Chapter 556: Preparation (3)

It had been a while since I came back to Lindel. In its own way, the Blue Guild's vacation had ended successfully. After Heren, we had gone back to Mirror Lake and enjoyed a real vacation-like time, touring the surrounding areas.

Of course, Kim Hyunsung and I weren't as carefree. We discussed our plans from time to time, but overall, the general atmosphere wasn't that heavy. And Kim Hyunsung, since he was able to relieve some of the burdens he had been holding onto alone for so long, seemed filled with excitement.

Of course, he managed to let many of his burdens go in the unconscious world, but that was another matter. It had been pressuring for him to know the future and prepare for it only by himself.

It looked like he enjoyed planning our work while talking about serious matters so much that he couldn't contain his expression.

Of course, he maintained a stiff, serious expression most of the time, but in break-time and other times, his expression was much brighter, and he even made some unfunny jokes. Like really unfunny jokes.

'Did you know that they found a new job where they ask for a drink whenever they meet someone?'


'It's a magician.' (*Ma-Sul-Sa means magician in Korean; Ma- Could be a filled word; Sul: alcohol/drink; Sa-buy)

The only one who laughed at his joke was Cho Hyejin. She seemed to laugh so sincerely that I felt shocked.

Even Kim Ye-ri seemed like she was forcefully making herself laugh. I naturally thought to myself that I had to do something about him. I even wanted to ask how he got such humor in the first timeline. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞wn.𝒸o𝔪 website to read fastest update

I thought those unfunny jokes could heartbreakingly represent his devasted mind, but it seemed that he was simply trying to improve the atmosphere.

Regardless, the Blue Guild had come back to Lindel and started to speed things up again.

Jung Hayan, Elena, and Sun Hee-young enjoyed sailing together and, as planned, also spent some time with Cha Heera. Some had used that duration to recharge themselves, but for some, it was rather tiring.

Because it happened after Benignore descended, I had to show my suffering; I benefitted from that in some way, but it wasn't pleasant to act to be asleep all day.

I felt more fatigued each time I woke up.

By that time, Benignore's prophecy began to spread all over the empire, and many people took an interest in it.

The empire's states and guilds that had relaxed for a moment tensed up to maximum again. Just like that, many voices of concern began to rise. I expected there to be a bit of chaos, but some ended up panicking beyond what I could have imagined.

Due to the provocative prophecy, there were some who were talking about an apocalypse, and although it wasn't very noticeable, the crime rate also increased significantly.

The Church, the Republic, Laios, and the Continental Union had control over themselves, but in impoverished areas and marginalized states devastated by the 27th Corps and Belial, it was apparently an extremely dire problem.

[When is the end day?]

[Irresponsible Benignore and the empire gods have abandoned us.]

[Why do we have to bear all of this pain?]

Click-bait memes poured out. Whenever I heard that crazy people were shouting at the square about the apocalypse, I felt a bit upset.

I could understand the federal people who faced demons, but the things that were happening in the rest of the small states just made me sigh. Spreading a story across a part of the empire was different from spreading it to the entire continent.

"You know one rotten apple in the box will make the whole box rotten, right, Oppa? If it's not going to help much, it might be a better choice to push them out. They're running around screaming, 'Everyone's going to die!' How's that going to help? I assure you, if you just leave it be, other places will start to rot."

Like the masked girl from the 1st Timeline, Lee Jihye said a trashy line. I couldn't tell if it was a joke or not. Unlike her, I thought it was better to embrace them if it meant saving one more extra bullet.

Those people were so weak that I wondered if they would lean to the outer god if it came, but they still had their uses before that happened.

As long as I could maintain Doom Kiyoung mode, the power of the 27th corps increased, and it was a situation worthy of applause. It made me think that I could solve the problem sometime shortly.

Even if I had to make time for it, I should visit some of them. I was planning to go north anyway, so it wasn't a bad idea to tour around smaller states.

Of course, I would do that after taking on the position that I desired.

As expected, there was still confusion in the selection of the leadership position for the Continental Protection and Management Committee.

Candidates were constantly getting nominated, but many argued about whether they were really qualified. The main argument against all of them was that they wouldn't be able to make a logical decision if a battle erupted.

They weren't wrong, but Cha He-era seemed hurt by those words.

Every time the media talked about suitable candidates, conflicts inevitably arose between states and adventurers. It was because it wasn't just a normal seat- it was a position that had the power to control the entire continent. It was natural that they would react so sensitively like that.

Leaders of smaller states looked like they were observing from behind, but they were also interested.

The one to be elected would have enormous authority over the continent. As many things would change depending on who took the role, many paid attention. They wanted to avoid having someone who only thought for themselves.

