Chapter 152

Not long after the flight, Su Changge and the three successfully arrived at the Buried Sword Villa.

Looking down from the air, I saw a hundred-zhang mountain below, and stone steps were laid on the mountain, leading to the top of the mountain, winding and winding.

Several Taoist temples were built on the top of the mountain, and the Taoist temple was surrounded by a wall, wrapping those temples within the wall.

The mountain is not large, Su Changge converted it, it is more than 300 meters in height, as for the area is even smaller, if the footwork is fast, you can walk around in a blaze of time.

He looked to the left side of the mountain, and saw that there was indeed a bridge hole at the foot of the mountain, and there were several locust trees growing at the entrance, and the thick leaves of the locust tree almost blocked the bridge hole.

"Huh? That is…"

Suddenly, Su Changge noticed something and frowned.

At the foot of the mountain, a disciple wearing a robe made by the Buried Sword Mountain Villa patrolled back and forth around the entire mountain, as if he was guarding it in a strict formation.

They would go round and round and soon patrol more than ten laps.

"Master…" Xiao Yu's eyes froze slightly.

The bridge hole is inconspicuous, but there are people constantly patrolling, and if you rush in, you will definitely be detected.

Su Lianyue's brows were also slightly wrinkled, and she felt slightly troublesome.

Su Changge thought for a moment and said, "Let's go down first." Soon

, the three descended from the clouds and hid in a hidden bush on the ground.

Xiao Yu took the Tengu form and reformed into a human form.

The reason why she didn't use the Tengu form this time is that she now wants her owner to see more of her graceful figure after growing up.

In fact, just now in the cabin, she didn't let Su Changge see it, she just felt very ashamed…

Su Lianyue looked up at the entrance of the bridge cave, where the patrol team was constantly patrolling, which was very annoying.

"This Buried Sword Villa is also too vigilant…"

Xiao Yudai's brows furrowed.

Su Changge said in a deep voice: "If only there was a technique that could be invisible." "

I vaguely remember that in those novels I read in my previous life, there was a big villain who could be invisible, and he walked in front of others with his face, and no one else knew about it.

If you have this kind of exercise, then when faced with this situation, it will be beautiful.

I hope to brush it up in the future.

At the same time, he also thought of Huang Jiulong, who should have sneaked in at night while these patrol disciples were lazy and napping.

But you can't wait until the evening.

"Xiao Yu, what can you do?"

He looked at Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Or, kill?"

"Wait a minute!" Su Xianyue suddenly stopped and said, "This kind of little, it's too dirty to kill, I have a way!"

She took out a bag of spirit stones from her body, waved her wrist, and threw it out.

"Snap…" The

white flower spirit stones spilled down, like a rain of spirit stones, throwing beautiful arcs in the air, and finally spilled on the ground in the distance, which was very eye-catching.

Fiercely, the disciples of those patrolling Buried Sword Mountain Villa lit up one after another.

"Groove, Spirit Stone?"

"Heavenly Spirit Stone?"

"Good luck is coming, go around, go and pick it up!"

"But that place is some distance away from us, if it is in the past, wouldn't it…"

"You don't pick it up, I'll go!"

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"Wait for me!"

With a few clicks, those disciples walked away.

In just three breaths, they returned, holding the glittering spirit stone in their hands, with an ecstatic expression on their faces.

But they didn't notice at all that in just these three breaths, someone had already sneaked into the bridge hole unexpectedly.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"A thousand lower grade spirit stones, in exchange for a large pool of spiritual milk, capitalists are ashamed of themselves!"

In the bridge cave, Su Changge said with a smile as he walked.

It is true that if you kill those disciples, firstly, it is easy to get your hands dirty, and secondly, it is easy to attract the attention of the Buried Sword Villa, and at that time, if they know that there is originally a spiritual milk here, then the two sides must not fight.

Although you are not afraid, you can avoid trouble, and it is better to avoid it.

Without him, a waste of time!

"Master, I smell sweet."

Little Qiong moved her nose.

She is a dog herself and has a very sensitive sense of smell.


Su Changge led the two women and rushed towards the inside of the bridge cave.

In this cave, it is dark and dark, and the air smells of humidity on a rainy day.

The further he walked inside, the more Su Changge felt like he was walking downhill, going deep underground.

Thinking of what the Dark Soul Emperor said, it was ten thousand meters deep from the ground, and he couldn't help but speed up his pace.

Finally, some time later, the three managed to reach the depths of the mountain.

The air here is thin and there is a feeling of lack of oxygen.

Su Changge looked at it, and in front of him was a ingenious stalactite cave, like a blessed land created by heaven and earth, which was breathtaking.

Not far away, there was a huge pool, which was really the size of a swimming pool as the Soul Emperor said, and the pool was surrounded by sparkling stalactites.

As for the inside of the pool, it is filled with pure earth milk, which looks like flowing milk to the naked eye, flowing milk and honey, and the surface of the water is steaming with a thick white mist.

"Wow, it's so fragrant!"

The little devouring eyes shine.

"Look, there's a little spoon!"

Su Lianyue was more careful, and her eyes observed a small wooden spoon by the pool.

Next to the wooden spoon, there is also a wooden water cup.

Su Changge glanced at it and said with a smile: "It should be that Huang Jiulong does not dare to absorb too much rashly, for fear of dying from exploding, so he scoops it into the cup with a spoon and drinks it."

"But I am a clean body, without any impurities, and it is no problem to let go of the guts to absorb!"

As he spoke, he grabbed the wooden spoon and cup, and burst it with his fingers.

Then he walked to the edge of the pool, picked up the earth soul milk inside, and took a sip.

"Lying groove, it's so sweet!"

In the mouth, it is fragrant and sweet, like drinking milk, even sweeter than milk.

He simply opened his mouth, dipped his face into the water, and drank it with a grunt.

In the end, he simply jumped into the pool and drank to his heart's content!

Even if your clothes are wet, you can't care about it!