New Mission

In the Shakunetsu Hunters Association building. Walter reports to Kyouko,

"What? He cleared the whole Dungeon all on his own?" Kyouko asked.

"Yes. You did tell us to act like we can't clear this Dungeon but it's still shocking. An awakening is one of the rarest things to be heard of." Walter said.

"We don't know what happened to him during the Seven-Year Dungeon, but this was just the first test. There's still two more tests to go through."

Back at Leo's Hotel hours after the raid, Leo is out taking a shower. He leaves the shower and checks himself in the mirror.

"Damn it, I really do look like an old man."

He grabs a razor blade and starts to shave off his beard. Sometime later, he's done shaving his beard.

"Good, that will do. I have a pair of new clothes, a new phone, and my beard's off. **Smirk**"

Meanwhile in the Lion's Guild building,

"So that hunter the news was going crazy about, how was he, Akari?" A blonde woman dressed in a lion fur coat seated in her chair with a cigarette in hand asked.

"He was able to clear a D-Rank Dungeon all on his own. Though it was just a D-Rank Dungeon." Akari said.

"Is he signed with a Guild?" The blonde woman asked.

"He was temporarily working with the Fox Guild but now he's solo." Akari said.

"**Smokes** A Gate has spawned in a town in Central City. I'll need you to join the strike team and see if he's a fake."

"Yes ma'am. And please stop smoking."


The next day Leo's at a restaurant dressed in a white turtle neck shirt, and blue jacket with blue jeans and white sneakers.

He sips a drink and girls outside and inside the restaurant keep staring at him.

(I've been getting all these stares since this morning, I don't feel comfortable. Oh look at the time, I have to prepare for the raid.)

Leo leaves a money note on the desk and leaves the restaurant with his hands in his pocket. A Few Minutes later, Leo arrives at the scene of the raid through a bus.

Akari runs up to him and says, "Leo, you look quite different."

"Well, I did make quite a few changes."

'He looks cute now.' Akari said to herself.

"Looks like everyone is here so let's get started. My Name is Bashira and I'm an A-Rank Hunter under the Mantis Guild. The Mantis Guild has claimed this B-Rank Dungeon and left me in charge of the raid."

"Bashira is leading the raid, I know he's one of the Mantis Guild's best so we're okay."

[Isamu _ B-Rank Mage under the Mantis Guild]

"This is a B-Rank Dungeon so why is an F-Rank Hunter raiding with us?"

[Aya _ B-Rank Healer under the Mantis Guild]

"Because the Association allowed it." Bashira said.


"You really are hated aren't you mister."

"Shut up." 'Right now we have, Two mages with one being D-Rank, One B-Rank Healer, One A-Rank + Five B-Rank strike hunters. Even if they're all high ranking, they sure are underestimating these Dungeons.' Leo remembers the Seven-Year Dungeon for a second as he says that.

"Now, Shall we get started?"

'The main purpose of these raids is to scope out Leo Howard's strength. That's why they picked a high-ranking Dungeon."

They all walk through the gates with Leo being the porter again. Before Leo throughs, A Red Status Window appears before him.

{Objective: Defeat 100 Enemies}

{Reward: N/A}

{Difficulty: A+}

(It never told me about Difficulty before, Could this Dungeon be...)

Leo walks through the gates, and as they all walk into the Dungeon, they see Demonic beasts lying in wait for them.

"A Few will stand back and protect the porter. The rest will attack these damn pigs."


The Hunters charge in for the Demonic beasts and start to clash.

'We'll clear this Dungeon on our own and show that this F-Rank is a fraud, per the Guildmaster's orders."

{Enemies Defeated: 10/100}

(All is going well but something definitely is up.)

As the Hunters proceed and Leo keeps glancing around.

"Why are you so on edge, Leo?" Akari asked.

"I'm keeping my guard up and checking the surroundings." Leo said.

"Isamu, Just how many mana Stones did we collect?" Bashira asked.

"Ten Demonic beasts defeated is equals to ten mana Stones."

"So we only managed to defeat ten. So much for a B-Rank Dungeon." Bashira said.

"But Since it's a B-Rank Dungeon, I'm sure Boss's Layer will have a hefty fetch." Aya said.


They arrive at the last spot and before them are metal doors. Leo looks to the right and sees a stone tablet similar to the Seven Year Dungeon.

(It's similar to the Seven Year Dungeon, but the mana I sense behind these doors is no greater than Kagero.)



"Great flames of the abyss, come forth and incinerate anything before your sight. Flame Magic: Flame blast."

