Princess Treatment

The exam lasted for one hour and consisted of English, Mathematics, Science and General Knowledge questions.

All Other questions were okay for me but I had a hard time answering the Mathematics questions. I tried the best I could and was able to finish answering all the questions before the time elapsed.

"Pens up!" The examiner's voice rang throughout the hall.

We immediately stopped writing and waited for the examiners to collect our question papers before we could leave the hall.

"How was it?" My mom asked me immediately after I came out of the hall.

"It was okay except for the mathematics part," I replied with a smile on my face.

"That's good. I'm sure you will perform well. " She patted me on my shoulder.

After writing the exams, I started feeling very hungry.  I found out that I wasn't able to eat in the morning because I was tensed up and anxious.

Thank goodness my mom packed up the food for me.

"Mom, I'm hungry," I whined.

"Let's find somewhere to sit down so you can eat." My mom replied.

We were lucky to find our spot unoccupied. We sat down and my mom unpacked the food and gave it to me. She also bought a soft drink for me so I could take it alongside the food.

"Did they tell you, people, when the result will be out?" My Mon asked me as I ate my food.

"No, they didn't say anything about the results but we presume it will be two weeks from today. It was written in the application form, that if they have any news or information to convey to us, they would do that through our email addresses." I explained to her.

"Okay, eat up, so that we can leave."

After I was done eating, we left the town hall and made our way to the bus stop where we boarded a bus and went home.


When we got home, we knocked for a while but nobody answered.

"Did Fred leave the house?" My mom asked as she turned the door knob trying to know if it was locked.

"It's locked, and it seems to be locked from the inside. Keep knocking on the door. Let me go and try calling him from the backyard."

I kept knocking at the door but there was no response. I finally gave up and sat down in front of the door.

My mom later came back to the front door and told me that Fred was sleeping and that he only woke up when she repeatedly called out to him.

"Welcome Mom," Fred greeted as he finally opened the door for us. He was still yawning and stretching himself.

Mom didn't respond to his greeting. She was still angry that we stayed outside for almost thirty minutes.

"Why did you sleep off knowing quite well that we will be returning home soon?" She queried Fred.

"I was bored staying all alone. I went over to Katie's house but she and her siblings weren't around. There was no power supply for me to watch movies so I slept off. I am sorry for keeping you waiting." Fred apologised as he hugged Mom.

My mom's anger dissolved immediately and she gave him a side hug before we all went inside.

"Mom, did you buy anything for me?" Fred asked her as he sat beside her on the sofa.

"Didn't you eat this morning? Why are you asking if I bought anything for you....?"

"Mom, but you went out. You should have bought something for me. I am hungry." Fred replied interrupting Her.

"We are just coming back from an exam. Do you think we went to shop rite?"

I stood for a while watching their squabble and I went upstairs to my room to sleep.

I didn't even change out of my dress. I slumped on the bed and slept off. A heavy burden has been lifted off of my shoulder.


I slept for a very long time and only woke up when I felt hungry. I had been forcing myself to sleep with the hunger until I couldn't bear it again.

As I was going downstairs, I began to hear voices. I was surprised to see everyone in the sitting room, and I began to wonder why my dad was back home at that time.

"Here comes my baby girl," My dad shouted out loud as soon as he saw me coming downstairs.

"You are finally awake." My mom added.

"Dad, you came home early today," I yawned and stretched myself.

"I came home at the right time. You are the one who slept for a long time." My dad chuckled. "Look at the wall clock."

I took a look at the clock and it was a few minutes to 7'o clock. I gasped in shock. I had slept for 6 hours plus.

Fred started laughing at me when he saw my reaction.

"Come and sit down. Let me bring your food over. You must be very hungry." My mom said as she led me to the dining to sit down.

I had a sumptuous meal of yam porridge and pepper soup, and for dessert, I had a cup of vanilla ice cream and cake.

I later found out that my Mom sent Fred to get it from the supermarket down the street after their squabble earlier in the day. He had already finished eating his share but he still came around to steal some scoops from my ice cream. I ignored him and planned to get back at him on a day he will be eating his favourite food and wouldn't like to share with me.