Back In Business!

[Hello, everyone.

It's me, the writer, author, editor, and inventor of The Blank - Side Character. I'm here to bring you all an update about what happened, where I've been, and what's going to happen moving forwards.

Firstly – I'm truly sorry! I've basically disappeared off the face of the planet with no context and no warning, and I want to apologize! Real life hasn't been kind to me when I left, so I couldn't find the time to advance Felix's story further. For that, I'm sorry!

Second – TBSC is back... kind of! I realized that having weekly chapters was damaging the quality of the chapters, and the quality of the writing in itself. So, because of that, I'll be focusing on releasing a chapter every two weeks. In other words, TBSC will be a biweekly series moving forward! This change isn't one I wanted, but it's one that was needed. I hope you can understand my decision.

Lastly – Thank you. I've been busy with real life these past few months, but most of my hardships seemed to calm down, so I'm back to writing. Hopefully, there won't be any more breaks from here on out, at least in the near future. Thanks for understanding and for waiting.

New chapter next week, promise. Cya then.]
