They woke up in midday like Bella predicted, Dylan carried her and took her to the bathroom.

Bella....Come on,i was still sleeping.

Dylan....I know, but am hungry and only you know hot to cook.

Bella....Fine, i need to wash up first so leave.

Dylan....Oh, your proving that your shy.

Bella....I said am not.

He held her hand.

Bella....What are you trying to do? 

Dylan....Am doing this because you ran yesterday when i told you about your shyness.

Bella.....Fine, let go, i wont run this time.

Dylan....You promise?

Bella....I promise.

They showered together and cooked lunch together, they ate together and washed the dished together.

Dylan....I have an idea, how about we go to the beach nearby and i draw you seated in the water or sand, what do you say?

Bella....Good idea, lets do that.

Dylan....Lets go now.

He drove and they went to nearby beach, Bella wore a swimsuit and sat in the sand near the water.

Bella....Is this fine hubby?

Dylan....Yes, its perfect.

He brought his chair from the car with all the artwork items, he started rawing her.

Dylan....Tell me when you get tired, i brought a camera just incase you get tired.

Bella....Okay, am still fine.

He kept drawing, a guy approached Bella.

Man....Hy pretty girl, are you a model?

Bella....You better mind your business.

Man....Dont be rude, i can give you a better job because your body is perfect so is your face.

Dylan....We are in the middle of something, excuse us sir.

Man....Do you know me? 

Bella....Hey, live now!

The man touched Bella's waist since she was sitting in the sand, Dylan got angry and went to them, he punched the man.

Man....Whats your problem?

Bella slapped him.

Bella....This is my husband, do you still have something else to say?

Man....Fuck you two.

He left angrily.

Dylan....Are you fine?

She hugged him.

Bella....No one has ever fought for me, your one of a kind, thanks.

Dylan....I will do anything for you Bella, i will always protect you and stand by your side because i love you and am your husband.

She hugged him tighter.

Bella....Thanks Dylan, i love you too.

Dylan....We should go back home now.

Bella....Was the drawing finished?

Dylan....No, it wasnt but i dont want any guy near you.

Bella....I understand, take a photo of me then you can draw from home.

Dylan....Good idea, lets do that.

He brought the camera and Bella went back to her pose, he took the photo and they went home, he completed drawing.

Dylan....Bella, come and see, its all done.

Bella....Am coming.

She went to him to see the drawing, she was suprised and her jaw dropped., your the best arist hubby, this is so perfect, i love it.

Dylan.....Thanks, actually, your my first model.

Bella.....For real? So youve drawn a human figure?


Bella.....Am so lucky that am the first person youve ever drawn, dont you ever draw anyone else, this is something special to me.

Dylan....I will never, as long as i can draw you, your my only model.


Dylan....Forever, you have my word.

Bella....How about we go camping in mountains so that you can draw nature, and me too ofcourse.

Dylan....Hahahahaaaa.....if you say so.

Bella....Lets go and cook, i will teach how to cook, you will teach how to .draw just like you.

Dylan....Okay, mrs pretty chef.

They went to kitchrn and started cooking, her mum called her.

Bella....Excuse me.


She went to talk to her.

Mum.....Honey, what are you upto these days? We are worried about you?

Dylan finished preparing what she told her to prepare, he went to tell her that his finished but she was still talking to her mum on the phone, he stayed but Bella didnt know he was there.

Bella.....Dont worry about me mum.

Mum....Am relieved to hear you saying that.Did Nick give you back some of our things?

Bella....No mum, am really sorry that i was so careless to even get you the poverty point.

Mum.....Dont blame yourself dear.

Bella....Why not mum? I wish i can turn back time, i never shouldve married that thief.Your in this mess because of me, yet i cant do anything to get everything back.Am a bad child, i feel guilty.

Mum.....Dont worry honey, your making me cry now.

Bella.....Am sorry mum.

Mum.....Your dad's friend gave us a job at his company and we are not doing bad atleast, just come back and visit atleast.

Bella....I will mum, i also miss you guys and i want to see you again.

Mum....I will call you again later with your dad, okay?

Bella....Okay mum, i love you. you too dear.

She ebded the call and tears started flowing from her eyes, Dylan went and hugged her from behind.

Dylan....Its okay, am here.


Dylan....I heard everything, dont worry,i wont judge you.

Bella....Am a bad daughter Dylan.

Dylan....Ofcourse your not.

She turned and faced him, he rubbed off her tears and hugged her again.

Dylan.....You might not be perfect, but to me, you are and i know that your a good person.

Bella....Thanks, its what i wanted to hear.

Dylan....Its okay, cry all you want, am here.

He carried her and took her to their bedroom, he laid her down on the bed, he stood up to live and Bella held her hand.

Bella....Dont you want to know what happened?

Dylan....I do, but i dont want to see you in this state, it breaks my heart.

Bella.....Am sorry, can you please hear me out?


He sat down and held her hand, he kissed it.

Dylan....Just let me in, i want to be part of your world and i want to held your habd forever like this.So, dont hesitate please.

Bella....Thanks Dylan.I married a man and i loved him,i thought he loved me too but i was wrong, he married me for a reason.After two years, i got pregnant and the day i wanted to tell him the news, he asked me for a divorce.

Dylan.....What?? Was he even human?