Chapter 178

Along the way, Su Changge encountered several waves of bandits who fled downward.


He swung his sword, and blood gushed out.

Dozens of bodies also fell to the ground.

Su Changge snorted coldly and continued to kill upward.

Soon, he killed all the way from the mountain to the mountain, and the big knife he killed was stained with blood, and the Erlong Mountain who killed was terrified.

On the top of the mountain, in the village, some robbers had just left the gate of the village to escape, and when they saw him killing him all the way from a distance, their faces turned pale, and they all retreated into the village.

"Quick! Close the gate of the walled village! The robber panicked.

Immediately, hundreds of strong and strong minions joined forces to close the gate of the village.

This gate is cast of pig iron, like thousands of scales smelted and cast, it is extremely thick and heavy, and the hardness is even more terrifying.

When the gate closed, many robbers breathed a sigh of relief and felt a full sense of security.

Outside, the mountain road where Su Changge killed was full of corpses, blood flowed like rivers, and soon killed in front of the gate of the village.

By this time, all the robbers who were wandering outside and preparing to escape were all killed by him.

The rest is all in this village.

Standing in front of the door, Su Changge's divine sense swept in, and he immediately noticed that there were thousands of these robbers, most of them were mortals, and only one had the aura of the golden body realm tumbling on his body, which should be at the level of the master.

This kind of robber's den, if not cleared and retained, will only become a scourge.

He glanced at the heavy gate and drank coldly: "Let you see what is called abusive vegetables." "


A knife cut out, and in an instant, a dazzling arc shot out, slashing fiercely towards the walled gate.

One cut!

Just a knife!

With a loud bang, this knife directly smashed the thick pig iron walled gate, and the iron gate burst open and exploded!

"Boom!" Erlongzhai was in an uproar!

Is this the power of immortals?

In an instant, all the robbers shivered, and immediately scattered like a tide, drilling towards the corner of the village, hoping to retrieve a life.

Su Changge strode into the cottage, and saw that one killed one, like chopping melons and cutting vegetables, and soon the green dragon moon knife was stained with blood, and I don't know how many heads were cut off.

It's just a piece of information.

Blood flowed all over the ground, flowing against the river towards the village.

"Four masters, you come out soon, if you don't come out again, we'll be finished!" Someone shivered and drank.

A gasp immediately sounded in the field: "My stomach hurts, I want to go to the hut, take a step first!"

Su Changge fixed his eyes, and saw that there was indeed a man with a head who was ready to slip away, and his cultivation was the Golden Body Realm.

Without hesitation, he was immediately given a knife.

The man's face instantly turned as white as earth, and before he could let out a scream, his head was split in half, and red and white things splattered all over the ground.

"Shhh!" The crowd gasped in unison, and then one by one quickly fled to the back door of the cottage.

The cottage is divided into a front door and a back door, but the back door opens the door to the cliff, and it is either dead or disabled if it falls.

But now instead of dying, it's better to fight!

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In the blink of an eye, the fastest bandit had already run to the back door.

Su Changge's body was shocked, and the back door was instantly blocked, and no one wanted to escape.


"I don't want to die, I still want to be happy, how can …!"

"Ask the immortal…!"

"Click! Click! Click! Su Changge killed from the front door to the back door, mercilessly all the way, slashed sharply, and soon killed most of them.

"Eat me a blow!"

In the crowd, a strong bandit shouted fiercely, trapped the beast, and lifted a hundred-pound stone and smashed it.


The large stone caused a sonic boom in the air.

This person is the fifth leader of the Erlong Village, a mortal warrior, although his cultivation is low, but he is born with divine power, and hundreds of pounds of large stones are like sandbags in his hands.


In the face of a hundred pounds of stones smashing, Su Changge did not blink his eyes, and simply punched up.

"Bang! Bang bang! "

A violent explosion resounded in all directions, and the stones on his fist crackled and exploded into pieces before he could even hold a breath!

The face of the five leaders changed on the spot.

Immediately raised his hands in surrender: "Stop!" I admit defeat, I'm just joking with you…"

Su Changge slashed over, and the terrifying knife light was even more dazzling than lightning, stirring up a brilliant arc.

The five leaders were directly cut off their heads and became a headless corpse.

The body also fell to the ground, screaming for his life.

As soon as the five leaders died, there was no longer a leader in Erlongzhai, and in an instant, everyone lost their backbones, like headless flies, fleeing madly in panic.

Some of them jumped up at the house and wanted to jump on the house.

But how can mortals have that ability? Su Changge chased after him and slashed to death.

Others jumped into the well, but as soon as they jumped in, they were still in the period of falling, and they were crushed into a blood mist by a coercive pressure.

It didn't take long for everyone in the cottage to be killed.

After another while, everyone was killed, and not a single one remained.

In the end, a one-eyed robber pretended to be dead, and Su Changge sneered and cut him into sashimi.


Su Changge came to Juyi Hall, and immediately found several fish tanks and bird cages on the table, and there were several flowers, birds, insects and fish in them.

"Although these are not people, but in accordance with the principle of not staying, they cannot be let go!"

Su Changge kicked up, and the birdcage fish tank was suddenly kicked and exploded, and the little things inside died directly and exploded into gorgeous fireworks.

Finally, he searched for a while in the Juyi Hall, successfully found a mechanism on the wall, twisted the mechanism, and a secret room suddenly appeared in front of him.

The secret room is about ten square in size and is filled with various iron boxes.

"Treasure chest!" Su Changge's face was delighted.