First Raid in New Guild

At the same time Leo was recruited by the Lion's Guild, News about his joining rapidly spread across Shakunetsu. Every Guild began reacting to this news.

"That Bitch Katerina, She really does operate fast." Diego said.

"And I thought it would be fun having him around since he's cute. That witch Katerina." Hilda said.

"Humph, No Problem. An S-Rank Hunter or none won't hinder our work." Mylan said.

In the Fox Guild building, Juang Han holds the newspaper with a tight grip and in anger.

"So you decided to join the Lion's Guild...Leo..."


In Davis's Household.

"He joined the Lion's Guild?! How when no Guild wanted him before?!" Davis asked.

"Something must've definitely happened back in the Dungeon." Ava said.

"**Growls** Before he got strong he was always a nuisance now it's even worse now that he's strong." Davis said.

"Leo isn't bothering us or confronting us about the Dungeon Incident. I don't think there's any need to dwell on it." Ava said.

"No, If that Demonic Beast failed to put him down, then I'll gladly take on the job myself." Davis said.

In Lyam's Apartment, Lyam repacks his books while talking about the Dungeon in excitement.

"Amazing, The Lion's Guild managed to recruit Leo Howard. Now they have Piper Taylor and Leo Howard in the same team."

"..." Sherry is seated in silence on the couch with her right knee bent close to her chest.

"Babe, You don't look excited."

"Sorry, Lost in thought."

"Is it about your brother? Don't worry, my friends are finding out where he lives. You'll definitely get a chance to apologize." Lyam said.

"Right, Thanks, babe."

Back at the Lion's Guild, The staff members and Hunters have all surrounded Leo. The other hunters Murmur amongst themselves,

"We get to be working with that Leo Howard!!"

"That's Amazing!!"

"Everyone stop it, you're making Leo feel uncomfortable." Piper said.

"Vice Guildmaster, What's your relationship with Leo?" One of the Hunters asked.

"She's my friend." Leo said.

"Woah, Vice Guildmaster, you're friends with Leo Howard, That's amazing!!" The Hunter said.

Piper's face turns red and she starts to blush. She looks at Leo and says,

"Looks like you've taken Lion's Guild into consideration like I asked." Piper asked.

"Yeah, I look forward to working with you." Leo said.


Akari runs towards Leo and jumps on his back.

"Akari, Looks like I'll be working with you more often." Leo said.

"Akari, You know Leo too?" Piper asked.

"Yeah, He's my friend." Akari said.

"He's your friend too."

"**Smokes** Let me introduce you to the team. First, we have this uptight blonde here who is the Vice Guildmaster of the Lion's Guild, S-Rank Hunter Piper Taylor."

"I look forward to working with you too." Piper said.

"Second, This Guy's group is in charge of recruiting new hunters. The Lion's Guild Human Resources Function leader, Gabriel."

"Pleasure working with you, Leo Howard." Gabriel said while fixing his glasses.

"Third, Despite being D-Rank, She's the leader of the Intel team, Akari."


"Fourth, Not only is he a magazine model, but he's also an A-Rank Hunter, Eliott."

"Pleasure Leo-chan. Just so you know, I won't lose to you in the battle of magazine front covers." Eliott said.

(No, I don't want it. You can keep it.)

"Fifth, is the Third Seat of the team, Benimaru."

"I finally met you, Leo Howard. I just want to ask, how did you make the captain fall head over heels?" Benimaru asked.

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Benimaru you idiot!" Piper said.

Piper connects a hook sending Benimaru flying through walls.

"My, Now we need to call the repairman to fix the wall again, how many times has this happened?" Katerina asked.

Benimaru comes out of the rubble bleeding on his head.

"I don't care how you did it but just know I won't lose. I Benimaru declare you as my rival."

(You should get yourself treated first idiot.)

"Sixth, Is an A-Rank Tanker, Anton."

"Nice to meet you, Leo."

(He's huge!)

"Seventh, Is the A-Rank Healer, Maria."


"Eighth, The only Assassin type of this Guild, Klaus."

(Even with my sensing skills, I could not tell he was here until they introduced him.)

"And Ninth is Akari's senior, A-Rank Mage, Inessa."

"I look forward to working with you."

"And these are the staff of the Lion's Guild. Now I do hope you get used to your new team."

Later on, Piper drives Leo home in her automobile.

*Technically they live in the same building.

"How cruel, why didn't you tell me you were Akari's friend." Piper said.

"I didn't know you were on the same team. Wait, maybe she did tell me."

"Don't worry, I'm not mad."


"Thank you for considering the Lion's Guild. Now we can fight alongside." Piper said.


"Everyone in the Guild is friendly, but I always feel like I don't fit in. But with you, I feel at ease. Because you don't revere me but treat me as an equal. So thank you, Leo."

