Travel to Miura

The next day in the snowy region 30 km away from the Country of Miura. The Shakunetsu's National Intelligence Agents are on the move as they follow Han's footsteps through a heat rador. They arrive at the summit of the rocky mountain and are before the Assassins Guild quarters.

"The footsteps end here. More like, It was erased here," one of the Agents said.

"The Assassins Guild? Why?" the other agent asked.

"We won't know by just standing here. Let's go," the other Agent said.

They enter the building with their riffles ready but they see every assassin's corpse lying bloody on the ground.

In the Shakunetsu Hunters Association building...

"Members of the surveillance team and staff. I thank you for answering my summon. Well then, shall we get started with the board meeting," Daiichi said.

"What is this about, Chairman?" one of the staff asked.