As they were still watching the movie, the mainleads kissed.Dylan and Bella looked at eachother and then looked away.

Bella....This movie is suddenly....boring.

Dylan....You think so? Why?

Bella....Just because its the fact, its not that good.

Dylan....Looks like people are enjoying it because some of them are even kissing.

Bella....But its gross, urgh!

Dylan....I dont think so.

Dylan pulled her face to his and kissed her, she was suprised.

Margo.....Dylan?? Seriously?

Suprisingly, Margo had also came to watch the movie and she saw them, on approaching them, they kissed and she saw them.

Bella....Ma...Margo?? Excuse me.

Bella grabbed her bag and left.

Dylan....Bella, wait.

Margo.....Oh, so now you want to go after her?

Dylan.....Am really sorry Margo, but we've already talked about this.

Margo.....So you dumped me to love your wife faithfully? Your so unbelieveable.

Dylan....Lets not meet again Margo, i dont want this to go on.

Margo.....But you loved me first.

Dylan.....Its all over now, i have to go.

Margo.....Fine! Lets see how long your marriage will last.

Dylan went outside and Bella was sitting in the car.

Dylan....Am sorry about Margo....

Bella.....Lets just go home.


They went home, Bella went and showered, she went out but Dylan was standing out waiting for her.

Bella.....Gosh! You scared me.

Dylan....We need to talk Bella.

Bella....Am really sleepy,am heading to bed.

She walked away, in the morning, Dylan was the one who prepared breakfast for her.She woke up to prepare it, only to find it already served.

Dylan....Good morning Bella.

Maid.....Good morning ma'am Bella, your husband wanted to prepare breakfast today.

Dylan.....Come and join us.

Bella.....Oh, i just remembered that am on diet.I dont think i can join you guys, sorry.

Dylan....What? Suddenly?

Bella....Anyway, am going to attend my yoga class today, am already late.

She went back to their bedroom, Dylan followed her.

Dylan....Why are you like this Bella? Is it because i...

Bella....Dont say it, its nothing personal.

Dylan....But it seems like i did something wrong, am sorry.

Bella....You should eat your breakfast because you have work to do, not so?

Dylan....I know but i want to tell you something.

Bella....I should go and shower now, excuse me.

She was avoiding him on purpose, later, he went to work but he was deep in thoughts.


Dylan.....Oh, what?

Assistant.....Is something bothering you?

Dylan....Not really, can i ask you something?

Assistsnt.....Sure, go on.

Dylan....Why would a woman avoid you after you kissed her?

Assistant.....Why? Is Bella avoiding you?

Dylan....Looks like i've asked the wrong person.

Assistant.....No boss, maybe she is shy or she doesnt love you.Or maybe, she doesnt want to believe what her heart is feeling and she is trying hard to fight it.

Dylan.....Oh really?

Assistant.....I think you should just tell her how you really feel if you wronged her, she might be thinking that you no longer love her.

Dylan.....Its not like that, but thanks.

After work, he rushed home to talk to Bella, she was there cooking.

Dylan.....Bella, i cant hold this any longer in my heart.

Bella.....Not now Dylan.

Dylan.....Do you not know, or your just pretending not to know? you...mean???

Dylan....Bella, i love you, isnt it obvious?

Bella....Dylan dont, please stop.

Dylan....Sorry that i fell for you, am really sorry.

He went outside and entered his car, he drove away.

Bella.....What did i do?? Now his angry at me yet i love him too, i must find him.

She went outside and drove her car too to follow him, he drove and went to a house, he went inside but Bella had lost him.

Bella....Where did he go to? How am i going to find him?

She tried calling him but he turned his phone off, she called the maid.

Maid.....He has a house, let me send you the address.

Bella.....Okay, thanks alot.

She sent her the address and she drove there, she found his car outside.She went and knocked on the door, Dylan opened it.

Dylan....Bella? How did you know that am here?

Bella....Am here to talk to you.

Dylan....I understand if you dont love me back, its okay.You should go back home, its late now.

Bella pushed the door and went inside.

Dylan....What are you doing Bella?

Bella kissed him, she held his face.

Bella....Am sorry Dylan for avoiding you, i was scared to fall in love again because i was hurt before.I loved you too but i was scared and i was denying my feelings for you too, am sorry.

Dylan.....You mean it? Do you love me? 

Bella....I do, i love you too Dylan.

He carried her to his body and kissed her, suddenly, it started raining.

Bella....Wow! Its raining.

Dylan....Do you like the rain?

Bella....Very much, do you?

Dylan....I do, lets give grandma a suprise.

Bella....What kind of suprise?

Dylan....She said that she wants a grandchild when she returns, remember?

Bella.....Oh, come on!

Dylan.....Looks like your traped.

Bella....I dont think so.

Dylan....Its raining heavily, i cant hear you.

He took her to his room and they made love all night long.