maid.....Maybe your used to doing this.

Bella.....Iam, i was marr.....i was a chef so, i dont mind doing this.


Grandma....Sit down, Dylan, you should feed your wife.

Dylan....Why? She has hands.

Bella....No need grandma, his hands are dirty anyway and i might get sick.

Dylan.....What?? You....

Grandma...Stop pretending to be rude to her yet you had fun all night long.

Bella.....Huh? No...we didnt.

Grandma.....Dont be shy dear, i understand.

Dylan.....We did nothing grandma...

Grandma.....Keep on denying, but am not stupid.