Tim.....Bella, i know that you can hear me, am really sorry.

Bella....We are even now, please stay away from me.

Tim....I will, am really sorry.

Tim left, in the evening, grandma and Dylan came back from work.

Maid....Welcome home.

Grandma.....Hwo are you dear? Didnt Nikki cook today?

Maid....No, i did.

Grandma.....Okay, let me go and check on my grandson then.

Dylan.....I should go and shower too.

He went to his bedroom, Bella was there laying in the bed wearing a headsock.

Dylan....Why are you skeeping at this hour? Are you sick?

Bella....Why do you care? I asked you for one thing, to stay here with me for just one day.But you left me alone, just dont talk to me as you always do.

Dylan.....What was that? Okay, i will ignore you then.

Bella....You should because its what your good at, hurting people.

Dylan kept quiet and went to the bathroom, after washing up, he went to the dinning table to eat.

Grandma.....Lets eat, but why isnt Bella here?

Maid.....She is not feeling well.

Grandma.....Why? What happened to her? Dylan, is she fine?

Dylan.....She is, she will join us soon.

They started eating but Bella didnt show up.

Grandma.....Why isnt she here yet? Am worried about her.

Tim....Let me bring her food in her room.

Dylan....No need, she is my wife after all.

Grandma....Okay dear, let me know if she is not okay.I think she just misses you since your working overtime these days.

Dylan....Dont worry grandma.

Dylan took food to Bella in their bedroom, but she was asleep already.He touched her face and kissed her, he took off her shoes and covered her with the bedcover.He took off her headsock and saw the bandage.

Dylan....Whats with the bandage? Did something hit her head? Is that why she has been upset with me? Gosh, i dont her to get hurt, sleep well dear.

In the morning, he brought for her breakfast in bed, she woke up.

Dylan....Eat up, you didnt eat anything last night.

Bella....Morning, am sorry about last night.I didnt mean to lash out at you.

Dylan.....What happened to your head?

Bella....I slipped in yhe bathroom and hit it on the wall.

Dylan....You should be careful from now on, eat now.

Bella....Thanks, are you going to work?

Dylan....Dont ask.

Bella....Okay, sorry.

She ate and later Dylan left, Bella started feeling dizzy and nauseous, she went to the hospital with the maid.

Bella.....What is wrong with me doc? Is it because of my wound?

Doc....No, congrats ma'am, your two weeks pregnant.


Maid....Wow! Sir Dylan is going to be happy.

Bella....Dont tell anyone yet, i will tell them myself.


They went back home and Dylan was there waiting for her.

Dylan....Where are you coming from?

Bella....At the....

Maid....We went to the hospital and we have good news.

Bella....Hey, go back to your work.

Dylan....What good news?

Bella....Nothing.What about you? Didnt you go to work?

Dylan....I went to the pharmacy to get you some medicine for your wound, i wont go to work today.


Dylan....But am going to work from home on my p.c.

Bella....I thought stayed to spend time with me.

Dylan....Maid, go and get me my p.c, i will work from here.

Bella got angry and went to their bedroom, that very moment, Tim entered.

Bella.....What do you want now? Get out!

Tim....No, i cant help it.

Bella....You hurt me, isnt that enough?

Tim....I love you Nikki.

Bella....Stay away from me, please.

He went to her bed and she stood up.

Bella....Dont come closer.

Tim went and locked the door, he started chasing her.

Bella.....No, please dont.

He caught her and she pushed him away, she ran and opened the door to run away, Tim stood up and ran after her, he pulled her hair and she screamed.

Tim and the maid heard her.

Dylan.....Was that Bella?

Maid....Sir Tim is going to hurt her again.

Dylan....What?? What are you talking about?

Maid....He pushed her on the wall and she hit her head and fainted, but she didnt want me to tell you about it.

Dylan.....What?? Am going to kill him.

Bella tried to save herself from the pain of her hair being pulled, she bit Tim's hand and he let go of her, she slipped and rolled down the stairs right infront of Dylan who was coming yo save her.

Bella fainted and she started bleeding.


Maid....Oh no, the baby.

Dylan....What baby?

Maid....She is pregnant.

Dylan....What? Call the ambulance now.

Maid....Okay sir.

Dylan....Make sure that she gets in the hospital safely, dont live her side.

Maid.....What about you sir.

Dylan....I have some business to finish.

Tim ran and locked himself in his room, Dylan went and tried to open it but it was locked.He got angrier, he went to his grandma's room and git a soare key, he opened the room.

Tim.....Calm down brother, lets talk first.

Dylan....What will you do if i lose my baby?

Tim....What? Is she pregnant?

Dylan....Now you wanna know?

He grabbed him by the collar and started punching him hard in the face non stop.

Dylan....How dare you lay your dirty hands on my wife? Am going to kill you today you dirty scumbag.She is even pregnant but you went on and forced yourself on her, i swear, am going to finish you off today.

He kept punching him and he started bleeding from the nose, he didnt stop punching him until he fainted.He called the ambulance and they took him to the hospital.

Dylan went to see Bella, he talked to the doctor.

Dylan....How is she? How is our baby?

Doc....She lost a baby, sorry.

Dylan....Shit! Is she fine?

Doc....She will be fine, but luckily, she still has one baby remaining.

Dylan....What do you mean? She had twins?

Doc....Yeah, she had twins but she has lost one.

Dylan....Thats sad but atleast we have one remaining, thank you God.

Doc....You have to take good care of her if you dont want to lose the baby left.

Dylan....Dont worry doc, i will take good care of her.

Later, Bella gained conscious and Dylan was beside her.

Dylan....Finally, am glad that your awake.

Bella....How is my baby?

Dylan....The baby is okay, why didnt you tell me about the baby?

Bella....Its not like you cared.

Dylan....Am sorry, i didnt mean to hurt you but i was also hurt.Not talking to you also hurt me, i love you Bella.

Bella....No you dont, you lied to me.