Sea Demonic beasts

On the other side of the Fulki lake.

"Damn it! Team one is that Freak's team, right? I can't believe they got one ahead of us." Aanarsi said.


"I'm going to make sure that my skills skyrocket in this training. I'll become an S-Rank Hunter and maybe the Number One Guild will be eyeing me." Aanarsi said.

'Oh my gosh, I can't believe I'm on the same team with the Hunter I've been crushing on. Boran's Weekly Magazine Star, Aanarsi. Calm down Balika.' Balika fawns.

"Hey Slowpoke, Let's get a move on." Aanarsi said.

'Oh my gosh, he talked to me!'

'I can't have that freak stay ahead of me. I'll climb the ranks.' Aanarsi said.

On the other side of the lake. Ivy and Aakkuluk are walking around the forest.

'Tch, I can't even stand being next to him. Why did they have to pair me up with him?' Ivy asked.