Showcase of Strength Pt.2

Leo and the rest of the Hunters keep traveling north, all following Leo's lead. They finally arrive at the Boss's Layer and before them were large metal doors that could only be unlocked through a code.

"I See."

"The Doors can only be unlocked through a code which may take quite a while to decode." One of the Mages said.

(All I have to do is tap into the mana behind the doors and force a portal to open which might grant us access without having to decode.)

{Spatial Manipulation Skill Activated}

Leo creates a portal and it starts off very small. Leo pours mana into it and it grows larger.

"Everyone, Enter the portal."


All the Hunters enter the gates and they find themselves in a forest flooded with water.

They are all about to fall into the lake but Leo catches them using the wind.

"Leo!" Akari shouted.

"An Environmental change, This Dungeon isn't B-Rank, It's higher." Leo said.

Leo uses his wind to make all of them balance on the water. The Hunters start to Murmur amongst themselves,

"It's a Forest now?"

"I thought things like this only occur in high-ranking Dungeons?"

"...Akari, You and the mages cast a barrier to help you protect yourselves." Leo said.

"What are you going to do?" Akari asked.

Leo slowly steps forward and the Mages cast a spell amongst themselves.


A Super high-speed trajectory comes flying for Leo and Leo tries to block with his sword but it sends him back.

Leo looks at his left limb and sees that his left arm has bitten off and blood drips from it. He looks up and sees a large black snake looking down at him.

{Status Scan}

{Race: Snake}

{Class: A-}

(It's not a named beast so I won't be able to interrogate it. The Beast is not strong but it makes up for it with its speed. **Smirk** Interesting.)

More Demonic Beasts come out of hiding.

{Objective: Defeat 30/30 Enemies}

"Very well, Let's Dance."

{Item Equipped: Leo's Lightning Sword}

The Demonic beasts charge in for Leo and Leo dodges them all and slashes one in half. The other wraps its tail around Leo and drags him into the water.

(I can't breathe. Is their plan to suffocate me under water.)

They all coming swimming in for Leo.

(Now I see.)

{Environmental Adaptation Skill Activated}

Leo balances underwater and manages to dodge their attack. Another wraps its tail around him to prevent him from swimming out.

(Did you think this could hold me down.)

Leo slashes the snake into pieces. He flies out of the water and the other Demonic beasts come out, surrounding him.

"**Smirk** Now this is great interesting."

{Speed Cutting Skill Activated}

Leo starts to slash them all down in a flash. One tries to eat him but he stabs its mouth and cuts it in half.

{Lightning Manipulation Skill Activated}

Leo cloaks his sword in lightning and swings his sword slashing all the Demonic beasts.

{Enemies Defeated: 30/30. Objective Completed}

{New Objective: Defeat Dungeon Boss}

The Black Snake Demon just stares Leo down.

"That's right, I forgot to generate my arm."

{Instant Regeneration + Illusion Skill Activated}

Leo instantly regenerates his left arm and starts swinging it around.

(Regenerating a lost arm is even difficult for a mage, so instantly doing it despite being a mage will get everyone shocked. That's why I had to cast an illusion.)

The Snake Demon charges in for Leo and tries to eat him but Leo dodges its attack, and it quickly changes lanes and tries to attack again but Leo keeps dodging its every attack.

Leo swings at the Demonic beast but it doesn't leave a dent and the snake swings its tail at Leo sending Leo flying.

Leo balances on the water but the Snake Demon appears before him.

(What an amazing skin the snake has. The Scales are tough and light, defending him against any attack while he can still move at super speed.)

Leo continues to dodge the Snake's every attack. The Snake appears behind Leo and tries to eat him but Leo blocks without looking.

"I'm done scaling your powers. If you were a named beast then I could've kept it longer."

{Lightning Manipulation Skill Activated}

Leo cloaks his sword in lightning and stabs the snake, destroying it from inside, and the Demonic Beast screams in agony.

It swings its tail at Leo but Leo grabs it with one arm and destroys it.

"My strength stats are over the roof, Idiot!"

Leo starts swinging the snake around and tosses it across the forest. He appears above it and kicks it down.

Leo lands before the Demonic Beast and stares it down.

"How perfect, Now your special armour is covered up in water. Meaning..."

{Lightning Manipulation Skill Activated}

Leo cloaks his sword in lightning.

"I can finally Destroy your armor."

The Snake is agitated and charges in for Leo and Leo teleports above it and kicks it down.

{Speed Cutting + Enhanced Stamina Skill Activated}

Leo starts to repeatedly slash the Snake Demonic beast.

(Its Scales are tough as steel, that is why I chose lightning Manipulation. Its body has already been covered in water, plus with my high mana, I can keep going till I break through its armor.)

Leo continues to slash the Demonic beast until cracks start to form around its Scales. The Snake Demon wags its tail at the waters, creating a large mirror.

The Snake Demon enters the water and tries to escape but Leo teleports before it and connects a knee to the head, following with a kick sending it back to the surface.

Leo flies straight for the Snake Demonic beast and it tries to gulp Leo but Leo slashes it into two with one swing.

{Dungeon Boss Defeated. Objective Completed}

{Item Claimed: Venom Fang Blade (Damage +70) + Dermal Armour}

(Amazing, I've acquired its armor.)

"No way...he completed all this on his own. We were just holding him back."

Davis glares at Leo and starts to growl. A few minutes later, The Hunters all walk out of the Dungeon and the gate behind them disappears.

The News reporters come running in and snapping pictures and interviewing the hunters. Sherry stays in the back just searching for Leo.

In a Different Alleyway in South City, Leo is on a call with Kyouko.

"Great job in clearing the Dungeon. You did us a huge favor." Kyouko said.

"That's cool and all but please never ask me to lead a raid again."

"Will do."

Leo cuts the call.

"Don't you want to stay back there and busk in the glory?" Akari asked.

"No. And I just realized something, fame is a pain in the ass."

"You sound like a certain someone I know." Akari said while chuckling.

"I do." Leo said with a smile.

Elsewhere, Piper just sneezes out of the blue.

"Someone is talking about me."