Chapter 24

About a month or so later, he was deemed to leave the hospital, and told what he could do, and what he had to stay away from. He was driving to his new home, with his adoptive parents, and Ann's ghost, in the car. The house was nice, he had to admit. Gray on the outside, and nice, sunny and calm vibes inside. It was only a one-floor, but he didn't care about the size. Since he hadn't grown up to be spoiled, like other rich kids, and he was liking it so far. His school life changed. He wasn't bullied anymore. Maybe because the other kids feared they would go missing, too, like Alex had. Well, he had ended up dead. And not a lot of kids knew which was the truth. Or maybe it was because Oliver was with him during school hours. He didn't have any new friends, and he didn't want to, because he felt like he'd be replacing Ann. Anyway, he pulled into the driveway, parked, turned the car off, and checked the mail. Water bill, electric bill, something about food stamps.....and a letter without an address or something to identify it. He hid that one in his hoodie, and took a calm breath, then went inside the house with Hope and Anthony, and laid the mail on the counter. Then, he went to the bathroom, and looked at the unmarked envelope. He didn't know what to do. Open it? Ignore it? Tell someone about it? With a sense of dread, and the feeling that something bad would happen, he unsealed the envelope,and unfolded the letter within it. He read to himself: My plan isn't complete yet. So that means I'm not done with you. I'll see you soon, son. No, nonononono! It couldn't be....his mother was back?