The Beginning Part 1

(It all started on my latest raid, we were trapped in a dungeon with nothing to eat. The Dungeon Boss appeared and I was betrayed by my teammates and was rendered useless. When I thought I would die, that's when my new life began.)

Before the Catastrophic Event.

"Huh? Leo is going to join our raid?" One of the girls asked.

"Yeah, Apparently the one leading the raid said he could join." Said of the One of the boys.

"But he's going to hold us back." Said the girl.

"I know right, I don't know what the boss was thinking." Said the Boy.

"They're at it again, What a drag."

They enter the Dungeon and Leo is knocked out by one of the Demonic Beasts.

"Aw C'mon, This is a D-Rank Dungeon."

The Team manages to defeat the Dungeon Boss and clear the Dungeon. The Hunters mutter amongst themselves,

"Leo is doing it again."

"I knew he was useless."

Leo pants whilst staring at the other hunters.

(My Name is Leo Howard, and I'm an F-Rank Hunter. But none of my hunts have ever been successful. I became a hunter and joined raids so I could pay off the debt my father owed. But I was unable to because I always seemed to fail.)

In One of the Restaurants in Central City, Shakunetsu. Leo was seated with one of his close friends.

Shakunetsu is a beautiful country where our main character dwells. It has many cities in it and is known for being the largest nation.

"Are you still going on raids, Leo?"

[Davis _ Leo's Best Friend]

"You don't understand how raiding dungeons is so important to me."

"What could be more important than your life?"

"I knew you wouldn't understand."

"Leo, Do you know that you're currently the weakest hunter in history."


"If you go on another Raid, there'll be a higher chance of you dying. So I suggest you quit now."


Leo is a young boy aged 19 with brown skin and has a fragile body. He has short hair and always wears a brown T-shirt with blue jean pants. He is the weakest hunter whom everyone makes fun of.

Leo walks back home from the restaurant with his hands in his pocket and people on the streets start gossiping about him. He arrives at his apartment and first breathes out. He opens the door and sees his little sister who is still in middle school.

"Big Brother, Why are you still coming home?!"

[Sherry Howard _ Leo's little sister]

She throws her slipper at him and it hits him on the head.

"I can't stand being around you, you're an embarrassment! Just stay out of my sight!"

Sherry runs to her room and shuts the door and it makes a loud bang sound.

(This is the worst. I don't earn much since I'm an F-Rank Hunter. No Guild wants to sign me up since I'm basically pathetic, though I'm temporarily working with the Fox Guild but that doesn't count. I get why my sister will be ashamed of me. Damn it, If only my father didn't rack up that loan.)

Leo sits on the couch and switches on the TV and puts on the news.

"The Lion's Guild has been Impressive as of lately. They've been completing many raids thanks to their S-Rank Hunter, Piper Taylor."

"If only I could get appreciated like that. This world is so cruel, they care about results and not effort. I'm young and always give it my all but people only see me for my flaws."

Leo switches off the TV and sits back and sighs.

"Why me of all people? Why do I have to be the one to receive hate? What did I do to deserve this? Even my little sister is ashamed to be around me. I wouldn't be surprised if she decided to leave the house."

Leo hears a knock on the door and he stands up to check. He opens the door and sees a man with orange hair and an orange beard and wearing an orange and black suit.

"Mr. Howard, It's been a while." Said the man in the orange suit.

"Not really a while because you came by yesterday. So what brings you here today, Mr. Han?"

"You should already know what I came here for, Leo Howard."

[Juang Han _ Guildmaster of the Fox Guild]


"So am I coming in?"

"Of course, right this way."

Han walks into the apartment and starts looking around.

"This place is a dump. Makes sense an F-Rank is paying for it." Said Han.

"Mr. Han..."

"You've paid me the debt your father owed but it's still not enough. Especially since it's the salary of an F-Rank."


"So I have an enticing offer. Another Gate has appeared in a town here in Central City and you're going to join that Raid."

"But I don't think they'll let me on another raid."

"Don't worry, as long as you're registered with the Fox Guild then all is well. Don't forget your father still owes me."

Later at night, Leo sits on the couch and just stares at the black TV screen. Sherry opened her door and approached Leo.

"So you're going on another Raid. Haven't you had enough of embarrassing me?"

"Sherry, you know why I keep doing these raids despite being weak."

"I don't care. If you're going to leave for another raid then I'll start living with my friends. Do you know how much people make fun of me for just being your sister?"

"I'm risking my life to put food on the table because your father went and hung himself and your mother went to start life with another man and you all care about is a little fame!!!"

"... You're the worst."

Sherry runs to her room with tears in her eyes.

"Sherry...I didn't mean to..."

The next day, Leo put on a different brown t-shirt with a hoodie and wore blue jeans with sneakers. His bag for raiding was ready and he stood up ready to leave.

(She's not coming to see me off, I know why?)

Leo grabs his bag and leaves his house to leave for the Dungeon. After a few walks, he arrived where the gate was located.

"Davis, I thought you convinced him to not join raids again."

[Ava _ Leo's Best Friend and Davis's Girlfriend]

"I thought I did. Leo, What are you doing here?"

"I'm joining the raid of course."

"You idiot! You're the only F-rank here. And not only that, you're the weakest hunter everyone has ever known."

"So you're suggesting because of that then I should quit. I'm not going to do that."

"Quit being stubborn, I'm asking you to reconsider. I'm only saying this as your friend."

"... Let's get ready for the Raid."

"Damn it, Leo."

(Including Davis, there are currently 12 D-Ranks, Including Ava is Four Healers and three are C-Rank, One C-Rank Mage and two D-Rank Mage, and only One B-Rank Hunter.)

A Man with white hair and black eyes wearing a blue jacket and carrying a long sword stood before the hunters present.

"To everyone who has gathered here, we're about to clear a C-Rank Dungeon." The man said.

(C-Rank Dungeon? I never heard anything about that.)

"My Name is Grey Walker and I'm a B-Rank Hunter under the Fox Guild. I'm the one who is going to lead this Raid and Howard, Since you're the only F-Rank Hunter, You're going to be our Porter."

Everyone leaves their bags at Leo's feet and Leo picks them all up.

"Now... it's time to clear the C-Rank Dungeon."

"Right!" The Hunters respond loudly.

Leo flinches and starts walking slowly towards the gate.

(What's this feeling? I know I've never had an easy raid but with this one, I feel uneasy. The mana waves are starting to change.)

Meanwhile in the Shakunetsu Hunters Association Quarter.

"What?! You Re-examined the data and the dungeon is not C-Rank?! Call back the hunters and send out an A-Rank or higher tier strike team."

Back at the Dungeon on the Southern side of Central City in Shakunetsu. Leo and the rest of the strike team make it into the dungeon which appears to look like a dark cave.

"So we've made it inside the Dungeon. You know the objective, defeat the boss and clear the Dungeon." Grey said.

The Gates to the outside shut them in and disappear.

"What's this? The Gates were not supposed to close." Grey Said.

A Blue holographic window appeared before each of them and it stated out their objective.

{Objective: Defeat 200 Enemies}

"What's this blue screen?"

"Kill 200 Enemies?"

(It's just like a video game.)

The Demons come out of hiding and all of them approach the Demons.

"Mid-Demons?! Don't they belong on a B-Rank Dungeon or higher?! What are they possibly doing here in a C-Rank Dungeon?!" Grey asked.

(I know I'm weak but I'm never scared. But with this one, I feel like shitting my pants. I wish my hunch was wrong. How are we supposed to survive this?!)