
Chapter 28: Friends

Kaito was sitting in his cell with Shino and Mio, he had his head in his legs looking down in guilt for what he did. Shino was still mad at Kaito, and Mio was sitting next to Kaito looking down too. The atmosphere was tense with a silence, he sighs. Suddenly, 4 of The Masked open the cell and walk up to Kaito, his eyes widen, Shino gets up and goes in a fighting stance, she screams out,

Shino - "IM GONNA… fuck"

She thinks to herself,

They caught me in a rabbit hole now… if i kill them and try to escape, i'll have to face the Black Reaper… and… i know how that'll end…

The Masked grab Kaito by arms, Mio looks at him terrified and worried,

Mio - "What are you doing?!"

The Masked put a finger on where the mouth should be, indicating she should shush, she directly stops talking scared of what they'll do.

Shino looks at them taking Kaito then looking back down, she thinks,

Should i just leave him? Who knows what they'll do to him…

She frowns

No, he'll get what he deserves.

She tights her fist, not knowing what to do.

Kaito looks at them terrified as The Masked bring him out of the cell and close it again. Mio runs to the bars and grips on to them,

Mio - "Don't hurt him!!!!"

Shino sighs and loosens her grip on her fists.

Mio sits down,

Mio - "fuck…"

Kaito moves trying to get out of their grip but they're too strong, his stomach rumbles and he feels a little pain.

Kaito - "ah…"

The Masked stop walking and open a door, Kaito looks inside and its a room full of white, white walls, white floor, white lights, white roof and a white bed. The Masked throws Kaito and closes the door, he looks around, his eyes hurt because of the bright color, he rubs his eyes and groans.

He walks up to the bed and he slightly smiles because its been a while since he slept on a bed. He jumps on the bed but he slowly starts crying, he's been trying to keep calm for his sister but now, he cries like he never before. He grips his white pillow and puts tears all over it.

Suddenly, the door opens and The Masked throw someone in the room too. Kaito gets up, wipes his tears and tries to see who it is.

Kaito - "Hello?"

The man had messy brown hair, Kaito looks at his face and his eyes widen.

Kaito - "Hi- hi- Hikoto?!!!"

Hikoto's eyes widen but then he rubs them because of the white.

Hikoto - "k- Kaito??"

They slowly walk up to each other, and once they are next to each other, they look at eachother shocked. They hug and they smile, Kaito stops smiling and looks at Hikoto worried and scared,

Kaito - "Why- why are you here?"

Hikoto shakes his head and smiles again,

Hikoto - "That isn't relevant"

He looks down and looks nervous to say what is in his head,

Hikoto - "I know."

Kaito looks at him confused and curious, he tilts his head,

Kaito - "know… know what?"

Hikoto looks at Kaito nervous and he says in a nervous tone,

Hikoto - "i know what you are… but i dont care, you're my best friend"

Kaito's eyes widen and he looks down shocked, he speaks in a shocked tone,

Kaito - "Ho- i- i won't hurt you, don't worry."

Hikoto smiles slightly but he knew in his big heart that Kaito wasn't a monster, and he never will be.

Suddenly, a voice on the speaker of the room speaks,

Voice - "If you want to get out of here… one of you have to kill one another."

Kaito and Hikoto looks at eachother terrified

Kaito & Hikoto - "W- what?"