
Inside the Oni Guild Hall...

"You're late, Storm," X said.

"I'm sorry X, there was something I had to take care of," Storm said.

"The Guildmaster summoned us and you went on to do your own things."

[Andrew _ Vice Commander of the Oni Guild and S-Rank Oni Guild Hunter]

"X-san stated that I could do whatever the hell I wanted. So stop trying to be my mother, Andrew," Storm said.

"Oho, looks like someone has grown much of a backbone from eight years ago."

[Ivanov _ Third Seat of the Oni Guild and S-Rank Tanker]

"Shut it, fatso," Storm said.

"Hey! Just because you're special doesn't mean you can talk to us however you wanted!"

[Natsu _ S-Rank Archer of the Oni Guild]

"Huh? You said something Loli?" Storm taunted.

"That damn brat. I'll let you know I'm 32 years old!" Natsu shouted.

"Well, calm down. He's here is he not."

[Lina _ S-Rank Healer of the Oni Guild]

"Tch." Andrew cursed.