Distinguished Hunters gathering!

Later in Leo's apartment, Leo lies down on his couch with the television on and the news channel playing.

"Breaking News, Leo Howard clears an S-Rank Dungeon in a highway in South City all on his own. He's been a remarkable Hunter making the Lion's Guild's recruitment worthwhile." The News reporter said.

"To think the day I would hear my name in the news would come. Definitely not used to it."

Leo hears the doorbell ring. He walks up to the door and he sees Piper and Akari at his entrance.

"H-Hey." Piper gave her greetings while being bashful.

"Hey Leo!" Akari gave her greetings with energy behind it.

"You guys again."

"What do you mean you guys again?"

"You can come in."

"Hey, My question wasn't answered."

The two walk into Leo's apartment and Leo closes the door behind them.

"We heard you cleared an S-Rank Dungeon on your own. That was super amazing." Akari said.

"I just happened to be there." Leo said.