With all of those in mind, smaller states, powerful countries, the Church, and the Republic began to play the biggest hot potato game on who would get the position.

They had to gather their strengths for a common enemy, but they all had different thoughts. Some sought to increase their national power through that opportunity, while others sought to raise their guild's power.

Some were trying to gain political advantage by using those who preached about the apocalypse, and others doubted that the apocalypse would really come.

Everyone's opinion was different, but they all wanted the same thing.


It was balance. They needed a transparent individual who could make up for the difference in power between a powerful and a weak state and maintain that balance.

They needed someone that could prevent another nation from taking advantage of the situation.

Someone who wasn't swayed by greed or personal feelings and only moved for the safety and prosperity of the empire.

A transparent and spotlessly clean individual.

That person also had to have intelligence and force, honed from many kinds of experiences. Wasn't it obvious who such a person could be?

The era wanted Light Kiyoung.

'They want me…'

Of course, it was not easy to create such a situation.

Above all, there were pros and cons in appointing someone who had been corrupted by demons to executive positions.

There was even a column that stated the following: [If asked, is Lee Kiyoung suitable for the role, I will confidently shout "NO." -Republican newspapers/I'm never willing to kill myself.]

They weren't all that wrong, of course.

There were also many voices of concern about my health conditions. Public opinion that the Honorary Cardinal should no longer be overworked was growing more popular. Some people doubted whether it was okay to leave such a duty to Honorary Cardinal Lee Kiyoung's hands…

They thought what Lee Kiyoung had shown was certainly impressive, but managing the entire continent was a whole separate issue.

However, public opinion for the need to have Honorary Cardinal Lee Kiyoung on the post was gradually growing stronger. Those in central government, the military, guild leaders, and everyone else couldn't give up such a position to someone with power. What they wanted was not a leader but a "mediator."

Since they couldn't trust each other, they needed to find the cleanest-looking guy. And most of all, the support I had from ordinary citizens was great.

- Of course, it has to be Lee Kiyoung. Other national leaders can't be trusted. Only Honorary Cardinal Lee Kiyoung will be able to maintain balance in the continent.

- What do those rotten bastards from the central government know? What the hell do you know?

- It's so pitiful. I wish the Honorary Cardinal could take the role at least once. Even if it's only for the first five years…

-My mother said no to Lee Kiyoung, but I will continue to support him strongly. We want you, Honorary Cardinal.

It had become a common occurrence for the central government people to visit Lindel.

"Do… do you still have no thought of doing it?"

"Well, I'm not sure. I think there will be someone more suitable for the role than me, but… I'm afraid of who it will be. But to be exact, I'm someone who doesn't fit such a position."

"That's not true. Who would doubt the qualities of Honorary Cardinal Lee Kiyoung? Oscar has dissuaded you, but most of the other national leaders want you. Religious leaders and masters of large guilds feel the same way. We need a central leader who can unify countries and adventurers, religious and state leaders, and the underprivileged and privileged. If it isn't you, it can't be anyone else."


"Please reconsider. A lot of people want you to take the role. I can't find anyone more suitable to lead this continent than you."

"Please give some time to think."

"Of course, we will. Of course."

They were doing all they could to persuade the most eligible candidate. Of course, I just wanted to say something like, "That's right!" but it didn't fit the kind of scene that I was planning to portray.

It was just for show, but the public responded to those kinds of things. As people got more anxious, my value went up more and more.

I could say that everything was perfect. Everything that I had planned was running smoothly.

After being elected as the Management Committee chairperson, I could manage the entire continent, prepare a systematic education system, and build a forward base in the north.

It was an almost perfect plan, but…

"Please leave. I remember telling you that Kiyoung-ssi would not take this position."


"I'll guide you out."

The problem was him pushing the brakes.

'You bastard…"

Voices of opposition had begun to emerge inside the guild. Kim Hyunsung had been the first to shout opposition. The reason for that was obvious.

'That's because I will have to leave the Blue Guild.'

It meant that I would have to leave my current position and roles.

The position as Honorary Cardinal could be overlooked, but to ensure that there was no favoritism going around, I had to make that choice.

Naturally, I wouldn't be able to get protected by my guild, and Lee Kiyoung's Self-Defense Forces would be disassembled.

I thought a separate security unit would be made for me, but Kim Hyunsung was probably anxious to leave my safety to a security unit that he hadn't picked.

The bastard was acting like that despite knowing how necessary the work was. It was almost like he was throwing a mini-tantrum.

And it wasn't the only internal dispute.



'She didn't… mature at all.'

Jung Hayan's growth had become stagnant.