Leo stays silent for a few seconds and later lets off a gentle smile. Next Day, Leo wakes up on his bed with his body stretched, mouth drooling, and his blanket on the floor.

"Dang it, It's Monday."

Leo starts to do his morning exercises, brushes his teeth, takes a shower, and readies his coffee.

He receives a phone notification and when he looks he sees it's from Katerina.

Notification: An A+ Rank Dungeon just spawned in between the border of South City and West City. You'll be joining today's raid.

"Thank goodness I'm not the one leading it."

Leo starts to dress up and he puts on a white turtle neck shirt, black jeans, and white sneakers.

"Oh yeah, the Sheath I bought yesterday."

Leo picks the sheath up.

"Just for this sheath, It was 10,000 Telz. Equip Demon Blade Yagura."

{Item Equipped: Demon Blade Yagura}

"I don't want anyone catching on to my powers."

Leo sheaths the sword and places it on his back.

"I shouldn't use crazy spells like I did back in the previous Dungeons. I'm working with professionals. Time to go."

Leo puts on his white cloak and walks out of his apartment and sees Piper waiting for him at the entrance.

"Shall we go?"

"R-Right." (Why did she wait for me?)

A Few Minutes later, Leo and Piper arrive at the scene of the raid.

"Captain! Why are you guys coming together?!" Benimaru asked.

"Well, we're neighbors." Piper said.


"What's this guy's problem?" Leo asked.

"Damn it Leo, You really got one ahead of me. Just know I won't lose." Benimaru said.

(... Apart from this guy's annoyance, This is the first time I've joined a raid with such few numbers. One Tanker, One Healer, Two Mages, One Archer, One Assassin, and three Battle Hunters including myself.)

"Looks like you're all here." Katerina said.

"Guildmaster, What are you doing here?" Leo asked.

"Leading the raid Of course." Katerina said while smoking a cigarette.

(A Guildmaster leading the raid, this is the first for me.)

"Looks like we're working together again." Akari said with a gentle smile.

"Right." Leo responds with a smile.

"Let's go."

(This is a chance to see what my teammates are capable of.)

They all walk into the Dungeon and end up in a city engulfed in lava.

(A Change in Scenery?)

{Objective: Defeat 500 Enemies}

{Difficulty: A+}

(I see, the tough Dungeons have Difficulties in them.)

"Let's go gang."

The Demonic beasts come charging in for the Hunters. One of the beasts launches a blast and Anton steps forward and places his shield down blocking the blast.

"That attack can't do shit!"

[Anton _ A-Rank Tanker. Magic: Magical Shield Construction]

Klaus jumps into the shadows and appears before two Demonic beasts and decapitates them at the same time.

"No problem here."

[Klaus _ A-Rank Assassin. Magic: Shadow Manipulation]

Demonic beasts come flying at them and Akari and Inessa both cast a spell at the same time creating a large blast and blasting the beasts away.

"I finally cast it without mistakes!"

[Akari _ D-Rank Mage. Magic: Spell Caster]

"Good job Akari."

[Inessa _ A-Rank Mage. Magic: Spell Caster]

Others come flying for them but they get shot down by arrows.

"You really should pay attention."

[Booker _ A-Rank Archer. Magic: Wind]

"We were paying attention! We were going to kill them ourselves!" Inessa said.

Katerina sits on a rock smoking a cigarette while a Demonic Beast comes charging in for her. She touches the Demonic Beast and the Demonic Beast starts to heat up till it bursts.

"Can't I smoke in peace?"

[Katerina _ Guildmaster and S-Rank Hunter. Magic: Pyrokinesis]

Eliott summons up roots which suck the Demonic beasts dry of their mana.

"Wow, Even God knows that I'm beautiful and that he blessed me with such a beautiful power."

[Eliott _ Model and A-Rank Hunter. Magic: Briar]

Piper cloaks her sword and body and slashes all the Demonic beasts in a flash.

'Did Leo see that?'

[Piper Taylor _ Vice Guildmaster and S-Rank Hunter. Magic: Water Manipulation]

Benimaru leaps to the sky and strikes the Demonic beasts down with lightning.

"Humph, This is nothing!"

[Benimaru _ Third Seat and S-Rank Hunter. Magic: Lightning Manipulation]

(I See. It's sad that I possess all their magic.)

"What are you doing Leo? If you don't do anything, we'll finish off all the beasts." Benimaru said.

"Very well. I'll play with you a little."

{Speed Cutting Skill Activated}

Leo slashes all the Demonic beasts in a flash.



"Right, That's enough for the warm-up."

"But we still haven't Defeated the boss." Maria said.

"Which Boss?"

The Dungeon Boss appears but Katerina swings an uppercut burning it away.

"Amazing Guildmaster."

(This is my first raid since joining my new Guild. But if I plan on being on top, The Top 4 Guildmasters are who I should worry about. And the Demon Emperors.)