Chapter 18

Jack woke only to see a blinding light. He shielded his eyes with one hand, and took a look around, once his vision was clear. He was still in the parking lot, on the ground, and the light were his truck's headlights. "Jack? Don't move, your badly hurt, ok?" A voice whispered next to him. The was a girl's, and it...was familiar. He knew it. couldn't be possible, could it? She.....she had been....hadn't she? "Ann?!" He rasped, shocked. No way she'd survived. "Yes and no. I'm right here, and you can see me, but only you can. I'm not real, I'm Ann's ghost, and the others will think your going crazy." He didn't say anything. Her ghost was better than nothing. "I'm sorry. But at least I'll be able to follow you around. Since I'm not in the other world." He nodded. He still couldn't reply to her. "You won't win! The cops will be here any minute! We'll all stop you!" Oliver. He was still fighting. "You forgot, boy. There's one of you and two of us." Suddenly, a hand yanked him up by his hair, and something cold pressed against his throat. Maybe a blade of some kind. "Back away, or your friend, Jack, here dies." "Go ahead. Kill me, if you think your so tough, bitch. Either way, you won't win!" Jack said, moving his hands slowly upward, toward the person's mask. "Oh, but we will, boy. Just you wait!" He gripped the mask, and yanked it off, No way! Nonononono! "Father?"