Akari and Isamu combine a fire spell and blast the doors open.

"Looks the Boss's Layer. Let's go."

(No, we still have to defeat 90 more.)

They walk through the doors and end up in a swamp.

"A Swamp?"

The Doors behind them shuts.

"What's going on?!" Bashira asked.

"A B-Rank Dungeon's gates were not supposed to be shut unless the Boss was defeated!" Aya shouted.

"Welcome Humans to my Dungeon. I must congratulate you for making it this far." The Demonic beast said in a Demonic language.

"It talks?!"

"What is it saying?" Isamu asked.

(I'm really understanding these Demonic beasts now.)

"So this pig is the Dungeon Boss."

"Status Scan."

Leo scans the Demonic Beast.

{Status Scan}

{Name: Muzgash}

{Race: High Orc}

{Class: S}


(I knew this Dungeon was shady. A High Orc, worse ranked A in a B-Rank Dungeon. That's why the Status Window had a difficulty. And the Beast is a named beast.)

"Mages! Fire attacks at the beasts."

The Mages and chant and fire a spell at the Beasts but Muzgash steps forward and smacks the blast away.


Muzgash appears between Akari and Isamu and kicks them away. Leo catches Akari but Isamu crashes through a tree.

"Hey, Akari, You okay?" Leo asked.


"Aya, Attend to the Mages."

As Aya runs towards Isamu's location, Muzgash appears behind her and swings at her but Bashira steps in and blocks the attack.

"You'll be fighting me." Bashira said.

Muzgash moves back.

"Ho, A Human stepping up to me. Interesting." Muzgash said in a Demonic language.

"I don't even know what you're saying but I'm sure you're looking for a challenge."

(The Demonic Beast Bashira is fighting is an S, and he's an A-Rank. The odds are against him.)

"Time to show you what the greatest in the Mantis Guild is capable of."

Bashira charges in for Muzgash and swings at him but Muzgash dear dodges and connects a jab sending Bashira flying. Bashira balances and stabs the ground to maintain his stance.

"You still stand Human, You're quite impressive."

Blood drips from Bashira's face and Bashira drops to a knee.

'What is up with that jab? It's on a different level.' Bashira said.

"Well, There's plenty more from where that came from."

Muzgash appears before Bashira and throws a hook and Bashira blocks with his sword but it sends him back.

Muzgash appears before him again and throws multiple hooks and Bashira keeps blocking all the attacks.

A hook makes it to the guts and another to the face sending Bashira flying. Bashira is lying out on the floor panting hard.

"Is that all you can offer, Human? You were no fun."

Akari starts trembling in Leo's hands and says, "The Mantis Guild is one of the Five major Guilds and Bashira is one of the best A-Ranks, and yet..."

Bashira gets on a knee and gasps for air.

"You can still go on?"

"I am Bashira, A-Rank Hunter of the Mantis Guild. I won't bow out to a measly beast like you."

Bashira enchants his sword with mana.

"I'll take you out here and now!"

Bashira charges in for Muzgash and swings at him with full power but Muzgash stops the attack with two fingers.

"It's impressive that you can still stand, but... That's as far as you go."

Muzgash connects multiple hooks and a jab to finish it off sending Bashira flying.

"Bashira!! **Cough**" Isamu shouted.

"Your strongest was taken out. Now I'm going to kill all of you."

The rest of the Demonic beasts are now on the move.

"My Name is Muzgash, A General at the Army of the Demon Emperor Shagrat. Be glad that it was I who took your life. First I'll start with you."

The Demonic beasts charge in for the unconscious Bashira. They all swing at him but Bashira is warped away and appears next to Leo.

'That human is capable of Spatial Manipulation. A Technique only the Demon Emperors are capable of. Just who is he?' Muzgash asked.

"Mr. Bashira, I need your permission. Can I fight?" Leo asked.

"No way, I can't risk a porter worse than an F-Rank getting hurt. I'll handle this."

"If I don't do anything we'll all die. I'll ask again, Can I fight?"

"...Fine, Permission granted."

Leo stands up and and walks towards Muzgash.

"Akari, take care of Bashira."

"Are you going to play with me, Human?"

"Inventory, Open. Demon Blade Yagura."

{Item Equipped: Demon Blade Yagura}

'That sword, It's Kagero's Sword, Don't tell me this guy is...'

"You said you were Demon Emperor Shagrat's General, right? You'll spill the beans to his location."

"Tch, Bring it on."