Red In A White Room


Hikoto's body drops down and Kaito sleeps, 


Kaito slowly wakes up, he sits down on his bed, oblivious to the situation, he rubs his eyes and yawns. He feels a soothing and warm taste on his lips, he swipes his tongue around his lips only to discover that, it was blood. 

His eyes widen as he wonders why there is blood on his lips even though Shino used to give him food when he was sleeping but Shino wasn't here. He looks at Hikoto's bed but he wasn't there, Kaito starts panicking, 

Kaito - "H- Hi- Hikoto?"

He looks down and sees a bloodied and mutilated hand on the floor right under his knees, Kaito starts shaking and breathing heavily, he looks at the blood trail and sees Hikoto's body on the floor. Kaito gasps and starts crying,

Kaito - "Hi- hikoto... no... no, why... this... this... this wasn't supposed to end like this... hikoto..." 

He examines his body, his guts were spilling out, some were chewed on, Hikoto's face was full of bloody scars, some of his limbs like fingers, and feet were mutilated, it was red in a white room. 

Kaito lets out a terrified scream, he was terrified of himself, 

Kaito - "AHHHHH!!"

He whispers to himself in fear while stuttering, 

Kaito - "Hi- hikoto- wha- what happened? i- i- i'm sorry... im so..."

He exhales a couple times, trying to keep his mind off things.

He walks past Hikoto's body in horror, he whispers to himself over and over again,

Kaito - "im sorry, im sorry, im sorry, im sorry, im sorry..." 

He walks up to the door and looks at it for a quick second, he stops talking and looks back at Hikoto's body then back at the door. 

Kaito - "Ok... i'm done now... let me out please... he's... he's dead." 

There is no response, he grabs the door handle and tries to open the door, and, it opens. Kaito's eyes widen, he looks at the outside and realises the truth, 

Kaito - "The door... the door's open... it was open this whole time... that means... killing each other... was an... option?" 

Suddenly, the speaker in the room talks, it was the Black Reaper talking, he was laughing maniacally, 

Black Reaper - "BAHAHAHA!!! hehe... woohoo... sounds like you finally got it! But i still can't decide whether you're stupid or smart!"

Kaito gasps and puts his hands on his head and starts crying, 

Black Reaper - "My slaves will come and escort you back to your cell. Oh, you're such a good sport, my little Kaito!" 

Kaito looks at the speaker with red eyes because of the tears, but he looks at it confused, 

Kaito - How- how do you my name?" 

The speaker cuts and the Black Reaper's slaves violently pin Kaito to the ground and escort him back to the cell.