Joint Guild Raid

In the Serpent's Guild building, All the Hunters of the Serpent's first raid party have gathered in Diego's Office.

"Looks like all of you are here. Now we can get started." Diego said.

"What's with the sudden summons, Guildmaster?"

[Desmond _ A-Rank Hunter of the Serpents Guild]

"News from the Hunters Association, A SS-RANK Dungeon was discovered." Diego said.

"An SS-RANK Dungeon? The Highest we've raided was an S+ Rank Dungeon."

[Maeve _ A-Rank Healer of the Serpents Guild]

"We didn't gather to get spooked, we gathered to know how much fun we'll be having and how much money we'll be racking, right Guildmaster?"

[Conor _ A-Rank Tanker of the Serpents Guild]

"That's right. Though the fun is kind of ruined since the Fox Guild will be joining." Diego said.

"We'll just abandon if they hold us back. Isn't that your plan?"

[Ronan _ A-Rank Mage of the Serpents Guild]