Chapter 15

Jack didn't know what else to do, now stuck in the van, other than not believe that his friends hadn't noticed he was missing. Other than think that this was some stupid, fucked up nightmare, and that he would wake up to find Ann safe and sound. And, for the first time in a while, he cried. Cried for himself. Cried for his friends. Cried for Ann. Cried because he didn't know what would happen. He was a little scared to be honest. His friend was dead, he was being kidnapped, and-he nearly jumped out of his pants when his phone vibrated in his back pocket. With difficutly, he managed to get it out, and place it on the floor. He turned around, and turned it on, then saw the text. Jack? Where are you rn? Oliver! It was Oliver! He tried his best to text back with the tip of his nose. You left me behind. I being kidnapped. In a black van. Pret surr it the murder. And he sent it. A few seconds later....HE BETTER NOT HURT A SINGLE FUCKING HAIR ON YOUR HEAD! U still in the parking lot? Jack started typing with his nose again. Yeah. Don' kow wher th murder at. But he ight com back soo. He pressed send. I'm coming RIGHT NOW.! Try to distract the murder if he starts the car. We're catching this guy. Jack didn't answer. He strained his ears, listening hard, and swore he had heard footsteps a second before. He watched the windows too. Nothing. Maybe it had just been his imagination. Was he going crazy now? About ten minutes later, Oliver called him. "Harley is at the police station, telling them the situation. I'll be there in about twenty more minutes. Can u hold out till then?" "Mmfh!" He mumbled, trying to say yes. "Did he gag you?" Oliver nearly yelled. "Mmhmm." "I'll kill him I swear. Anyway, see u soon, love you! Remember not to panic!" He hung up, leaving Jack to keep an eye out for the murder.