Chapter 2: Rising pt.2

Its a hot and sunny day, the birds are chirping to their hearts content and the wind is blowing subtly. Katsuto and mitsuki have exited master kashi's house, mitsuki is up flying in the heavens with her air element and katsuto is on the ground walking cause of his lack of ability to fly.

Mitsuki: (whilst in the air flying) Whats wrong katsuto cant you fly😏

Katsuto:(whilst walking) Yeah yeah very funny mitsuki😒, I've been practicing a skill that can help me fly

Mitsuki: You fly?, A fire elemental?, I highly doubt that

Katsuto: Alright lets test it then?

(Katsuto stops walking and generates fire on his feet and his shoes burn by the flames and then as he jumps, he adds more fire power to propel himself to the air)

Katsuto:(whilst in the air) Oh dang, I did not expect that to work honestly 😄

Mitsuki: You learned a skill on your first try😏, im impressed but now your shoes are burned🤦

Katsuto: Damn now im gonna look like a hobo when i try to flirt with the girls at the capital

Mitsuki: You still want to inpress girls with your charm, give me a break

Katsuto: Yep and chances i might even get one to talk to me even with no shoes on

Mitsuki: Oh brother, lets just go

(They both increase their speed of their flight and move at great speed)

*Meanwhile at a giant blue and white kingdom with banners symbolizing the water element and guards with spears that surround each castle*

(A middle aged man with a crown and a blue cutaway tailcoat, white striped trousers, gold turndown collar shirt, a waistcoat and a tie is standing in a large bedroom with a teenage girl with blue hair, blue and white tight dress with ocean blue eyes)

???: No means no megumi, you cannot  be requesting me to allow you to enter the upcoming elemental heroes exam especially you being royalty

Megumi: Come on dad, The elemental heroes exam has always been my dream and being royalty does not matter to me.

???: What made you so eager to enter this exam anyway

Megumi: Well i have always been inspired by the water heroine and how she does not let the fact she is a woman be inferior to men.

???: Im proud that your inspired by her but i still dont want you to enter cause you might get hurt considering there are fights included.

Megumi:😒 Dad im not that weak ok

(Megumi's father still looks hesitant)

Megumi: Please dad🥺

(Megumi gets on her knees and gives her father the puppy dog eyes)

???: Well i cant say no to that face, i guess you can enter the elemental hero exam

Megumi: 🤩 Yes thank you dad

(Megumi gets up on her feet excited)

Megumi: Yes i knew that was going to work😏

???: Wait so you were tricking me?!

Megumi: Well yes, i knew that was the only way i can get you to say yes

???: You sneaky girl, but now that im allowing to enter at least let me go and support you when you participate.

Megumi: Of course dad and besides you would still have to come considering your the water king.

Water king: Oh yeah i forgot about that😄

Megumi: For today i have to attend the capital to hear what the heroes are saying concerning the exam

Water king: Oh ok so i can just arrange a carriage to take you then

Megumi: Nah i rather not i can just walk there

Water king: Walk there?, Why

Megumi: Coming to the capital with a carriage will just create unnecessary attention and plus its a walking distance anyways dad

Water king: Oh no no, there is no way im letting my little girl walk to the elemental hero capital

Megumi: But dad i said its a walking distance

Water king: Nope im not taking any chances megumi, what if you get hurt?

Megumi: Dad i can handle myself😒

Water king: (sarcasm) Oh sure thing, im sure you can handle three or more thugs

Megumi: thanks dad you understand😃

(Megumi attempts to leave the room)

Water king: I was being sarcastic megumi

Megumi: Ok fine dad i will go with the carriage😒

Water king: Good i will arrange a carriage

Megumi: If you need me, i'll be downstairs eating breakfast

(Meanwhile katsuto and mitsuki are still flying to the capital and mitsuki notices a man forcefully trying to put his hands on a woman near a bar)

Mitsuki: Katsuto look at what that man is trying to do with the woman. We should help her.

Katsuto: Yeah

The man: Come on girl you know you want all of this so why are you resisting

(The man speaks with slurred speech as if he is drunk)

The woman: (scared) I dont know you man so leave me alone

The man: Come on girl

(The man steps closer and katsuto comes down flying with a punch to his face. The man falls to the ground)

Katsuto: What a disgusting man you are huh

(Mitsuki comes flying down)

Mitsuki: Mrs are you ok?

The woman: Yes a little traumatized but yes im fine

Mitsuki: You can get going now, we'll handle this man

The man: (angry tone) Who the hell do you think you are coming here and interrupting my business!

Katsuto: (confident tone) We're just some random teenagers traveling to the hero capital and found you taking an advantage of that woman

The man: You kids dont know who your messing with.

Mitsuki: I know exactly what type of sick person you are

(The man gets on his feet)

The man: I'll teach you kids a lesson

(The man attempts to punch mitsuki but katsuto quickly blocks the punch with his forearm and proceeds to punch the man on the face and starts to bleed)

The man: You little brat!

(The man proceeds to throw rapid punches towards katsuto. Katsuto tilts his head multiple times to dodge the punches and then kicks him on the stomach, he gets blasted to a wall)

Mitsuki: Alright katsuto i think thats enough

Katsuto: Nah i think he wants some more 😈

*Conflict music playing*

(The man leans on the wall coughing out blood)

The man: You little brat, your gonna pay, i'll show you who i am.

(The man's eyes glow a bright yellow colour, his teeth sharpen like a beast, grey fur grows on his body and becomes two times larger looking like a wolf- like beast)

(The man's growth creates a shadow over katsuto and mitsuki)

(Katsuto and mitsuki glance in awe)

Katsuto: Whats going on here?

Mitsuki: I dont know im trying to find out

The man beast: You kids messed with the wrong person, Now i'll show who i am.