Chapter 4: Elemental hero exam

(Its a partly cloudy day, the sun hides behind the clouds leaving a ray of sunlight and people begin to arrive at a massive stadium that was stated by the water hero, epsilon stadium.)

(Trumpets are blown, people cheer in excitement of the exam)

(A man with blue formal attire and an old style looking microphone stands on a large battle arena and speaks with the audience)

(The elemental kings, queens and heroes sit above the audience spectating.)

???: Greetings everyone and fellow elemental kings, queens and heroes and today i'll be the announcer slash referee!. Im glad that today is packed with people for this year's elemental hero exam!

(The audience begin to cheer loudly)

Announcer: Yes i love the energy but the elemental hero exam wont start yet cause the participants have to go through their weapon's gift ceremony and the elemental combine.

( The audience all sigh in disappointment)

Announcer: I know all of you are disappointed but to keep all of you entertained, i have invited the elemental entertainment committee

(Several men and woman arrive with tamed elemental beasts and entertainment props)

Announcer: So this people will keep all of you entertained, so i hope you all enjoy the show.

Earth hero: (refers to the water hero) Why do we have to go through this stupid so called entertainment himari?😩

Water hero: Well we have to wait for the participants kenichiro.

(Meanwhile at master kashi's house, katsuto wakes up in his bedroom)

(Katsuto lets out a big yawn and then proceeds to looks at his ceiling light which is off. He lights up a miniature fire ball in his hands and sends it to the ceiling light which turns it on)

(Katsuto exists his room with pyjamas and sees master kashi preparing breakfast)

(Katsuto smiles at the idea)

Katsuto: Mmh master kashi your not one to make breakfast

Master kashi: Morning katsuto, i just thought i might make breakfast cause you have a big day today 😃

Katsuto: Well im not complaining 😁

Master kashi: Let me get you a plate

(As master kashi looks for a plate for katsuto, katsuto sees a cup that has red hot liquid and proceeds to drink it)


(Katsuto spits the drink at master kashi's face as he got a plate for katsuto)

Master kashi:😤

Katsuto: Eww master kashi you gave me that to drink, its so spicy and disgusting.


(Master kashi screams at katsuto's face)

Katsuto: Settle down master kashi its not my fault, i mean who wouldn't drink what they see


Katsuto: Ok sheesh im sorry master kashi, dont bust my head off😩

(Master kashi gets a rag to clean his face and at the same time mumbles in anger)

Katsuto: What did i even drink master kashi?

Master kashi: What you drank was red tea and it was meant for me. Its slows down aging by a little bit.

Katsuto: Ok so do i still get my food😁

Master kashi: Yes but your definitely eating it to go cause there is no way im eating with you after what you did

Katsuto: Oh come on master kashi i said sorry, its not a big deal

Master kashi: I've taught you manners , you should know better

Katsuto: Yeah yeah sorry again if that makes you happy. Anyways im gonna take a shower, i cant afford to be late.


*At megumi's palace, specifically her room. she is putting two royal blue stud earrings on and a 30 year old lady with an apron approaches megumi's room*

???: Morning mrs megumi how are you doing this fine morning

Megumi: Annya you forgot to knock once again

Annya: Oh my absolute apologies mrs megumi😫, let me try again

Megumi: No no annya its fine no need to do that, i know its a mistake and no need to put mrs in front of my name😄

Annya: Oh thank you mrs meg.....(sighs) megumi🙂

Megumi: So what do you need from me?

Annya: Oh i just came to tell you that i prepared breakfast you and its ready for you eat

Megumi: Oh ok i will be there just give me a few minutes

Annya: Ok mrs me... (Sighs) megumi

(Annya attempts to leave the room but mitsuki calls upon her name)

(Megumi then stands and gets close to annya so she can speak with her in a lower tone)

Megumi: Annya is my dad sleeping right now?

Annya: Yes your father is sleeping currently, why do you ask?

Megumi: Well i want you to keep it that way until i leave or at least make sure he stays in his room until i leave the house

Annya: If i may ask, why do you want me to attempt such a stunt like that mrs megumi?

Megumi: Well you know how "overprotective" my dad is right, so i want to leave the house without having to go with the carriage. If my dad were awake, he would force me to use it.

Annya: Ok i get it megumi but i might lose my job if i restrict your father from leaving his room, dont forget his my boss.

Megumi: Dont worry about losing your job, my dad loves having you here and besides i will tell him that i asked you to do this when i get back from day 1.

Annya: Well i guess i can make something work

Megumi: Thanks annya your the best🤩

(Megumi gives her a quick hug that makes annya feel comfort)

*Meanwhile at the epsilon stadium*

(A familiar man with a bulk build walks up to the receptionist)

Receptionist: Name?

???: Taisuke oda

(The receptionist writes it down on a sheet of paper)

Receptionist: Element?

Taisuke: Beta-morph

Receptionist: Mmh what a rare element, first one today. Here take this its a name tag with your participant number

(The receptionist gives him the name tag and taisuke places it on his chest)

Receptionist: You may enter

( Two concrete walls begin to open up and taisuke walks confidently with a smirk)

*Meanwhile at master kashi's house*

*Katsuto finished freshening up and is outside with mitsuki*

Mitsuki: We have to get going or we will be late

Katsuto: Wait before we go i just wanna say good luck on the exam

Mitsuki: Good luck so early, we're not even at the stadium yet and for your information, i dont need luck, my skill is enough.

Katsuto: Aight then let's crush this exam

(Mitsuki flys up in the air and katsuto uses jet propulsion to get up and they fly out)

(Master kashi steps out of the house)

Master kashi: I hope that you turn out better than your father....katsuto.