Chapter 4

Jack was happy to be home. Not in his house, of course, but in Harley's, since her parents were gone and her siblings were off to school. As usual, they made themselves at home. "I'll make some dinner for us. Let me just see what we have here...." Ann said, sorting through the meat and spices. Jack leaned against the wall, crossing his arms, and wasn't really feeling hungry. "Eh, I'll skip out on dinner tonight." Everyone went ballistic. "You need to eat! It's not good for you to keep nothing on your stomach!" "Dude, you can't just skip out, you need to eat. Espically after that fight. You gotta get some strength in ya!" "Yeah, and I'm making something everyone likes: salads!" No one complained, since half of them were vegetarians anyway. "I said I'm not hungry, so I won't eat tonight, and if you have a problem with that, you can shove your words up your ass." Shockingly, no one else answered to that, and he went to the bathroom, so he could hide out for a little bit. He'd gotten forced into a fight for about the fourth time this year and he honestly didn't know why people liked to beat him up. He hadn't even done anything to Alex and his stupid group of friends! He didn't talk to any other students, didn't really pay attention to the teachers, and never tried his hardest on homework.

Heck, he didn't even talk to anyone at school except for the three friends downstairs. So why was he getting beat up? Probably as a punching bag, just so Alex could let his emotions go, which was most likely because of family problems. That's how every bully is made. They either make fun of a kid, or pick a fight with then for no reason, just to make themselves feel better about being hurt. A knock drew him from his thoughts. "Hey, kid, you good?" It was, yet again, Oliver. Man, he really was the overprotective and caring brother, wasnt he? Jack took a minute to respond. "No." He knew there wasn't a point in lying. Oliver could sniff a lie out five miles away. The doorknob jingled, but didn't turn, as it had been locked. "Can you let me in? Maybe you could tell me what's bothering you." Jack reached up from his spot on the floor, undid the lock, and slid away from the door so it could open. Oliver sat beside him, crisscross like, and waited patiently. "I just want to know what's so wrong with me. Why certain people hate me just for existing. I didn't do anything to them, so what reason do they have to hate me for, what reason do they use to kick and punch me?" He stared at his hands, starting to hate himself, and just wished his life could be over. "I just want to know what's so fucked up about me that even my "parents" don't want anything to do with me! I just need a reason for the way people treat me. Is that too much to ask?" He was surprised he wasn't crying with rage at this point. Maybe he was so broken, too broken to the point where he couldn't cry, or feel anything anymore. Oliver took his hands, which made Jack look at him, and listen to what he said. "Jack, nothing is fucked up about you. And, yeah, your parents are assholes, I get it. And, yes, you are being used as a emotional relief punching bag for Alex. Maybe certain people don't like you. But that shouldn't be your concern. You should be focused on your grades, your friends, and, more importantly...." He pulled Jack in for a hug. "Yourself. I'll let you skip out on dinner tonight, but you better eat tomorrow, kid." He couldn't answer. He was too busy trying not to lose it. His freaking crush had just hugged him! Who wouldn't want to freak out and do a little happy dance? Jack stared at the floor, still unsure of what to say, until his friend cupped his chin, and forced them to look at each other. "Is there anything else I can do to help?" Jack found himself stealing glances at the boy's lips and forced himself to focus on the eyes. "Don't tell anyone....please?" "My lips are sealed." Oliver leaned in closer, making their breaths mingle, and Jack did the same. Until they met in the middle, and their lips crashed together, kissing each other.